Hembree Highlights
March 22, 2024
Message from Ms. Lahey
Greetings Hembree Families!
Wow! I am still smiling from our Hembree's Got Talent show on Thursday night. What an amazing night watching our Hawks showcase their various talents. It was impressive, funny, and adorable. We even had some talented teachers participate.
Thank you to all the parents who participated in the Annual Perception Survey. We met our goal! Thank you so very much.
I am truly humbled to be a part of such a wonderful community of teachers, staff, parents, and students. I wake up every day excited to come to Hembree!
We have one more week before Spring Break. Our teachers are working hard to provide a high level of instruction for your children.
On April 8th there will be a solar eclipse. The district is providing safety glasses for all students to wear for this event. I will share my plan in next week's Hembree Highlights.
I hope you all have something fun planned for the weekend. My youngest child, Samantha, turns 22 today. I plan to travel to Athens to celebrate her birthday! Have a great and relaxing weekend!
Nancy Lahey
Hembree Springs ES
Important Dates
3/29 First Grade Musical "The Three Piggy Opera" @ 9:30am (HSE Cafeteria)
4/10 General PTA Meeting @ 6:30pm on TEAMS
4/12 STEM & Star Night @ 7:00-9:00pm
4/23 Kindergarten Sneak-A-Peek @ 8:30-10:00am
Our Hembree Chorus performed beautifully at our Zone 5 school board meeting on Wednesday!
Dear parents/guardians,
Please use this form to provide input regarding your child's individual learning needs for the upcoming school year at Hembree Springs. We trust that you understand that your comments constitute just one of the many factors that must be considered in forming classes and that input cannot include specific teacher preferences nor comments based on perceptions. Ultimately, the final decision on class placement resides with the school. PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST A SPECIFIC TEACHER IN ANY WAY.
If you would like to provide input, please complete and submit this form (one for each child) no later than March 29, 2024. Contact Dr. McAtee, CST, if you have questions at mcatee@fultonschools.org.
Last Chance for Title I Input Survey!
We still need parent survey responses to meet our goal. If you have not done so, please fill out our Title I Parent Survey prior to the March 27th deadline. This survey is different from the Annual Parent Perception Survey. Survey input will be reviewed, and responses will directly impact family engagement programming for next year. Do you love Star nights? Let us know! Would you prefer our meetings to be online? Let us know! Got a great idea? This is your chance! See the flyer below for more information.
Student Success Skills Post Survey Grades 3-5
Hello Parents,
The Student Success Skills Inventory is used to measure student growth across Student Success Skill standards as a result of ReThink Ed lessons. Students complete the inventory by indicating if they almost always, always, sometimes, or never apply the skills being taught in the areas of Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Competence, Collaborative Problem Solving, Reflective Learning Strategies, and Sense of Belonging. The SSS Inventory is about 15-20 item and administered to students in the Fall and Spring. It takes about 15 minutes to complete. Students complete the SSS Inventory using the Illuminate platform.
- Spring Inventory Administration: April 8, 2024 – April 12, 2024
If you have any questions about the SSS Inventory, please contact Ms. Reynolds, school counselor at reynoldssn@fultonschools.org. Parents can choose to opt their student out of the inventory. To opt out, parents must submit a written request to the school principal, Ms. Lahey at lahey@fultonschools.org no later than March 28th, 2024.
Hola Padres,
El Inventario de Habilidades de Éxito del Estudiante se utiliza para medir el crecimiento de los estudiantes a través de los estándares de Habilidades de Éxito del Estudiante como resultado de las lecciones de Rethink Ed. Los estudiantes completan el inventario indicando si casi siempre, siempre, a veces o nunca aplican las habilidades que se enseñan en las áreas de autoconciencia, autogestión, competencia social, resolución colaborativa de problemas, estrategias de aprendizaje reflexivo, y sentido de pertenencia. El Inventario SSS es de aproximadamente 15-20 artÃculo y se administra los estudiantes en el otoño y la primavera. Tarda unos 15 minutos en completarse. Los estudiantes completan el inventario de SSS utilizado la plataforma IlumÃnate.
-Administración de inventario de primavera: 8 de abril de 2024 – 12 de abril de 2024
Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el Inventario de SSS, comunÃquese con la Dra. Reynolds, consejera escolar a reynoldssn@fultonschools.org. Los padres pueden optar por optar a su estudiante fuera del inventario. Para optar por no participar, los padres deben enviar una solicitud por escrito a la directora de la escuela, la Sra. Lahey, a lahey@fultonschools.org a más tardar el 28 de marzo de 2024.
Hembree's Got Talent!
Thank you to all of our participants, stage crew and the support of parents who made our fifth annual talent show a total success! We couldn't have done it without you all, and we are already looking forward to next year!
STEM & Star Night
Join us on April 12th, for our final STEM and STAR night! For this event we will be joined by Liberti Gates- the Environmental Education Coordinator with the City of Roswell. She will present a 45-minute program, AND you'll be able to step inside the giant earth balloon for a hands-on experience. Space is limited to 30 guests at each time slot inside the balloon.
