Stonybrook School Weekly Update #29
April 14th, 2024
The Scholastic Book Fair is here!
All students will have a preview day on Monday during the school day. Purchasing of books will begin on Tuesday. All homeroom classes have a set time to visit the book fair!
K-5 Skate Night
Reminder that our second K-5 Skate Night will be held this Wednesday evening. Spots are still available. Please see the flyer below. Thank you.
2nd Annual KEHSA Family Engineering Design Night
Our 2nd KEHSA Sponsored Family Engineering Design Night will be held on May 7th beginning at 6:00 p.m. Families that were on the waiting list for the first Family Engineering Design Night will be given priority. You will receive a confirmation email the week prior to the event. Thank you and I look forward to seeing you for this wonderful event!
3rd Grade Spring Fling
Our 3rd Grade Spring Fling will be held on Friday, April 26th from 6:00 p.m to 8:00 p.m. in the Stonybrook Gymnasium. Please see the flyer below. Thank you.
PEEC Chaperone Registration
If you are the parent/guardian of a 5th grade student/s, registration is still open to be considered as a chaperone for the 5th grade trip. Please use the link below to register. The deadline to register is April 17th. Please use the following link:
Thank you.
Save the Dates for our 5th Grade End of the Year Events
Important Upcoming Dates
April 15th to 18th: Spring Scholastic Book Fair
April 15th: Field Day Tee Shirt sale begins (School Messenger will be sent out on Monday morning with the link).
April 16th to April 18th: 3rd Grade Class Trips
April 17th: K-5 Skate Night at Florham Park Roller Rink
April 24th: Administrative Professionals Day
April 24th: Student Council Field Trip
April 25th: Take Your Child To Work Day
April 25th: Board of Ed Meeting at KHS
April 26th: 3rd Grade Spring Fling Dance
April 26th: 4th Grade Class Trip
April 29th to May 3rd: NJSLA Testing for Grade 3 begins
May 9th: PEEC Parent/Chaperone Meeting at 6:00 p.m. in the Band Room
Save The Date for our Stonybrook Student Council Car Wash - May 4th 9:00 a.m. to Noon
Chromebook Reminder
Important Reminder: Please make sure that your child's Chromebook is charged and brought to school each day.
If your child has been provided with a loaner at any time this year, and now have their original Chromebook back, we ask that you please return that to Mrs. Bosch.
As we begin to prepare for our NJSLA Standardized Testing on April 29th for 3rd grade, your child will be using their Chromebook each day in class. It is important that they have their device each day. Thank you for your continued support.
Important Reminders
As the weather continues to remain chilly, please make sure that your child has a sweatshirt to wear while outside at recess.
Please make sure to label your child's sweatshirt with their name/grade.
Please also label your child's water bottle with their name/grade.
Thank you.