Mustang Express
Globally Engaged - Compassionate - Life Long Learners
Volume 5 September 20, 2024
As we work toward developing an environment at Shepherd that embodies kindness, equity, diversity, and inclusion, we will continue to receive support from the DCPS Equity Team. This team comprises staff trained to lean into schools when alleged incidents of hate or bias occur.
Please read the plans for this coming week to bring students, staff, and families from all grades together to address the recent incidents that have caused harm to the Shepherd community.
- The DCPS Becoming Team will facilitate our September Strong Start meeting with students at 8:55 a.m. on Tuesday, September 24th. This Strong Start is only for Students and Staff. 5th Grade families will be able to attend Strong Start in October when 5th grade will host.
- All staff members will join a professional development session led by the DCPS Equity Team on Tuesday, September 24th.
- The Becoming Team will facilitate our morning Strong Start meetings across 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades on Wednesday, September 25th.
- The Equity Team will host an in-person workshop for all Shepherd families focused on "How to talk about race." The workshop will begin at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 26th.
- For families who cannot attend on September 26th, a virtual workshop option will be held on Thursday, October 3rd. More information on how to join that session will be shared with families in the coming days.
As we continue to grow in our work with Transcend, review their shared mission and vision, as well as the components of Strong Start that will be implemented in every homeroom.
Mission & Vision
Transcend is made up of a diverse team of educators, innovators, and changemakers with experience as school and system leaders, working towards a vision where all young people learn in ways that enable them to thrive in and transform the world. The organization is unified in the mission to support school communities to create and spread extraordinary, equitable learning environments.
For many, school represents a place that was built for one kind of person: the child that sits still all day listening to a teacher at the front of the room. The truth is that the school design most communities have inherited is over a century old, built for a different time, to face different challenges.
The future demands something different. Activating this transformational change requires shifts, or Leaps for Equitable, 21st-Century Learning, that enable learners to realize their infinite potential.
Strong Start Morning Meeting
Strong Start is a set of rituals and routines that get students ready to learn by fostering a sense of safety, belonging, community, and self-efficacy. The routines begin as students enter the classroom and continue through morning meeting. Students must be taught the routines at the start of the school year and provided with extensive practice opportunities for Strong Start to run smoothly. When running smoothly, the group portion should not be longer than 15 minutes. The Strong Start morning routine includes the following components, seen in this overview video.
International Baccalaureate Program
IB Learner Profile Attribute of the Month:
We show empathy, compassion, and respect. We have a commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and the world around us.
IB Approach to Learning Skill of the Month:
Social Skills
This month, Shepherd Mustangs Celebrate:
- Hispanic Heritage Month
- Global Goals Day
IB Evaluation
What is the IB Evaluation?
- It is a reflective process that involves the entire school community
- Assesses whether a school continues to meet the requirements of the IB
- Supports school’s efforts in continuing the delivery of the programme
- Results in next steps for future plans and actions
Important IB Evaluation Dates
- Phase 1: Three IB units due by October 10th
- Phase 2: Self-Study Begins October 15th and Ends December 13th
- Phase 3: IB Visit from February 26th - 27th
Meet Mrs. Bisle
Since September 16th, Ms. Amani Bisle has taken over the 4th grade ELA class until we can welcome a new teacher for the class.
Mrs. Bisle has been an educator for ten years and joined the Shepherd Mustang family in 2023 as the Multilingual Learners Teacher (MLL). She has experience teaching 4th and 5th grade and has also served as an interventionist and special education teacher. The academic support staff, including math and ELA teacher leaders, Ms. Romero and Ms. Weng, will also support Mrs. Bisle.
Recognizing the challenges that staffing inconsistencies bring to our learning environments, especially considering this week’s concerning incident; I want to thank you for your patience and your continued support. During this time, Shepherd leadership will provide additional attention to 4th grade students and staff during lunch, recess, and transitions. In addition, DCPS will provide coaching to establish routines, support behavior management, and reset norms and expectations.
