Luxford Elementary School Scoop
October Principal's Newsletter
A Note from the Principal
Dear Luxford Families and Friends,
It’s hard to believe we have finished a month of school already! The kids have been impressing us left and right! For example, I recently visited a classroom and observed students reading nonfiction text and responding to teacher questions using their Chromebooks. Students told me, “Making connections to our prior knowledge about a topic when we read nonfiction helps us build our schema and form new ideas.” WOW! I am so thankful to the teachers and staff of Luxford. They work so hard to ensure all of our students receive a rigorous and relevant education! Another classroom I visited was silent, and all I could hear was the click, click, click of the keyboards. However, I looked at their screens and realized they were engaged in rich discussion with each other and their teacher via Google Classroom! They were adding to each other’s thoughts and asking each other questions! Don’t worry, we still like to crack open real books at Luxford too. Check out the picture below of our fourth graders enjoying a great book of their choice. Letting kids choose literature they enjoy is so important to develop a love of reading.
Luxford students and staff were recently highlighted at a positive behavior intervention conference for the great work they’re doing to support students’ social-emotional needs and create loving and structured learning environments. For example, just this week, I heard a kindergartener say, “I feel frustrated. I need a break.” What great self-regulation skills this youngster has learned! I also love that it wasn’t, “I can’t do this.” He didn’t give up…he just recognized he needed a little break and then tried again.
It was a lot of fun seeing so many families out at Chuck E. Cheese last Friday! Thank you for your support! It’s so important to come together outside of school as a community. We hope we will see you all at our Fall Festival on October 28th! Thank you to our wonderful PTA for all of their hard work. Flyers will be coming home this week with more details about our Fall Festival. Please look on the back of the flyer for ways you can help.
Thank you for sharing your amazing children with us. Have a wonderful weekend!
Danielle Colucci
Principal, Luxford Elementary School
Fourth Graders Reading Books They Love
Kindergarten Literacy Stations
Teachers Discuss Instructional Strategies
Important Upcoming Dates:
Oct 5, 2017: 5th grade gifted testing
October 9: NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS (Staff Professional Learning Day)
October 13: Spirit Wear orders due
October 18: Chick-Fil-a Spirit Night 5:00-8:00 p.m.
October 28: Fall Festival! 12:00-3:00 pm (students who attend must attend with an adult as there will not be enough staff on site to supervise) BOOK CHARACTER COSTUME PARADE will be held during Fall Festival from 12:15-12:30 pm
October 31: Students may wear a school appropriate book character costume to school (no blood/scary characters, no weapons, must adhere to regular dress code and be comfortable and safe for P.E.).
November 7: NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS: Parent-Teacher Conferences
November 10: SCHOOL CLOSED: Veteran’s Day: Luxford thanks all those who serve for their sacrifice and service!!!
November 15: Report cards go home
November 22: Early Dismissal 12:10 p.m.
PTA Update
Spirit Wear is being sold! Flyers went home this week. See picture below of the new spirit wear design by our very own, Ms. Barbour! Shirts come in black or purple!
Fall Festival volunteers and game prize donations are needed. Please attend the PTA meeting on Oct. 5 at 6 pm in the café to help us get this event ready for the kids.
Fundraiser packets went home this week. The packets are due no later than October 11. Prizes will be delivered weekly and big prizes earned from sales will be given out when the orders come in from the company. Parents will pick up their orders and prizes at the school (date will be communicated soon)
Visit the Luxford website: http://www.luxfordes.vbschools.com/ to access the October PTA Newsletter. Hard copies available in the office.
Dismissal Policy Reminder
In order to ensure every child's safety, please communicate with the office AND your child’s teacher NO LATER THAN 2:00 PM if your child is going home a different way than their normal dismissal route. Include on the note/email:
Student’s first and last name
Name of student’s homeroom teacher
The way your child should go home that day
Parent’s signature and contact info
Any changes attempted to be made after 2:00 pm may not be possible.
Emails can be sent to our Office Associates: Cristina.Loyola@vbschools.com and Susan.Masulonis@vbschools.com with any questions regarding transportation changes.
Other Dismissal Reminders:
DO NOT park in the fire lane; this is a Safe Schools Department violation as well as against the law.
All persons must exit through the front door once they are cleared to exit with their child.
Luxford is a NO WALK ZONE; therefore, no one should be walking their children across Haygood Road.
To avoid the hassle and traffic, please send your child home on the bus.
SCA Elections: Campaigning begins on October 10, 2017 and ends on October 13, 2017
Eligibility Requirements: 3-5th grade outstanding student citizens and leaders are eligible.
Student leaders are role models – both inside and outside of the classroom. They should:
Have no grade lower than a “P” in the areas of Citizenship, Participation and Collaboration, and Productivity
Have grade level average of “P” during the previous grading period
Be in good standing with the school with no discipline referrals during the last calendar year
Campaign Guidelines and Rules will be sent home next week. Candidates who do not adhere to the rules and guidelines will be disqualified from campaigning.
Support our school, and go see the My Little Pony movie!
http://www.filmraiser.com/tickets Click on this website and enter Luxford Elementary, and buy your tickets and support our school!
Free and Reduced Lunch Support for Families
Please take advantage of this wonderful support available to students who qualify. The process is confidential and no one knows who receives a free or reduced lunch b/c all students enter lunch numbers in the same way at the counter. Apply here https://www.schoolcafe.com/ or come in for a paper application. Let Mrs. Colucci know if you need assistance.
Gifted Testing Dates and Deadlines:
5th grade screening, Entire grade level: Oct 5, 2017
First grade screening, Entire grade level: Nov 16, 2017
Grades 2-4 testing: Dec. 4, 2017 - Applications due: Nov. 13, 2018
Applicant testing grades 2-5 ODS & 2nd grade HOLDS: March 5, 2018 - Applications due: Feb. 1, 2018
Gifted art and dance only - Applications due: Feb. 1, 2018
First grade testing: April 17, 2018- Applications due: March 1, 2018
Gifted Application: PLEASE NOTE, ONCE YOU SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION, YOU CANNOT EDIT THE APPLICATION. DO NOT SUBMIT UNTIL YOU ARE SURE YOU HAVE FINALIZED THE APPLICATION! It’s a good idea to talk to Mrs. Babbs before applying. You may visit this website to learn more about gifted services, testing and to locate the application: http://www.vbschools.com/curriculum/gifted/index.asp