Decatur Virtual Weekly Update
January 9, 2025
Director's Corner
Dear Decatur Virtual Family,
Welcome back!! Classes have begun and students should be working every day for at least one hour per class that they are enrolled in. The first few activities are introductory and then the real work starts. Please remember that you want to work ahead of the due dates as much as possible. Check-ins are required for the first two weeks of the semester. Students will be marked absent if they do not check in during this time.
Please be sure to attend the following upcoming parent meetings:
If your student is taking classes in the Pearson Platform please plan to attend this Family Information Session on Thursday, January 16, at 4 p.m.
Zoom link: https://pearson.zoom.us/j/96044025337?pwd=NvBH4EoeVyczg3mba0dH26dRzTVn5v.1
If your student is taking classes in GAVS Please be sure they attend the Student Open House on Tuesday, January 21, at 7 p.m.
Zoom Link:
Please note the important dates for this semester. GAVS Spring Break (March 31-April 4) is earlier than CSD's Spring Break (April 7-11). Our plan is to have all students work ahead so that everyone can take the CSD Spring Break. Also GAVS does not have Winter Break. We look forward to a successful semester for all.
Ms. Whatley
Severe Weather Ahead
Severe weather is expected to impact our area over the next few days. With potential disruptions to internet access or power outages, I encourage you to stay ahead on your assignments and coursework. By working ahead, you can avoid any issues that might arise, such as late work penalties. Taking the time now to complete any upcoming tasks will help ensure that you stay on track, no matter what the weather brings.
If you have any difficulties due to the weather, please email or call your online teachers to let them know as soon as possible.
CSD is closed tomorrow. We will not have check in groups. Please check the website and email for updates about Monday 1/13. If Monday is a remote learning day for City Schools of Decatur we will have check-in groups. If school is canceled, we will not have check in groups.
Stay safe, and take care of yourselves.
CSD Closure on Friday, January 10 Due to Severe Weather
CSD has continued to monitor the weather due to the potential of severe weather conditions. The safety of our staff and students is always our top priority. After consultation with local and state officials and the National Weather Service, CSD, including ECLC and the Frasier Center, will be closed tomorrow, Friday, January 10, 2025. All athletic and after-school activities for Friday and Saturday are canceled.
Out of an abundance of caution in case of a continued closure on or beyond Monday, January 13, students in grades K-5 and Adapted Curriculum classes will be sent home with work packets and a CSD Chromebook for an independent learning day. Grades 6-12 will continue to take Chromebooks and chargers home to access Google Classroom for assigned work.
Staff and families should check email, the CSD website, and social media channels for updates.
Course Waivers in GAVS
Students with courses with releases/waivers - please follow the instructions linked here to sign releases/waivers and get immediate access to your course. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MXV5bxoA7ly79p0RwjBI1IwxQ-7j7mIKIonxsWvm1Mw/edit?usp=sharing
DVA Events and News
More Meet Up Dates
DVA has meet ups each month on early release days. There will not be check ins or student sessions on these days so that our kids will be free to attend. We hope all students will take advantage of these opportunities to meet up and interact with peers and adults each month. They will all be at noon unless otherwise noted at various locations around Decatur. Please mark your calendars:
Additional early release days:
January 22, 2025
February 26, 2025
March 26, 2025
April 30, 2025
Counseling Corner
If any rising 9th grade DVA student plans to earn their Personal Fitness credit by participating in Marching Band including Color Guard/Winter Guard, a Sport (as recognized by GHSA), or JRTOC; please fill out this form - DVA ONLY: Personal Fitness Alternative Plan Intent
Dr. Jones’ VIrtual Office - Dr. Jones's Virtual Office 2024-2025
College Admissions Test Dates:
ACT - February 8
SAT - March 8
SAT - May 3
SAT - June 7
ACT - June 14
ACT - July 12
Do you have a question, concern, or need to set up an appointment with your DVA school counselor? To schedule an appointment with Dr. Jones, use this easy booking link: https://drkimberlyrjones.youcanbook.me/
DVA Resources
Calendar and Important Dates
January 20: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 30: Last day to register for AP courses
February 3, Last day to begin AP courses
February 13: Last date to register for Spring '25
February 13: End of CSD add/drop period
February 14: GAVS Student Holiday: students have check-in
February 17: GAVS Student Holiday
February 18-21: Classes are in session
February 18, 19: Students have check-in
February 18: Last date to begin Spring courses
March 15: Registration opens for Fall '26
March 31-April 4: GAVS Spring Break: CSD Students still have check-in and need to work ahead so that they may take CSD Spring Break
April 7-11: CSD Spring Break
April 21 - May 2: Milestones EOG testing
April 21 - May 9: Milestones EOC testing
May 3-9: Final Exams Week
May 5-16: STAR Testing
May 15: Final Grades Released
DVA Handbook
Frequently Asked Questions
DVA Brochure
Be sure to sign the honor contract!
School and Community News
Please see your school newsletter for important news from your home school and CSD.