WJHS Highlights
February Leader of the Pack
A Message from the Administrative Team
Dear WJHS Families,
In order to more accurately measure the school climate in each of our buildings, all six District 39 schools will be administering a school climate survey over the coming weeks. This is a unique and exciting opportunity for us to reach out to all members of our learning community to solicit their feedback.
We have assembled a diverse joint leadership team of teachers, school secretaries, maintenance workers, and administrators that is eager to review feedback and work collaboratively to go through the data to identify areas of strength and areas that we can target for improvement. The work of this team will help us formulate appropriate action steps to guide our work to ensure a safe and supportive learning environment for our students.
This year, D39 has chosen the Comprehensive School Climate Inventory (CSCI) and we will be seeking responses from students in grades 3-8, all faculty/staff, and families as a way to give us a thorough, 360-degree look into our schools. This survey is a change from the 5Essentials survey that we have used in past years, as we believe that it is more student-centered, better matches our school’s focus and work, and allows for actionable data based on responses.
Students in grades 3-8 will complete this survey in class between March 13-20. All responses from both students and families are completely anonymous (no names, email addresses, or personal identifying information is used). However, if you wish to opt your child out of participating in this survey, please notify your student's homeroom teacher by Tuesday, March 12.
I encourage all of you to find time to complete this survey to help us with this important work. Respondents may skip questions in which they are uncertain or uncomfortable in answering. The survey will take between 15-20 minutes to complete and please complete one survey per household for EACH of your children. Should you have multiple children at the same school, it is recommended that you take the survey for each child, as you may have different experiences for each.
You can access the WJHS survey through this link: https://rezed.io/1NYPRM
We ask that you please complete your survey(s) by March 22. Thank you for your partnership and support of WJHS and we look forward to sharing this data with our learning community later this spring.
Kate, Eric and Nicole
Many people helped put on our WJHS Student Council Dance! We also had local businesses donate prizes for the games that were played and we are so grateful for their generosity. Thank you to:
- Graeter’s Ice Cream
- Chuck Wagon
- The Ridgeview Grill
- Wild Child
- Ballyhoo Hospitality
Lost & Found Donated on March 21st!
As we do several times a year, the Lost & Found will be donated prior to spring break. Please feel free to call or email the office and schedule a time to come and look through the lost and found for items that have not returned home.
Safety Dog Visit
Oakley, one of our safety dogs, came to visit again this week and found WJHS to be safe on Thursday! We are thankful for this partnership that helps keep WJHS safe!
March SEL
Many of our SEL lessons in District 39 help students learn about themselves, their emotions, their families and their traditions as they also learn about others’ perspectives. This helps to create a community of belonging for all of our students at our schools and in our classrooms.
Learning about traditions that are the same as, and different from your own helps your child increase their understanding of the world around them. This month we have the opportunity to learn more about Ramadan, which begins the evening of March 10 and ends around April 9 with the holiday of Eid-al-Fitr. During this holiest and most important month for Muslims around the world, many practice fasting during daylight hours. Enjoy reading a book together about Ramadan to learn more! District 39 teachers are aware that many students will be celebrating Ramadan, and are prepared to make accommodations for students to be able to participate. Please make sure you reach out and let us know if your child is participating so that we can support them as needed.
As a reminder, this calendar provides dates and information on many celebratory dates for students and staff of District 39.
Winter Clubs!
We have updated our WJHS Winter Clubs. We have linked the lists below:
*After school clubs are open to students in both grades.
8th Grade Families: Upcoming Events
8th grade graduation will take place on Wednesday, June 5 at 5:30pm in the new Winnetka Main Gym, at the Winnetka Campus of New Trier High School on Wednesday, June 5, 2023. We are excited to offer one graduation ceremony this year for the entire 8th grade class, set to take place at 5:30 pm. Due to space in the gym, each student will be offered four tickets for family.
Tech Tidbit!
District 39 uses a content filtering system to keep our students safe while using digital tools. Along with the content filtering, communication through school accounts is also monitored. Students can communicate with others through their Google Apps, such as Google Docs, Schoology Discussion, Email and many other ways to collaborate, work together, get support and ask questions. These communication tools are monitored for appropriate use, such as language, where they will get flagged if anything inappropriate is happening. If they are sent messages with inappropriate language or content, they will also get flagged. We teach, model and guide students to use appropriate language and communicate respectfully when using these tools. We also remind them that they should be doing this in their daily life, whether digitally or face to face. Please partner with us to help remind them to be mindful of how they communicate.
PTO Highlights
In the next week the PTO will open registration for the Spring After School Club “Nuts For Mutts”, offered by Ms. Barthelmess. This popular club has been offered in the past and has limited enrollment. Begins in April. More details coming soon!
Did you know that WJHS has two interior courtyards? One of them is a place where students can go during lunch recess to hang out with friends, play board games or just take a quiet break from their day. The PTO coordinates parent volunteers to take out board games from the supply closet and monitor the space for 30 minutes. The courtyard will be open after spring break during lunch for 7th graders on WEDNESDAYS and for 8th graders on FRIDAYS. SignUp Genius for parent volunteers coming soon! Check back next week!
Help serve lunch to students as they go through the lunch line. You do not need to prepare any food, just assist in handing it out to students. Your help is so appreciated! Dates still available for March! Sign up HERE and thank you in advance!
District News
Cell Phone, Smartwatches and Texting During the School Day
We recognize that some parents will provide their children with smartwatches for convenience or for safety reasons, such as emergency communication or location tracking. Inside our school buildings, smart watches are treated like cell phones. During the school day, students should not use their watch for calling, messaging, texting, accessing the Internet, recording audio, or taking photos except in the case of a real emergency. A teacher may ask for smartwatches to be turned off and put away if it becomes a distraction to learning and in situations such as standardized testing.
Parents can help to support these expectations by not texting/calling their children during the day and by making sure that notifications on the smartwatch are set to silent to minimize disruptions within the learning environment. If a parent needs to contact their child during the day, they should call the school office and the message will be relayed to the classroom. Cell phones and smartwatches have become a major distraction to the learning environment in recent years and we thank you for your help.
Parent Education Event
Please join us for our next Parent Education event, “School Refusal and Encouraging Positive Attendance,” which will take place next Wednesday, March 13 at 11 am. Families can participate in-person at Highcrest Middle School or virtually via Zoom. Registration is open for this event. Visit our D39 Parent Education website for our full schedule of events, registration links, and archived recordings.
Welcoming Instructional Coaching to D39
One of the best, research-based methods for supporting various student needs is through sustained, personalized, and collaborative partnerships between teachers and instructional coaches. We are thrilled to share that District 39 will have eight (8) instructional coaches on staff beginning with the 2024-25 academic year - one at each of our four elementary schools, two at Highcrest, and two at WJHS. We are excited for the new opportunities that will be provided to our teachers and our staff through instructional coaching as well as for the ongoing growth and learning of our students through this supportive professional development. We are excited about the opportunities that will be provided through regular, onsite instructional coaching.Wilmette Junior High School
Email: office-wjhs@wilmette39.org
Website: http://wjhs.wilmette39.org/
Location: 620 Locust Rd, Wilmette, IL, USA
Phone: 847-512-6600
Instagram: @hawkwolf39
Twitter: @hawkwolf39
Principal at Wilmette Junior High School; love being an educator and working with young people; value spending time with friends and family