The Rossman Report
Family Newsletter - HAPPY SUMMER
Dear Rossman Families
THANK YOU for an AMAZING school year! I can't believe how this year has flown by. I am continually reminded of the incredible community of students, parents, and families that support our work at Rossman. I am deeply grateful for your collaboration and vested interest in your student's success.
Have a safe and fun summer break!
Sails Up!
Mrs. Sternberg
Congratulations Mrs. Gilson & Mrs. Green!
Laker Ticket Winners!
Students demonstrating Kind - Safe - Ready expectations might be awarded with a Laker Ticket from a staff member.
Each week, students turn in their Laker Tickets for a chance to be drawn and recognized for their work on meeting expectations.
Congratulations to this week's Laker Ticket Winners pictured below!
Laker Leader Awards
Classrooms can receive Laker Way Awards for following Kind - Safe - Ready expectations in different areas of the building.
When a class earns 10 Laker Way Awards, they are recognized as Laker LEADERS!
Congratulations to the Laker LEADERS this week!
Mrs. Gilson's 4th Grade
Rossman Summer Office Hours
May 24-June 7, 9:00-3:00
August 19-30, 9:00-3:00
*By appointment - email administrative assistant, LaCarra Larson, to set up a time lacarralarson@detlakes.k12.mn.us
What Can We Do to Support Learning in the Summer?
- Read aloud with your child - Take turns reading a sentence or a page
- Encourage independent reading - Set aside time to read or look at books each day
- Model reading - Parents and families set the example for good reading habits
- Discuss what you read - Have a book club at the dinner table and talk about a great book you're reading
- Speak with your child using full sentences, and often. Use a variety of vocabulary and make learning new words fun.
- Visit the library - The Detroit Lakes Library has many events and activities for kids this summer!
- Provide a variety of reading materials - Have your student read recipes, news articles, menus, travel brochures, signs, anything with words!
- Celebrate progress - Set a reading goal this summer and have a little family celebration when you achieve it!
- Encourage your student to use math skills whenever possible
- Money - Time - Fractions
- Calculate the total at the grocery store
- Practice working with fractions while baking
- Add up the miles you will travel on a family trip. How long will it take if we drive an average of ____ miles per hour? How much will it cost to fill up the car with gas?
- Use analog clocks whenever possible and ask your students a variety of questions about time
Principal in the Park!
ALL kids and families are invited to come to the Gazebo at City Park to see Mrs. Sternberg, listen to a story or two, and get a FREE book!
Tell your friends!
TIME: 11:00-12:00 PM (If it rains, the event will be held at Rossman in the Media Center).
Students must be accompanied by a care giver.
Order School Supplies for Next Year with School Tool Box!
Parents - You can hit the "easy button" and order your school supplies for next year through School Tool Box. Read the flyer below for more information, then click the link to place an order.
Supplies will be delivered to Rossman in August and will be in your student's classroom for back-to-school Open House.
Rossman Supplies List
Click the link below for supplies 24-25
CCAP Information for Families
Link to the Summer Sail brochure.
Laker Shop SALE - Click Link to the Website Below
Community Happenings & Events
DL Community Education Winter/Spring Brochure
Laker Girls Basketball Summer Registration 2024
2024 Detroit Lakes Summer Boys Basketball
June Camp Only: $60 ($70 after May 24)
July Skills Only: $50 ($60 after May 24)
Both: $100 ($115 after May 24)
Payment Options: -Paypal: DLboyshoops@gmail.com (please note player name) -Bring cash or check (payable to DL Boys Travel Basketball) to the middle school office with “DL Boys Bball” name on the envelope. - Mail cash or check (payable to DL Boys Travel Basketball) to DL Boys Bball at 557 Pelican River Rd. Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
What are Game Days? We want/need our players to play on their own, not just at structured times with coaches. This is a skill that needs to be learned (how to make teams, call fouls, keep score, rotate players, etc). We also know kids enjoy playing games so we have set aside Thursdays for game days. We will have supervision and coaching guidance, but we hope this is as player-led as possible. It gets better each week with opportunity and practice! Families are welcome to any skills sessions or game day sessions.
Speed & Agility Camps
Registration Link: https://truesportsperformance.com/performance-training
Information About Hosting a Scholarship Student
Kind - Safe - Ready -- LAKER Fun Day!
This week our students celebrated making their Laker Ticket goal with a Laker Fun Day! THANK YOU to our amazing volunteers who ran some of the activities for our students .
Mr. Mike Daly - Geocaching
Mrs. Diane Lanoue - Yoga & Dance
Mrs. Carly Pedersen - Strength & Cardio
Links & Information
Parents and caregivers - if your child is working through anxious moments, this website may be a helpful resource for you: SPACE - Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions
Need a ride to activities or school? Call Becker County Transit 218-847-1674
Shop for Laker Gear
Stay In Touch...
Email: esternberg@detlakes.k12.mn.us
Website: https://rs.dlschools.net/
Location: 1221 Rossman Avenue, Detroit Lakes, MN, USA
Phone: (218) 847-9268
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DetroitLakesPublicSchools
Twitter: @DLPublicSchools