The Paw Print
May 27-31, 2024
What's Happening This Week
CAASPP Testing continues this week for some classes/students in Grades 4-6
Monday 5/27
Tuesday 5/28
9:45 - Running Club @ recess, weather permitting
Wednesday 5/29
Wear college/career gear
1:15 Dismissal
Thursday 5/30
9:45 - Running Club @ recess, weather permitting
Friday 5/31
Wear Brookhaven Spirit Wear
LAST Bear Hug Store
KHC Ends.
2:15 - Ice Cream Sales
Coming Up...
6/3 - Kids Heart Challenge - Dance Party for completing Finn's Mission (2:15-3:00 p.m.)
6/3 - Last PTA Board Meeting
6/4 - Restaurant Night: Craftsman Pizza
6/5 - Concert (5th: 10:20; 6th: 11:05, 4th: 12:35)
6/6 - PAL End of Year Celebration
6/7 - Minimum day (12:45 dismissal); wear Hawaiian Gear
6/11 - Trimester 3 Awards Ceremony (grades 1-5); INVITE ONLY
6/13 - LAST DAY of SCHOOL/12:00 dismissal
Kids Heart Challenge
Ends this week!
Kids Heart Challenge is ending soon, but there is still time to join our team! Register TODAY at http://www2.heart.org/goto/Brookhaven or by downloading the FREE AHA Schools App for Apple or Android. Together, we can help kids with special hearts and create a Legacy of Lifesavers! When you register, your student will receive the FREE KHC wristband and they can Earn A BONUS MYSTERY GIFT for every $50 raised(up to 20!) Thank you for supporting our school and the American Heart Association!
- The class with the most students signed up and the class with the donations raised will get a movie and popcorn party and their teachers will get a $25 gift card!
- Students that donate $50 will get to WATER BALLOON Mrs. Fisher!
- Students that complete Finn's Mission get an invite to a Lifesaver Dance Party held on Monday, June 3 from 2:15-3:00!
Donations Due: May 31st
Matching Gifts: Find out if your employer offers matching gifts at www.heart.org/matchinggifts
The American Heart Association is excited to extend their work with the NFL to support improving health outcomes at home and beyond through the Hands-Only CPR education. Students that complete the Finn’s Mission learning module will earn an entry for two tickets to Super Bowl LIX in 2025 and our school will be entered to receive a $10,000 fitness equipment makeover for every 18 completed Finn’s Mission. Thank you for supporting our school and the American Heart Association! Together, we are saving lives!
Peer Assistance Leadership (PAL)
PAL Program Recognition
OCDE video announcing our PAL award recipients: https://vimeo.com/940904353?share=copy
OCDE Newsroom article: https://newsroom.ocde.us/ocde-pal-team-honors-six-campuses-two-advisors-for-building-positive-school-environments/
Attendance Line ~ 714-986-7110 and press 3
If students are out ill, please call the office to clear absences.
6th Grade Information
Promotion and End of School Year Information
The end of the year is fast approaching. A flyer will be sent home with more details on each event.
June 10 - Yearbook Signing Party
June 10, 6:00-8:00 p.m. - Promotion Prep (parents only)
June 11 - 6th Grade Party at Sky Zone
June 12, 8:30 a.m. - Promotion
June 13 - Last Day of School 11:45 Clap out/dismissal
Brookhaven PTA
Upcoming PTA Events...
Ice Cream Sales: every Friday after school
June 4 - Restaurant Night: Craftsman Pizza
School News
The latest issue of School News is ready for reading! Click here to read more!
Universal Sports Institute (USI)
The Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District (PYLUSD) is now accepting applications to the Universal Sports Institute (USI) for Fall 2024. USI is an all-new diploma-bound program for student-athletes in grades 3-12 available through the district's independent study homeschool program, Parkview School.
USI will Elevate Your Game and Empower Your Future through a free, customizable athletic and academic development experience for students. USI will focus on maximizing sports performance, leadership skills, and academic achievement through personalized exercise and fitness programs, mental performance training, nutrition planning, recovery programs, and so much more!
USI student-athletes have the opportunity to take their academic courses through the district's independent study school and they may choose to participate in up to two courses and athletics at one of the district's comprehensive middle schools or high schools.
Learn more and apply for Fall 2024 today at usi.pylusd.org!