Last year we reached capacity for inside the balloon, but don't worry! There will still be plenty of activities available. The outreach team from Innovation Academy will be here with hands-on STEM experiments. Additionally, the observatory will be open, and Mr. Tavel will be here to answer your questions about the night sky. Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C054FADAD2FAAFD0-48670958-stem
First Grade Musical
Field Day T-shirts and Volunteer Sign-Up
Field Day is fast approaching, and the P.E. Department is so excited because we are going to have the best day ever! This year field day will be April 19th.
SNPK, KD and 1st: 8:00-10:00
Pre-K, 2nd, and 3rd: 10:00-12:00
4th and 5th: 12:00-2:00.
Field Day volunteer sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F44ABAE2FABFD0-48453096-field#/
We would love to have you volunteer at a station. If you haven’t already, you will need to complete the VOLUNTEER TRAINING through Fulton County.
Fulton County Volunteer Training: https://www.fultonschools.org/volunteer
Last chance for a Field Day t-shirt. The online store will close March 24th. No shirts will be available after this date. The price is $15.
¡El DÃa de Juegos se acerca rápidamente, y el Departamento de Educación FÃsica está muy emocionado porque vamos a tener el mejor dÃa de todos! Este año el DÃa de Juegos será el 19 de abril.
SNPK, KD y 1st: 8:00-10:00am
Pre-K, 2nd y 3rd: 10:00am-12:00pm
4th y 5th: 12:00-2:00pm
Inscripción de voluntarios del DÃa de Juegos: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F44ABAE2FABFD0-48453096-field#/
Nos encantarÃa que se ofreciera como voluntario en una estación. Si aún no lo ha hecho, deberá completar el ENTRENAMIENTO DE VOLUNTARIADO a través del condado de Fulton.
Entrenamiento de Voluntarios del Condado de Fulton: https://www.fultonschools.org/volunteer
Última oportunidad para una playera de Dia de Juegos. La tienda en lÃnea cerrará el 24 de marzo. No habrá playeras disponibles después de esta fecha. El precio es de $15.
From Title I
Kindergarten Sneak-A-Peek on 4/23
Parents and families of rising Kindergarten students! Please join us on 4/23 for our "Sneak-A-Peek." More details below. You may RSVP here:
Summer Learning Program for Grades 3-5
Fulton County Schools is offering a summer learning program for elementary students grades 3-5 from June 5th - July 3rd from 7:20 am - 2:20 pm at Mimosa Elementary School. This is designed for students that are not meeting grade level expectations at this point in the school year. This summer school opportunity is by invitation only and will be for reading and math. We will be sending out invitations on Friday, March 8th based on preliminary data. The preliminary data is used to make recommendations for Summer Learning and does not mean that your child will be required to attend summer learning. It will be an opportunity for parents to be aware that their child may be a candidate for summer learning. All students that are invited in this 'preliminary' round of invitations are asked to complete the invitation and return it to school for planning purposes. Below is the criteria being used for Summer Learning recommendations:
- 3rd-5th grade student who is performing 2 or more years below grade level on iReady in reading (as measured by the Mid-Year Diagnostic in December 2023)
- 3rd-5th grade student who is performing 2 or more years below grade level on iReady in math (as measured by the Mid-Year Diagnostic in December 2023)
- 3rd-5th grade student who failed a Semester 1 ELA and/or reading course
- 3rd-5th grade student who failed a Semester 1 math course
- 3rd- 5th grade student being considered for retention
Please reach out to Morgan Tew, Assistant Principal, with any questions you might have about Summer Learning.
From Mrs. Stowers
Join our volunteer copy team- open to English and Spanish speakers!!!
Volunteering with our copy team is a breeze! It is an great way to lend a helping hand to our teachers and familiarize yourself with the school. Join us in making a difference for our school- it is easy and fulfilling. Reach out to Julie Burnley at jkburnley@gmail.com to get started.
All Stars Wanted
Each week the PE department will choose 4 All Star Athletes (2 students & 2 staff members). If your student enjoys hiking, swimming, baseball, softball, football, biking, etc. Please email a picture to marzetti@fultonschools.org.
Ms. Marzetti
Roswell Basketball Camp
Thank you all so much for volunteering at Hembree Springs this semester! We appreciate all of the many hours you gave to support our students, staff and other parents and families to help make our Hembree Hawks community thrive. We wish you a restful or exciting winter break and look forward to seeing you in the halls in 2024.
All volunteers are required to re-register online to be able to volunteer again starting in January 2024. Once you re-register your volunteer status will be good through May 31, 2026. Fulton County School is discontinuing the current Raptor sign in process and replacing it with Infinite Campus CheckMate. Link here to complete the re-registration.
Safety & Security / Volunteer Application Form (fultonschools.org)
Order your HSE Yearbook!
Lunch Visitor Schedule by Homeroom
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Previous Newsletters
Hembree Springs Elementary School
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/hembreespringses
Location: 815 Hembree Road, Roswell, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-2902