Arts In Education
Lee County Schools Winter 2024
LCS Supports a Comprehensive Arts Education
Our Mission
Our Vision
A note from the liaisons
The winter season has been busy with a variety of arts activities... from December and January performances to February district collaborations. LCS Arts Education is active and making a positive difference in Lee County Schools and the greater community!
It's in the data!
"Analysis showed that students engaged in music programs outperformed their peers on every indicator: grade-point average, graduation rate, ACT scores, attendance and discipline referrals. Overall, the study demonstrated that the more a student participates in music, the more positive these benefits become."
We hope you enjoy this issue of Arts In Education.
Amy Salter and Wendy Bryant
Holiday Highlights
LCS K-12 Holiday Card Contest
Schools throughout the district participated in the annual Holiday Card Contest.
Congratulations to all the winners! Thank you to all of the participants.
High School Winner, Melissa B., a junior at Lee Early College
Middle School Winner, Jesse P., 7th grader at West Lee Middle
3-5 Winner, Shirley M, 5th grader at JR Ingram Elementary
K-2 Winner, Cameryn P., Kindergartener WB at Wicker Elementary
Runner up, Audrey R., 5th grader at J Glenn Edwards Elementary
Runner up, Katherine E., 10th grader at SLHS
JR Ingram Elementary Carolers
BT Bullock Elementary
San Lee Middle
West Lee Middle
East Lee Middle
Southern Lee High School theatre
Lee County High School's Show Choir
East Lee Middle School and The Crown Coliseum!
The East Lee Middle School Band performed during the second intermission of the Marksmen hockey game in January
Congratulations, Mr. Wilkins!
Mr. Wilkins, LCHS band director was chosen to be the guest conductor for the Southeastern District 2024 9-10 band!
District Visual Arts and the Temple Theatre
The Sanford Brush and Palette Club's Art Gallery at the Temple Theatre is hosting LCS K-12 visual arts students from February 20-March 18. Stop by and see the work during shows or box office hours. We appreciate our community Arts partners!
Schools participating include Broadway, Tramway, WB Wicker, BT Bullock, JG Edwards, JR Ingram, Deep River, Bragg St, West Lee, East Lee, San Lee, LCHS, SLHS
LCS and State Employees Credit Union
Thank you to the State Employees Credit Union for displaying student work at the Spring Lane and Bragg St. Branches. We value your partnership!
West Lee Middle School , Spring Lane Branch
West Lee Middle School, Spring Lane Branch
Floyd L. Knight, Spring Lane Branch
Visual Arts District Collaboration
In February, Southern Lee High School, Lee County High School and West Lee Middle School visited Pre-K schools to lead and assist in art making activities. This opportunity allowed all students to experience the process of creating while discovering differences and similarities that art provides at different developmental stages. Art forms connections that transcend differences.
Artwork will be selected from the three Pre-K schools to be on display at the Mann Center (Lee County Arts Council Visual Arts Show) from March 9-17 and Lee County Schools Festival Of The Arts on April 27 from 2:30-5:30 at WB Wicker Elementary.
Floyd L Knight Pre-K
Southern Lee High School students from Ms. Appanaitis's and Ms. Manning's 1st block visual arts classes led a hands-on art activity at FLK with pre-k students. Sunflowers!
"I think this was a great learning experience for our students as well as the high school students. Everyone seemed to enjoy it."
Mrs. Allen, FLK principal
Warren Williams Pre-K
Lee County High School students from Mr. Wells' and Ms. Coyne's visual arts classes give a thumbs up for leading this fun painting activity.
"Our preschoolers were very exited to learn and work with the high school students."
Mrs. Huffer, FLK principal
Broadway Elementary Pre-K
Young Authors Visual Arts State Winner
Congratulations to Sam D. from East Lee Middle School!
Sanford Brush and Palette Club Grant
Tramway Elementary Art Club
Visual Arts Retirees
Mrs. Elizabeth Schrull
Mrs. Schrull, visual arts teacher at Lee County High School, retired in December 2023 after 20 years with LCS. "It is our professional mission to encourage and support all loves of art education by striving to inspire, inform, instruct, and provide increased opportunities for our students."
Thank you, Mrs, Schrull for your dedication and service to LCS!
Mrs. Holly Brower
Mrs. Brower, visual arts teacher at JR Ingram Elementary School, retired in January 2024 after 20 years with LCS. "I believe that creativity has the power to heal and that everyone has a creative spark within them." Thank you, Mrs. Brower for your dedication and service to LCS!
Save these Upcoming Dates!
🎨March is Arts In Schools Month!🎵
Arts in Schools Month at the Mann Center
March 9 from 1-4 pm
Visual Arts Show and Performing Arts
Sponsored by The Lee County Arts Council
🎵🎨Festival Of The Arts, April 27 from 2:3-5:30 at WB Wicker Elementary🎵
LCHS The Adams Family, March 21-23
JG Edwards Community Service, military concert, May 8th- Dennis Wicker Civic Center, 6-7pm
JG Edwards Glowing Art Show, TBA at Edwards
SLHS School House Rock Live, April 19-20
SLMS Spring Concert, May 9 at 6 pm, gym
ELMS Spring Concert, April 25
WB Wicker 3rd Grade Folk Dance and Music Night and 5th Grade Pirates! the Musical
Folk Dance and Music Night- March 19th at 6:00pm. Pirates- May 9th and 10th at 6:00pm
Tramway 2nd grade play "Go Fish", April 16 at 6:30 in Tramway gym
Tramway Art Club Art Show April 16 5:30-6:30
SLMS, WLMS, ELMS All State (March 2), All County (March 23 @ SLMS), Carowinds (April 20th)