Southview Elementary
August 23, 2024
Attendance Matters
Academic success starts with attendance.
Ala. Code §16-28-3 states: Students are required to attend school regularly. Our school day starts at 7:55 am Parents/Guardians, please make sure students are here each and every day on time.
Mission, Vision, Belief Statement and Core Values
The mission of Southview Elementary is to create a culture of high expectations and develop P.O.W.E.R. leaders in which our scholars are positive, organized, well-prepared, eager to learn, respectful, responsible, and resourceful.
The vision of Southview Elementary is to foster a love of learning while building readers, writers, and problem solvers.
Students and staff have the right to attend a safe and secure school that is focused on academic success and personal growth within a positive learning environment.
CORE Values
P- Positive
O- Organized
W- Well prepared
E- Eager to Learn
R- Respectful, Responsible, Resourceful
Thank you Parents/Guardians
Your presence at Open House was greatly appreciated. We look forward to building stronger partnerships with each of you throughout this school year.
5th Grade Safety Patrol Team
Safety Patrol
SVE Safety Patrol Team is a service-oriented club for 5th-grade students only. To be considered for the club, interested students must apply by the deadline. The deadline is Friday,
August 30, 2024. Click the link HERE to apply. Students selected to serve will receive a letter from Mrs. Watkins to begin safety training the week of September 9th.
Arrival and Dismissal
For your safety and the safety of our students, please follow the traffic loop during arrival and dismissal. Thank you in advance for your patience in the drop off /pickup line. We will continue to become more efficient as time progresses.
- Parents please remain in your cars during arrival and make sure students are ready to exit the vehicle on the right side of the car closest to the sidewalk.
- Doors open daily at 7:30. However, students cannot be dropped off at the front of the school prior to 7:55.
- Once the cones are placed out, please drive around to the front office to sign students in. Students are tardy after 7:55 and must be signed in by an adult in the front office.
- We encourage students who want breakfast to arrive between 7:30-7:50.
To help us get you in and out of the carpool lane quickly, please remember your Southview car tag.
- Complete the car tag with the name (first and last) and grade level of each child riding with you and place the tag on your dash near the windshield (on the passenger side) upon arriving on campus.
- Please DO NOT get out of your vehicle to retrieve students. This is a safety issue.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Important Reminders
Mark your calendar
Beginning of the year assessments:
Aug. 27-28th - i-Ready reading/math (4th and 5th grades)
Upcoming dates:
September 2nd- Labor Day (No School)
September 5th -Progress Reports
September 9-13th- Grandparents Week
October 9th - Parent Visitation Day
Dress Code Information
The start of the new school year is a great time to remember the TCS dress code! Here is a quick review. To read the dress code in depth, go to the 2024-24 Student Code of Conduct book page 27.
Snack Dates
Aug. 28th - PTA Snack Fundraiser
Sept. 6th- PTA Snack Fundraiser
*Most items are between one to three dollars.
Save the Date: September 24th
For more information visit Strong schools mean strong communities.
Parents/Guardians, thank you for your support!!
Southview Admin Team
We are excited to serve and support each of our families this school year. This year we are looking forward to more academic growth and building a stronger partnership with families in our community. If you have questions or need assistance please contact our office or your school leaders:Ronika Amerson, and Sharetta Watkins, Assistant
Don't Hesitate Join PTA Today!
For more information contact our librarian Mrs. Manieri