Shannon Park News
December 2024
Acts of Character: Compassion
The Shannon Park Acts of Character Program revolves around teaching, promoting, recognizing and celebrating positive character traits in students. During the month of December, we will be focusing on the character trait of Compassion.
5th Grade Students Create Blankets for Homeless Shelter
For their Fall Party, 5th graders made Tie Blankets as a community service project. They worked together in groups, along with parent volunteers, to make around 25 blankets. These blankets will be donated to the Dakota Woodlands homeless shelter in Eagan. Our Kindness Council will welcome a Dakota Woodlands staff member at the January meeting to explain how the blankets were distributed and enjoyed.
Superintendent Bolsoni Visits Kindness Council
Superintendent Michael Bolsoni and Director of Elementary Education Jeremy Sorenson visited the 5th Grade Kindness Council to discuss the role of kindness in leadership. Mr. Bolsoni emphasized the importance of focusing on others' needs, highlighting that listening and thoughtful actions are key forms of kindness. He encouraged students to include and support others, fostering an environment where everyone can lead with kindness. The visit also featured a Q&A session, allowing students to engage directly with the school leaders. Shannon Park Elementary is grateful to have district leadership demonstrating and leading by example with kindness and care.
Site Council Sponsors Biztown Experience for Students
Fifth graders experienced a day at Junior Achievement’s Biztown on Thursday, November 21st. Students worked together to operate businesses, earn paychecks, and create a successful economy. Prior to attending, students completed job applications, filled out resumes, wrote business advertisements, learned how to manage a checking account, and wrote letters to be delivered at Biztown. The day ran smoothly and successfully! We are thankful to all of our parent volunteers that joined us that day, and to the Shannon Park Site Council for sponsoring the event.
Dress for Cold Weather Season
As we enter the cold weather season, please plan to send your student to school prepared to go outside. Boots, hats, gloves/mittens, and snow pants are going to be necessary very soon! (Please label clothing so we can get it back to your child if it is lost!). If your family is in need of any of these items, please reach-out to Shannon Park School Social Worker, Sari Malterud (sari.malterud@district196.org). We plan to send students outside for recess each day unless the “feels like” temperature is at or below zero degrees.
School Spirit Day: Fancy/Formal Day - Friday, Dec. 13
Kindness Council helps create the spirit days each year and invites all students and staff to participate in "Fancy / Formal Day" on Friday, December 13. Students are invited to dress up!
Student iPad Updates
All student iPads need to be updated to OS 18.1
- Student iPads should be updated at home
- iPads at 18.0.1 should be updated to 18.1 because it fixes an issue some iPads have with the camera reading QR codes.
Click below for instructions to update iPads:
Logging into Clever at Home Video
Some of the most common apps for elementary students must be accessed by first logging into the Clever App. Here is a video demonstrating how K-5 learners utilize Clever for quick and easy access to all of their digital learning tools. Those Apps include, but are not limited to: i-Ready (math), Amplify (science), and Seesaw (K-3). Other Apps will be accessed by just clicking on the app on the iPad. Those Apps include, but are not limited to: Epic! (ebooks), Schoology (4th/5th), Khan Kids. Logging into Clever at Home Video
Report Absences or Changes of Schedule
Please remember to report all absences and changes of schedules by calling 651-423-7670 during school hours or by submitting a form here.
LifeTouch Offers Additional Discount
As a token of appreciation, Lifetouch is offering parents discounts on school photography!
- 50% off a purchase of $50+ with code USNOV50
- 40% off a purchase of $40+ with code USNOV40
- 30% off a purchase of $30+ with code USNOV30
Valid through 12/1/24
To order, log in to your account on mylifetouch.com or create an online account. Don't forget to order your FREE Digital SmileSafe card! More about the Smilesafe program here.
We have been busy in Preschool with our new nature unit. We have been observing the changes happening outside and we have been learning how those changes will impact us and how we dress for being outside. With some rainy days, we have been able to have some fun in the gym. The parachute is a favorite activity. We have been learning about measuring and how to compare different objects we have been finding out in nature. Our dramatic play area is dinosaurs and the scientists who have visited dinosaur land have found some great fossils in the sand. We have begun one of our favorite activities of the year, pet rocks. The children have selected, decorated, and named their pet rocks. We look forward to more pet rock fun in December.
December 2: Site Council Meeting @ 8:00a.m.
December 6: Report Cards Posted
December 10: DaCapo Choir Concert @ 6:30p.m.
December 13: School Spirit Day - Fancy / Formal Day
December 18: SP Fundraiser @ Las Tortillas Mexican Restaurant (3:00-9:00p.m.)
December 20: Winter Party Day
December 23-January 1: No School - Winter Break
January 2: School Resumes
SP Night at Las Tortillas Mexican Restaurant: Dec. 18
Shannon Park Site Council
Contact Us
Email: sp.attendance@district196.org
Website: https://sites.google.com/apps.district196.org/shannonpark/home
Location: 13501 Shannon Parkway, Rosemount, MN 55068, USA
Phone: 651-423-7670
Twitter: @ourshannonpark
District 196 School Board Officers and Directors
District 196 Nondiscrimination Notice
District 196 prohibits illegal discrimination, including sex discrimination, in any education program or activity that it operates. Individuals may report concerns or questions to the Title IX Coordinator. The notice of nondiscrimination is located at District196.org.