Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA)
RISD Beginning of Year Presentation Phase 1 - August 2024
TIA Teacher Timeline (Cohort F)
September 2023 - August 2024: Data capture year for Phase 1
October 2024: Date submitted to Texas Tech University
February 2025: Final approval notification
April 2025: Final designation and allotment notification
August 2025: Approved districts/teachers receive initial payout
Designation Levels
Who is a Phase 1 TIA Teacher in Rockdale?
- Pre-K – 1st Grade Reading
- 2nd – 8th Grade Reading and Math
- 8th Grade Science and Social Studies
- EOC Algebra, English I, English II, US History, Biology
- Intervention
What's New in 2024:
- TEKS Resource Lesson Plan Addition
- 51 teachers will be submitted for RISD TIA 2024
- Addition of TEKS Ready for Pre/Post Option for Phase 2
- Moved Self-Contained/ PASS Special Education to Phase 2
- New hires will begin Phase 1 TIA data capture year
- SPED & Intervention will be scored 50% / 50% (no lesson plan component)
- Projection Reports August
What are the requirements:
1. TTESS Teacher Observation (TEA required) 45%
- Have at least 2 fall and 2 spring walkthroughs
- Have at least 1 formal 45-minute T-TESS observation
- Domains II (instruction) & III (learning environment) are used for TIA calculation purposes
TEA has identified minimum score averages as measured across both domains of T-TESS using a five-point scale
2. Student Growth Components (TEA required) 45%
- Administer BOY, MOY, EOY growth assessments
TEA has established minimum expectations based on statewide performance
3. Planning and Preparation (district criteria) 10%
- Lesson planning components
- Recorded 2nd through 5th six weeks
RISD has established minimum expectations based on TIA committee feedback
Student growth measure requirements for designations
Student growth is calculated for all students who have a TIA designated fall and spring assessment. Student growth performance is associated with individual teachers based on the following criteria:
- Students must be in a teacher’s roster (teacher of record) at the beginning of the year BOY administration (October snapshot)
- Students must be in a teacher’s roster (teacher of record) at the PEIMS winter enrollment (February)
- The middle of year MOY administration will be used for data-informed instruction, not TIA
- Students must be in a teacher’s roster (teacher of record) at the end of the year EOY administration
- There must be a minimum of at least 15 unique growth records assigned to the teacher of record who will count toward that teacher’s student growth percentage
How is student growth measured in my subject area?
Pretest: Circle
Growth Target: District Created
The district will examine its own average district scores during Wave 1 for the Circle assessment. These scores will be compared to the district's average score at the conclusion of Wave 3, enabling the calculation of the average growth rate within the district. Students who exhibit average or above-average growth compared to the district's average will be considered to have met the expected growth. Conversely, students who demonstrate below-average growth in relation to the district's average will be considered not to have met the expected growth. The subtests Math (including all subtests), Language and Communication Domain (including all subtests), and Domain Emergent Literacy (including all subtests except Book and Print Awareness and Motivation to Read).
Post Test: Circle
Kinder – 2nd Grade: Reading
Pretest: mClass
Growth Target: mClass
Post Test: mClass
2nd Grade Math, 3rd Grade Reading & Math
Pretest: Renaissance STAR
Growth Target: Renaissance STAR
Post Test: Renaissance STAR
4th Grade – 8th Grade Reading, Math, Algebra, English 1, & English II
Pretest: Previous year STAAR result
Growth Target: TEA (STAAR Transition Tables)
Post Test: End of Year STAAR result
8th Grade Science & Social Studies / EOC Biology & EOC US History
Pretest: STAAR released (beginning fall 2024 TEKS Ready PreTest)
Growth Target: District Created
The district will establish expected growth targets using the "Percent Growth based on District Data" approach. At the end of the year, students' actual scores on the spring STAAR/EOC exam will be compared to the expected rating per grade level / content "Percent Growth based on District Data" targets to determine whether students have met the expected growth or not.
Post Test: End of Year STAAR result
Scoring and Eligibility
Each year of the evaluation cycle, teachers in eligible groups will be provided an annual teacher scorecard. The purpose of the scorecard is to provide transparency of the TIA system. The scorecard will provide teachers the proposed TIA outcomes based on their data.
- What if my score is not eligible for a designation?
You are able to pursue again and complete the same process if you want.
- My score is not eligible for the highest designation
You are able to pursue again and complete the same process if you want but you keep your designation (5 years).
Rockdale ISD TIA Spending Plan
- If a designated teacher retires after Class Roster Winter Submission and after the end of the school year, they will receive their allotment per the spending plan.
- If a designated teacher resigns after Class Roster Winter Submission and after the end of the school year, their share of the allotment will be equally disseminated to the remaining designated teachers.
- If a designated teacher resigns/retires after the Winter Roster Submission, but before the end of the school year, the designated teacher will not receive their stipend. Their share of the allotment will be equally disseminated to the remaining designated teachers.
- If a designated teacher resigns after Class Roster Winter Submission and after the last day to resign in the summer, then the designated teacher will not receive the stipend. Their share of the allotment will be used for hiring incentives to fill positions on the campus/district.
- A designated teacher leaving the district after Class Roster Winter Submission due to termination will not receive their stipend. If the designated teacher has already been paid any part of their stipend, the district will not try to recoup stipend amounts already paid. If the designated teacher is terminated prior to the stipend payout, their share of the allotment will be equally disseminated to the remaining designated teachers at the campus of the terminated teacher.
- All compensation from TIA is TRS eligible.
- TIA payments are in 1 lump sum in August yearly.