Hansen Weekly Update
Jan. 5th, 2025
Happy New Year!
Mrs. Sinton's class rings in the New Year together on Thursday!
Hello Hansen Families,
Happy New Year! It's hard to believe we're already in January and it's 2025, but here we are! It was great welcoming everyone back, and having two days to transition from vacation-mode last week seemed very helpful in starting off the new calendar year at Hansen.
This week, we welcome our new Special Education Team Chair, Lisa Phillips to 'Team Hansen'. Lisa will be with us on a .6 basis at Hansen. Ms. Phillips has been in special education for over 18 years, and is excited to be joining us. Join me in welcoming Ms. Phillips to Hansen!
Parents, please make every effort to ensure that your children are on time to school everyday - here before 8:40 a.m. We want to make sure all students start their day off confidently, and not feel they're missing any important information for the day. Also, during winter months, please make sure your children come to school with a coat, hat, and mittens / gloves. We want to let everyone enjoy outdoor recess in colder temperatures, but do so comfortably and safely, which means bundling up - especially this coming week! Thank you.
Here's hoping for a wonderful first full week of school in 2025!
Thank you,
Paul McKnight
Hansen Elementary School
Coming Soon...
Jan. 6th: STAR Assessment testing window opens
Jan. 9th: 'Science Heroes' Assemblies
Jan. 17th: STAR Assessment window closes
Jan. 20th: No School, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Last Week at Hansen...
Mrs. Belvin's class worked on phonics skills with some flash card work.
Mr. Martin's 2nd grade Technology class students work on their coding skills on the Kodable app.
Mrs. Martino's 3rd grade class investigated the patterns of motion exhibited by a trapeze. They built a model trapeze using binder clips, string and pennies, then observed and took measurements of the motion of their models and used the data to predict the motion of a life-sized trapeze.
Mrs. Lydon's 5th grade class learns about comprehending and analyzing informational writing, using this passage on avalanches.
Session II of Robotics Club Starting Soon!
Grades 2-5 Robotics / STEAM Club
Session 2 of the Elementary Robotics/STEAM Club will be starting the week of January 27th.
This afterschool program will focus on skills associated with Robotics, Computer Science, Coding and STEAM activities. Students will be chosen by lottery due to a limited number of seats although students who did not participate in Session 1 Robotics will be prioritized.
The club runs for an hour after school on the following days and times:
Grades 2-3: 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Jan. 27
Feb 3, 10, 24
March 3, 10, 17, 24
April 7, 14
Grades 4-5: 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Jan 30
Feb 6, 13, 27
March 6, 13, 20, 27
April 10, 17
If you are interested in having your child participate in the Robotics / STEAM Club, please complete this Interest Form by January 16th. Emails will be sent the week of January 20th updating families on students who have been selected via lottery for the Robotics Club. If you have any questions, please reach out to Susan Nash - nashs@cantonma.org
The Hansen French Club is Returning in April!
We're excited to announce that our French Club will be returning this April! For more details, please click on the pdf linked below.
Thank you!
Around Town Events
Around Town Events!
Canton Public Schools has a Community Resources and Information Page on its website titled Around Town. This page lists resources and events taking place in our community. To access the information on this webpage, use this link: About/Around Town.
At a Glance - New Event(s)
- Mary E. Wentworth Recreation Facility Master Plan & Feasibility Study
This webpage will be updated periodically.
CAPT Corner
Hansen CAPT Monthly Meeting
There is no formal meeting in January but we will meet informally at Trillium on January 14 at 7pm for an adult-only social hour (or two). Our next scheduled meeting is February 11.
Hansen Spiritwear Is Now Available Online
You can now order Canton Spiritwear online! Order through this link: https://www.zeffy.com/ticketing/hansen-capt-spiritwear. Our spiritwear coordinator will be in touch for pickup. Please note that we use the Zeffy platform for purchasing. Payments are made online with no fee charged to the Hansen CAPT. At checkout, you have the option to donate a fee to Zeffy for their services. This fee can be adjusted to as low as $0.
*Change in Date* The Special Someone Dance will now take place March 7, 2025. Tickets will be available for sale in February. Volunteers are needed. Sign up here:
SEPAC Resource Fair - Vendor Sign-up Info
Also For Parents:
This is our second year using our new SEL curriculum, Wayfinder. For access to a visual outlining Wayfinder's 'Core Skills + Competencies' which the instructional curriculum is based upon, click here. Thank you!
Need Family Assistance?
Family Resources
Housing Resources
The Canton Farmers Market also accepts SNAP and HIP
How to Get Help | The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Boston
More support:
Chat online or call 800-273-8255
Support For LGBTQ+ Youth
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
Text NAMI to 741741