Irving Elementary
April/May Wrap-Up
Note From Mr. Everett
School can be tough. There will be times when a challenging math problem makes your head spin, or a school project seems like an impossible mountain to climb. That's where perseverance comes in!
Think of perseverance like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. Here's why perseverance is your secret weapon for school success:
Conquering Challenges: Everyone faces setbacks, but those who persevere learn from their mistakes, adjust their approach, and keep pushing forward.
Building Confidence: When you tackle a tough task and succeed, it's a huge confidence booster. Perseverance shows you that you're capable of more than you think, and that feeling empowers you to take on even bigger challenges.
Unlocking Potential: Sometimes, giving up feels easier. But by persevering, you push yourself beyond your comfort zone and discover hidden talents and abilities. You might find you're a whiz at coding after struggling through the first few lessons, or that your writing skills take flight with consistent practice.
So, how can you persevere?
Find Your "Why": What motivates you? Is it getting into your dream college, or simply the satisfaction of a job well done? Reminding yourself of your goals can help you stay focused during tough times.
Break it Down: Large tasks can be overwhelming. Break down big projects into smaller, more manageable steps. This makes them less daunting and allows you to celebrate your progress along the way.
Seek Support: Don't be afraid to ask for help from teachers, tutors, or classmates. Talking through challenges and getting different perspectives can give you the boost you need to keep going.
Celebrate Every Win: Acknowledge your accomplishments, big or small. This reinforces the positive feelings associated with perseverance and motivates you to keep striving.
Students of the Month for "Perseverance"
3rd-5th grade students of the month.
Kindergarten through 2nd grade students of the month.
April Classes of the Month for 3rd-5th
April Classes of the Month for K-2nd
Mrs. Dougherty's 4th grade, Mr. Keller's 5th grade, Ms. Swanson's 2nd grade and Ms. Strange's 2nd grade tied for "Class of the Month" in April. The were recognized for perseverance.
Volunteer of the Year
Leah Hill has volunteered at Irving for the last five years. Leah has contributed to helping both students and staff. Thank you for your dedication and willingness to help! We appreciate it so much!
Irving Scholarship Awarded
Releasing Butterflies with Mrs. Abernathy in the Perenial Garden.
Exploration Day Fun
Students creating origami in Mrs. Nihart's room.
Students working on Zentangle during Exploration Day in Mrs. Kadau's room.
Playing Disney karoke and trivia with Mr. Wolfe and Ms. Monica.
Earth Day Trees
First Graders received trees to plant from the Winfield Recreation Commission in honor of Earth Day!
K/1/2 learned a song called " Five Green and Speckled Frogs" this month and sang while they tried to hop frogs into the pond.
Mrs. Orr's Lunch Buddies
Mrs. Orr's students have been earning lunch with her all year long for following CHAMPS procedures and earning points on their Class Dojo. Above is the last Friday lunch crew!
Battle of the Books
William Allen White Challenge in the Library
Several students worked very hard this year to read all the William Allen White challenge books in order to qualify to be on the Battle of the Books team. Lexy Gray, Emma Robinson, Emma Norris, Kendyl Higdon and Ashlynn Wall placed 5th at our annual Battle of the Books held at Lowell Elementary. They should be so proud of all they have accomplished!
Kiss the Farm Animal Day
Irving PTO sponsored a "Kiss the Farm Animal" day. Students placed donations into containers of teachers that they wanted to see kiss a farm animal. The lucky winners were: Mrs. Wilson, Ms. Ali, Nurse Aly, and Mr. Everett. Proceeds from the fundraiser will be put toward building a complete fence around our school playground.
Winfield Masons Award Student Achievement Awards
Boston Coffman and Maggie Jones were presented achievement awards from the Winfield Masons. Mrs. McNutt won a teacher award from the Masons. Staff were able to nominate a student in the 5th grade or a staff member who has shown exemplary achievement. Congratulations!
Two representatives from the Winfield Arts & Humanities and the William Newton Heathcare Foundation presented certificates to students who won or had honorable mention in the 2024 drawing contest. Students were challenged to draw about how to recognize and help someone who is struggling. This contest was also sponsored by USD 465. Winning students will be honored at a reception on May 14th, from 5:30-6:30 at the Winfield Arts & Humanities-700 Gary Street. (Baden Square)
Ms. Jo from the Winfield Public Library visited with students about all the fun activities that will be happening this summer at the library! Please take advantage of all of these programs for your child. They are free and will keep your students engaged all summer long. If you have questions please feel free to call us at Irving 221-5104 or see Ms. Jo at the Winfield Public Library, 605 College Street.
5th Graders Count Down
Fifth graders had fun counting down the days until sixth grade by participating in "Bubbles and Shades". Students had fun wearing their shades and spending time playing with bubbles outside. We wish all of our fifth graders the best as they move on to middle school!
Chance to Win Half a Hog
½ Hog Drawing to support Irving’s Outdoor Classroom!
Tickets: $5 each or 5 for $20 2 chances to win!!
Contact the Irving office at (620)221-5140, stop by the office in person, or send name, phone number,
and money to school with your child.
Drawing Date: August 12, 2024 (Winners will be notified by phone.)
***A special thank you to Hafenstein Farms and Cedar Vale Meat Locker!!!
The Irving Outdoor Classroom committee is raffling off a hog in August. There will be two winners chosen each receiving a half of hog. Processing has graciously been donated by Cedar Vale Lockers. The drawing will take place on August 12th and winners will be notified. Please call or stop by the office at Irving anytime over the summer if you would like to buy tickets. Proceeds from this fundraiser will be going toward our greenhouse.