The Spartan (K-4) - 12/1

December 1, 2024
Hello Spartans!
Welcome back! I hope your family enjoyed a peaceful, relaxing, and fun break. What an exciting time to be at Strafford School! While we have just a few short weeks until our next break, I want to encourage you and your children to dive into all the exciting learning experiences we have planned. From awesome field trips and creative projects, to on-campus adventures, December is sure to be packed with fun and engaging learning opportunities for students!
You may have noticed that Mr. Merrill and I have split the newsletter into a K-4 version and a 5-8 version to better communicate essential information to our families. Remember, you can always access the 5-8 newsletter anytime by visiting our website!
I can't wait to see you all bright and early tomorrow morning :)
In partnership,
Mrs. Blackington
🥳 Fun Happenings at School! 🥳
Secret Staff Spirit Week
We tried to trick the students before Thanksgiving Break and had our own Spirit Week without telling them! They caught on very quickly and had fun seeing if they could guess what the days theme was!
💡 Ideas for Supporting Your Learner
Family Game Night
We have a fabulous resource available in card and board games - as you get into the holiday season, and play games with your children, consider purchasing or creating games that support their skills! Check out this great article on ways you can practice math skills using just a deck of cards!
📁 Notes from the Office 📁
Excusal Notes
If your student has a recurring doctor's appointment, please get a note from the doctor so we can keep it on file. This way, these recurring appointments can be marked "excused" for absences, tardies or early dismissals. These notes need to be updated each year, so if you haven't given us a new note for this year please do so ASAP. Thank you!
Any questions or concerns please email office@strafford.k12.nh.us
Ms. Clark and Ms. Silva
🩺 Nurse's Notes 🩺 - Grade 4 Only, Ages 10+
Students that are ages 10+ are eligible.
Follow the link here: https://www.whoweplayfor.org/newhampshire-strafford.
Please reach out to Nurse Clark for any additional information needed!
It's time to order your yearbook! Use this link to order TODAY!
📅 Important Dates 📅
December 7, 2024
PTO Craft Fair in Gym; 7th and 8th grade class food sales in cafe 9-2
December 11, 2024
K-4 Holiday Shop
December 23, 2024-January 1, 2025
NO SCHOOL Holiday Break/New Year's Observance
Employment Opportunities
Supporting Learning
Counselor's Corner
🥧 Needs for the Holidays🌽
We would love to help support our Strafford families with whatever they need during the holiday season. Please fill this form out if you would like to be added to our list! (Staff members, this also applies to you!)
**Please note: This information will be kept confidential and limited to need-to-know staff members who are helping to collect or distribute items**
Friday Hat Days
Every Friday is HAT DAY! Students may wear their favorite hat to school all day if they bring in $1! Thank you for supporting the 8th grade class!
Spartan Blankets
You can send money into the office ANYTIME and we will send a blanket home!
🎭 Activities & Extra Curriculars 🎭
National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) is collecting non perishable food items for Strafford families in need this holiday season. Items can be dropped off in the main office anytime. Cash/check donations are also accepted. Please make checks out to Strafford School. Thank you!
🔹Strafford School PTO 🔹
Holiday Shop Donations and Volunteers Needed!
Do you have gently used, unwanted knick knacks and yard sale type items? We will take them! Nothing bigger than a toaster, no clothes and no stuffed animals please! These items are used for our K-4 Holiday Shop! Students purchase little goodies for family members for the holidays and it's a Strafford School tradition! We are also in need of gift bags, wrapping paper and tape! Items can be dropped off to the main office at any time!
If interested in coming in to help students wrap and shop please sign up HERE.
🏆 Strafford Rec Sports 🏆
📣 Community News & Resources 📣
Strafford Playground Project Committee
Hill Library
From our DOE NH Partners
The deadline is Feb. 1.