Hero Happenings!
Hellstern Middle School Newsletter, Springdale, AR
Sept. 13, 2021
From the principal....
Both students and staff can nominate anyone in our buidling for a "My Hero" award. Members of our school community can go online and complete a My Hero award for a person that he/she sees doing something that expemplifies our HERO standards. We also list all the birthdays for the upcoming week, and then make any announcements for students or staff.
One Friday a month, we will announce our "Heroes of the Month" which are selected by each team of teachers. The team of teachers select a student that has gone above and beyond in his/her actions & display of character. For both of these awards, and all those yet to come during our quarterly assemblies, students receive lanyard flair! They love getting the buttons - so be sure and ask your student about them if you see some flair.
We record each assembly and post it to a password protected Google Classroom. If you ever want to watch an assembly, just ask your student to log in to his/her advisory classroom, and the teachers are posting them there.
Upcoming Dates
14 - School Board meeting (5pm)
20-23 - High School & Junior High student-led conferences
23 - Vision & Hearing Screenings (6th graders)
24 - HBHS Homecoming
25 - Band Car Wash @ Speedy Splash, Elm Springs Exit (8-2pm)
27-30 - Middle School & Elementary student-parent conferences
27-Oct. 1 - Hellstern Book Fair
7th Grade Athletics - Football/Volleyball/Cross-Country
Sept. 14 - VB: Kirksey (HOME) 4:30
Sept. 16 - FB: Fayetteville Woodland (HOME) 5:30
Sept. 18 - XC: @ Siloam Springs
Sept. 18 - VB: Tournament @ Rogers
Sept. 20 - VB: Lincoln (HOME) 4:30
Sept. 23 - FB: Springdale HTMS (AWAY/@HBHS) 4:45
Sept. 28 - VB: Springdale SMS (HOME) 4:30
Sept. 30 - FB: Farmington (AWAY) 4:45
Oct. 2 - XC: Chili Pepper @ UofA
Oct. 5 - VB: Ramay Purple (HOME) 4:30
Oct. 7 - FB: Springdale KMS (HOME) 4:45
Oct. 9 - XC: @ Springdale
Oct. 14 - FB: Springdale SMS (HOME) 4:45
Oct. 19 - XC: Wolf Run Conference
Oct. 19 - VB: HTMS (HOME) 5:00
Oct. 21 - FB: Siloam Springs (HOME) 4:45
Oct. 28 - FB: Rogers Elmwood (AWAY) 5:30
Nov. 4 - FB: TBD - Championship Week
Meet Our Heroes
Hellstern Middle School
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Website: http://hellstern.sdale.org/
Location: 7771 Har-Ber Avenue, Springdale, AR, USA
Phone: 479-750-8725
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hellstern-Middle-School