School-Wide Communication
As a reminder, Remind has been phased out. Please sign-up to Class Dojo to stay connect to school communications.
Arrival & Dismissal
Pre-K 3: Jonquil Entrance
Pre-K 4, Kindergarten, and CES: Main Courtyard Side Door
First Grade - Fifth Grade: Main Entrance
The cone lane on 14th is reserved for drop-off ONLY. If you are using the drop-off lane, PLEASE do not exit your vechile so that we can ensure that we can keep the lane following. Please do not stop in the middle of the lane. Instead, we would appreciate you driving all the way towards the end of the lane before releasing your student(s) from the vehicle. Staff will be out side to assist.
Parents who wish to escort their students to the Main Courtyard, MUST park across the street. Parking is prohibited directly in front of the school building during school hours.
Please be reminded that morning arrival ends at the Main Door for parents. Parents will not be able to escort students to class.
Late Arrival
Students arriving after 8:50 AM will be marked tardy.
Dismissal begins promptly at 3:15 PM.
PreK 3: Jonquil Entrance
PreK 4, and CES: Main Courtyard Side Door
Kindergarten: Main Entrance
First and Second: Main Courtyard
Third - Fifth: Jonquil Side of the building
All Pre K - 2nd Grade students MUST be signed out each day.
To aide with the flow of traffic during dismissal, there will not be a carpool lane this school year.
Late Pick-Up
As a reminder, our instructional school day ends at 3:15 PM. All students not in an afterschool program (Ex. SESSA, clubs, etc.) are expected to be picked up at that time. Dismissal ends at 3:30 PM.
The following procedures will be followed for students not picked up by 3:30 PM:
1. First Offense - Main Office will contact the parent/guardian reminding them of the dismissal policy.
2. Second Offense - Administration will contact the parent/guardian reminding them of the dismissal policy. Families will receive a letter.
3. Third Offense - DC Child and Family Services can be contacted.
As it is never the intent, DCPS recommends that Child and Family Services (CFSA) be contacted when children are continuously left at school past 3:30 PM.
Lets continue to work collaboratively as a community to ensure all students are safe!
Early pick-up for students end at 2:45 PM. After that time, students will not be release until 3:15 PM, as teachers and students are transitioning and wrapping up for the day.
Shepherd Mustangs are NUT-FREE
Please do not pack or send any products containing nuts (peanuts or tree nuts) to school.
Thank You for helping to keep our students safe.
DCIAA Sports SY 24 - 25
We are excited about expanding our sport options. This school year, we will have the following sports:
Co-Ed Cheer (Winter 2024)
Boy's Basketball (Winter 2024)
Co-ed Soccer (Spring 2025)
Please contact AP Coles at shamayne.coles@k12.dc.gov if you are interested in coaching basketball or soccer this year.
Volunteer Clearance
Farm Application
Health Forms and Immunizations
Upcoming Dates 📆
Sept. 18: PTO Meeting
Sept. 20: BOY Window Closes
Sept. 24: School-Wide Strong Start Assembly (For Students & Staff)
Sept. 24: Staff Meeting
Oct. 8: Staff Meeting
Oct. 9: National Walk to School Day
Oct. 10: Parent Teacher Conference (No School for Students)
Oct. 11: Professional Develop Day (No School for Students)
Oct. 14: Indigenous People's Day (No School for Students)
Oct. 16: PTO Meeting
Oct. 20: Fall Fest
Oct. 31: Book-A-Ween Parade
"60/40"Attendance Policy
Attendance Form Link
Please use this link to assist with submitting excuse notes for student absences.
Stay Connected!
Main Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
AP Coles: shamayne.coles@k12.dc.gov
Ms. Wilson, Main Office: Brenda.wilson@k12.dc.gov
Ms. Offor, MSL: Uchenna.offor@k12.dc.gov
School Phone: (202) 576-6140