Summit Virtual Academy
Weekly Update - Week of January 09, 2023
Home Stretch
Happy Holidays, Blackhawks! I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday season, and is feeling refreshed and ready to finish strong. We are in the final weeks of the semester. It is important to be mindful of exams (for secondary students) and course progress. There are important reminders and information listed below regarding the end of the semester and upcoming NWEA testing, along with upcoming dates.
Mrs. Koslowski
Summit Virtual Academy Principal
Mr. Belluomo
Summit Virtual Academy Counselor
Winter NWEA Testing
- Grades K-8: WHEN: Monday, January 23, 8:00am - 11:00am. WHERE: ITech Building. WHAT TO BRING: chromebook and charger
- Grades 9-10: WHEN: Monday, January 23, 12:00pm - 2:00pm. WHERE: ITech Building. WHAT TO BRING: chromebook and charger
- Make Up: Tuesday, January 24 at the same times listed above there will be a make up session offered. The testing window closes on January 27, so this is the last date to complete the test
- Questions: If you have questions, please contact the office at 248-627-1820 or Christine Hogarth at
End of Semester
Final Exam/Course Tests
Summer Camp Opportunity for High School Students Through Lawrence Technical University
Once students register for camps, LTU will pull a full list of registrants and identify which students are from your high schools. They will reach out individually and invoice the students one by one for their camp at the half-off rate.
If you are interested in attending one of these summer camp, please contact the office so that we can work with you to either nominate your student for one of two free spots or to apply the 50% off that all registrants are eligible for.
OSTC Options for 2023
Upcoming Dates and Events:
- January 16 - No School for in person students and teachers
- Week of January 23 - End of first marking period/exams
- February 8 - BHS counselors present scheduling information at BMS for 8th graders
- February 15, All Day - Link Crew Orientation for incoming freshmen at BHS
- February 16, 7:00pm - Virtual Parent Meeting for incoming freshman regarding scheduling
- Monday, February 20 - Tuesday, February 21 _ Mid Winter Break
Food Pantry For Those in Need
Brandon School District School Closing Guidelines
Reminder of Expectations
- Expect your student to work for roughly 45-60 minutes per day, per course
- By now, you should have been reached out to by a counselor regarding your course progress. These will happen once a week. It is extremely important that you respond to communication. Please note that the student needs to respond and be in communication, not just the parent(s).
- Your main point of contact for content specific questions is your course instructor. If you need help doing so, don't hesitate to reach out to us at 248-627-1820.
Parent/Student Resources
Link for elementary overview:
Instructional Model overview for online learning (last page has links embedded to parent orientation presentations):
Counseling Corner
- Mr. Belluomo -
Brandon School District's Summit Virtual Academy
Location: 1025 South Ortonville Road, Ortonville, MI, USA
Phone: 248-627-1820