Highlander Happenings
January 10, 2025
Thomas McKean High School
Principal's Corner
McKean School Community,
I hope everyone has had a chance to relax and enjoy some quality time with family and friends over the holiday break. The start of school, after a significant break, always provides a good opportunity to re-establish a focus on learning. January brings a fresh start for each of us and is always a time we set goals and prioritize for the year. We are no different at school. Winter sports are heating up at McKean and several teams are working toward conference championships and the playoffs. I also wanted to share that it is not too late for students join a variety of extracurricular activities. Many of our clubs are still accepting new members.
Finally, we are now into the long stretch before state assessments begin and it is during this time we see the most growth from students. So, we will be helping students look at their mid-year progress, and working hard to meet the challenges that come with change, in addition to preparing our students for whatever path to college and career that they may choose. One thing for sure, we know how to do hard things at McKean and we know we can achieve our goals.
We A.R.E McKean
Important Dates
Highlander Counselors Updates
PSAT9, PSAT10 & SAT Testing Day
March 11th for 9th, 10th, and 11th graders.
Red Clay Updates
The Red Clay Consolidated School District is launching an initiative as part of its 5-year Strategic Plan to review and improve programming and balance enrollment at our secondary schools.
The first meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at 6:00 PM
• Committee members will be contacted with the details.
• Additional meeting dates will be provided at this meeting.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact us at amy.jefferson@redclay.k12.de.us. Thank you for your interest and support as we work together to ensure equitable opportunities for all students in our district.
PTO Updates
Happy New Year. Our next open PTO meeting is Wednesday 1/22 at 6pm. The Millcreek Fire Company is coming to educate on fire safety. Enjoy some PIZZA and community!
Class Advisor Information
Class of 2025
Senior Dues $50
Dues need to be paid for students to attend prom, their senior class trip, and/or participate in graduation. Dues can be paid to Ms. Bianco in the main office.
Class of 2026
Junior Dues $30
Dues need to be paid for students to attend prom, their senior class trip, and/or participate in graduation. Dues can be paid to Ms. Bianco in the main office.
Class of 2027
Academic Updates
AVID Corner!
Avid Trip to Sixers Game
AVID took a trip to The Wells Fargo Center on Dec 4th
Highlander Athletics
The McKean Wrestling team won the Delco Dual meet tournament with a 3-0 record. We had wins against Cardinal O’Hara, Academy Park, and Archbishop Carroll
All Tickets for McKean Boys Basketball games must be purchased online using the link below. No tickets will be sold at the gate and all tickets will be $5 for General Admission (This includes JV/Varsity). There will be no entry after halftime. No hats, hoods, or facial coverings - No re-entry - Ticket sales close at 2:45 on gameday. Failure to comply with the DIAA spectator code of conduct will result in removal from the game and campus.
DIAA Spectator Code of Conduct
- Be informed of the playing rules of the sport.
- Appreciate a good play regardless of who makes it.
- Cooperate with the cheerleaders and do not interfere with their cheers.
- Show concern for an injured athlete regardless of team affiliation.
- Do not taunt, jeer or attempt to distract the members of the opposing team.
- Avoid the use of profanity and derogatory or disrespectful yells, chants, songs or gestures.
- Refrain from offensive or unruly behavior which reflects poorly on the school you are supporting.
- Respect school property and the authority of school officials. Remember you are a guest of the host school.
- Do not publicly criticize the coaches or athletes for the loss of a contest.
- Respect the contest official and accept their decisions with out public protest. Recognize that without them we do not have a game.
Failure to comply with McKean's Procedures and Policies along witht the DIAA Code of Conduct may result in your removal from the athletic contest.
Climate and Culture
Highlander Family,
It’s hard to believe that the end of this month also brings us to the close of the second marking period– time truly flies!
I’d like to remind everyone that hats, hoods, and ski masks are not permitted inside the building. Parents, please take a moment this weekend to speak with your students about following this policy while at school. We will continue to enforce this rule daily and begin giving students consequences if they do not comply.
I hope everyone is feeling healthy, happy, and motivated as we continue the school year on a strong note. Our climate and culture team is here to support every student daily. Should you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact Mr. Quig at the school or via email.
Warm regards,
Mr. Quig
Assistant Principal
Hetrich Cash for Class
Highlander Highlights
Staff Jersey Day! Represent your team.
Best Buddies and Special Olymics
McKean Best Buddies club members enjoying the Best Buddies Delaware Holiday Party at Cafe Riviera!
CTE Spotlight
Some of our Lil Highlanders exploring real snow in the sensory table after reading Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What do you Hear?" We brought the snow day in to them!
Music at McKean
Grateful for the incredible collaboration between Dr. Chrystal Haas, Mr. Kevin Reeves, and Mr. Vince Lardear from AIHS, at McKean tonight! Your dedication to creating meaningful opportunities for students, alumni, and staff was truly inspiring. It was amazing to witness how each individual was valued and uplifted. And a special shoutout to Dr. Haas for her 100th concert— the students looked absolutely exceptional!
Celebrating Winter Spirit Week!
McKean staff and students wore their most festive pajamas, sweaters, NYE, and winter white outfits the week before break!