Bear Trail
JBMS Newsletter - October 31st, 2024
Reminder - No School - Friday, November 1st
From the Desk of Mr. Yelvington
Bear Nation,
Happy Halloween! A reminder that tomorrow Friday, November 1st is a student holiday so enjoy the three-day weekend!
This year in Math, ELA, and Science students have taken the NWEA Map assessment. This assessment has replaced the Renaissance 360 assessment that we have been using. MAP as we call it, is a nationally normed assessment to help show how students are progressing in their learning. As of now we only have one data point until we take the Mid Year Assessment in January. These assessments are given at the beginning, middle, and end of the year to determine a student’s zone of proximal development and to monitor growth. As with any assessment, many factors can affect a student's scores. It is important to understand that these scores provide only one picture of how students are doing in school. Please see the information to learn more about MAP and the job aid on how to review scores in Skyward. Please note the scores are currently being loaded into Skyward so if you do not see them, please check again next week.
Enjoy the three day weekend!
Michael Yelvington
Bowie Calendar
Cell Phone, Dress Code and Water Bottle Policies
Cell Phone Policy
Water Bottle Policy
Need to Order a New Student ID?
Water Bottle Policy
Bear Challenge Qualifications
FBISD Athletics Forms and Information
Spelling Bee Information
The BIG Fun With the Class of Legends
JBMS Counselor's Connecion
NWEA MAP Computer-Adaptive Assessments
Beginning this year, students in Fort Bend ISD will complete NWEA MAP computer-adaptive assessments three times a year to gain information about what students know and what they are ready to learn next. MAP also gives insight into how students are growing academically, allowing you to track your student's progress throughout the school year and across multiple years. Families will have access to their child's results after each testing window. NWEA MAP is replacing Renaissance 360. For more information, visit the NWEA Family Toolkit or contact your child’s teacher. NWEA Family Toolkit:
Say It's Your Student's Birthday on the Marquee
Student Cafeteria Account Information
Meal Applications for Free and Reduced-Price Meals open on August 1, 2024.
The district encourages families to complete the Meal Application online through SchoolCafé. It is a convenient way to ensure that eligible students receive the support they need. Families can apply online at starting on August 1, 2024.
Fentanyl Poisoning Awareness Month - October
: There is a growing threat to the health and safety of our youth that we want to bring to your attention. Fentanyl poisoning is the leading cause of death for people ages 18 to 45 in the U.S. Fentanyl is a man-made, Schedule II narcotic that has reached a growing number of communities of all sizes across Texas and has impacted so many lives. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), within the last two years, teen overdose deaths related to Fentanyl have tripled. We ask that you take time to talk with your child regarding the facts and dangers of Fentanyl Poisoning.
Links: FBISD Fentanyl Poisoning Awareness Webpage; CDC Protect Yourself From the Dangers of Fentanyl Video (1min)
Whole Child Health Initiative
Dear Parents,
I want to draw your attention to the FBISD Whole Child Health Webpage. We include this in all of our newsletters but it can easily be overlooked. This page has many different resources for students and families to access. For example links to See Something Share Something, 988 Suicide and Crisis Hotline which is for 24 hour/7 days a week immediate emotional support, and 211 Get connected with help for many other needs people may have. You will also find tabs that have resources for students and parents where information about talking to a counselor is recommended along with information about our mental health partners.
Michael Yelvington
PTO News
Hello Bear Nation!
The PTO Board team & admin meets on campus the first Friday of each month at 9 a.m. You are always welcome to join these meetings. Our next meeting will be November 1st.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 882 1650 2752
Passcode: 988508
Bowie PTO Sponsorship
Spirit Wear Sales
2024-2025 District Calendar
Click here for Electronic and Printable Physical Forms
Blackboard Connect
Click on the following link to see the step by step instructions on How To Verify Existing Information in Blackboard: Parent - How To Verify Existing Information in BlackBoard - Add Alternate Contact Info
About Us
Location: 700 Plantation Drive, Richmond, TX, USA
Phone: 281-327-6200
Twitter (X): @JBMS_Bears