January Parent Newsletter
Students of the Month
Dear Manvel Families,
We hope that everyone enjoyed the holiday break and found time to relax! We are extremely excited to kick off the second half of the year with all of our students. We are grateful for the staff, parents, families, and students that make Manvel a wonderful place to learn and grow.
We will take time to reconnect with our students and review our routines and expectations.
Our teachers will be assessing all students throughout the month of January/February. We use this assessment data to guide future instruction and provide appropriate interventions as needed. We will continue as collaborative groups to review student data and collaborate with one another to meet each student's individual needs.
Sarah Stevens
Winter is here!
Please send your child with winter gear daily that will keep them warm and dry outside. Children go outside for recess daily and sometimes for PE. Even if they don't go outside, they need their winter gear for the bus. Thank you!
Important Dates in January!
January SEL Skill ~ Trustworthy
Thursday, January 2nd ~ School resumes for 2025
Friday, January 3rd~ 7th Grade Frostfire Ski Trip(rescheduled date)
Friday, January 10th ~ Connections!
Friday, January 10th ~ End of 2nd Quarter
Monday, January 13th ~ Board Meeting 5:00pm
Monday, January 20th ~ NO SCHOOL- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Wednesday, January 24th ~ 8th Grade Career Exploration Day 8-12
Staff of the Month
Miss Kendal
School Cancellation:
School Cancellation and Postponement Procedures
As a school district, our decisions related to inclement weather are:
1) Have School as Planned;
2) Partial Day (Start Late/Leave Early)
3) Close school
4) Virtual School
- Delay the start time in our school by two (2) hours. School: Start time is at 10:20.
- Morning Mustangs: Start time is 9:30, so school starts at 10:20.
- Breakfast will not be served.
- Students will not be marked tardy due to a late start.
The decision to close or delay school will be made as early as possible. Announcements will be made on the Manvel webpage, Remind, and Manvel social media- Facebook & Instagram. Announcements will also be made on local radio and TV stations.
Manvel will be using our automated calling system to call staff and families if school is delayed or canceled due to severe weather conditions.
Parents/Guardians may always exercise their right to keep students home or pick them up early during stormy conditions.
Kids Heart Challenge:
Mr. Pederson reviewed the flyer posted below with students in their gym class. This will also be coming home with your child/children. They will be bringing it home today or tomorrow. We will watch a video in their classroom that discusses the importance of healthy hearts.
Our Kids Heart Challenge(Jump Ropes for Heart) runs for January 13th-January 31st!
Please consider supporting this great cause.