RRMS Royal Update
Knight News - 1/20-1/24
Mark Your Calendars
Dodgathon Registration is Open!
Mark your calendars for the annual RRMS Dodgathon on January 31st. Whether you play or spectate, don’t miss out by purchasing tickets through the PTSA Member Hub or bringing cash or a check (made out to the RRMS PTSA) to the front office. We are also looking for business partners and families to sponsor arenas.
Player link
Spectator link
$100 sponsor link
$250 sponsor link
$500 sponsor link
RRMS Royal Athletics
Chrissy Brando, Athletic Director cbrando@pasco.k12.fl.us
Joseph Corley, Assistant Athletic Director jcorley@pasco.k12.fl.us
All middle school students may participate in the middle school athletic program. Students must have a valid physical form and submit it through the Athletic Clearance website before tryouts. Please visit the RRMS website under Athletics for all required paperwork. Upon making the team, the following athletic participation fees apply and must be paid within 3 days of making the team:
· Athletic Participation Fee: $60 1st sport, $40 2nd sport; Family cap per school $150, Individual cap $100
GOFAN.CO Digital Ticketing
All athletic tickets must be purchased on GoFan.co. We will not sell tickets at the gates. All middle school sports tickets will be $5.
For each game, if you have purchased a season pass on GoFan.co, you will be guaranteed admission to all HOME athletic events. This All-Access Pass entitles the holder to claim a single ticket for each River Ridge home game for the 2024-25 season. **This pass is not valid for FHSAA State Series events. Season passes are $60.
Free Admission passes (PCSB Employees, FHSAA passes) – We will hold back a limited number of tickets up until game time. Under-school-age children will still be let in free with parents (up to capacity).
RSVP for Football Banquet by 1/15/25 for the event on 1/22/25! (New Date)
Other Royal Opportunities...
Birthday Song Fundraiser - Recognize your Student!
Celebrate your child’s birthday with a Birthday Song at lunch from the Administrative Team, balloons, confetti, and an ice cream treat. Complete the form in the front office and provide Mrs. Cace with $5. All proceeds go to student and staff recognition.
Royal Spirit Gear Makes Fantastic Holiday Gifts!
Show Your Royal Spirit with your River Ridge SWAG... new items have been added for purchase on GoFan.co at our River Ridge Spirit Store. Items can be picked up at the front office… don't miss out sizes are limited and new designs are amazing! Go Knights! #WeAreRoyal #RoyalSpiritFriday
Sign Up for MyStudent!
We are excited to offer the district’s student information systems (SIS) myStudent to help parents and students check attendance and grades online. Attendance is posted and updated daily. Individual teachers update grades periodically. Their timeline for entering grades may be daily, weekly, or twice per grading period - depending on their course. Multiple students can be shown on one parent account, even if the students are attending different secondary schools within Pasco County. All progress reports and report cards will only be available through myStudent. All COMMUNICATION will come through myStudent this school year.
MONITOR your STUDENTS progress through the mySTUDENT Parent Portal & the mySTUDENT App!
Please check myStudent regularly to keep up with grades, attendance, and test history. To be promoted to high school, students must earn a D or higher in all Core classes (Math, Science, ELA, and Social Studies) for the semester and complete the career component.
However, for "On Track" events at RRMS, students must earn As, Bs, and Cs and have no referrals. Please encourage your student to take advantage of all the Royal Opportunities we offer to get academic help.
1. Academic Lunch in the Media Center or with the teacher (daily)
2. Daily intervention time in class (71 minute rotating schedule)
3. Second Chance Learning Opportunities (work out with teacher as needed)
4. Course Recovery Lab & Opportunity Hall
5. Extended School Day (begins November 4th)
6. After School Tutoring by RRHS NHS (Tuesdays, Thursdays)
Pasco County Schools & RRMS Expectations, Policies, & Procedures
Castle Expectations & Bridge the Ridge
Building Compassionate Schools
To build and establish relationships, each class will be engaging in Bridging the Ridge activities during the first three-five days of school. These activities have been planned by the RRMS Student Services Team and are assigned to each subject area. These activities provide teachers and students with the opportunity to support building a community within the classroom to set the tone and encourage students to be active members of their own learning. Lessons regarding Collective Commitments, School-wide Behavior Expectations, the Student Code of Conduct, and Safety will also be facilitated the first week of school and each quarter after.
We highly encourage parents/guardians to review the Castle Expectations and the Student Code of Conduct with your student as well as to "check in" with students regarding how their school experience is going.
24-25 Pasco County Schools Dress Code
For the most up to date dress code, please review Page 27 in the Pasco County Schools Student Code of Conduct.
Important Links:
Login to your Parent Portal and Complete the Forms Required for the New Year: https://pasco.focusschoolsoftware.com/focus/index.php?skipSSO
Pay Student Fees: https://www.studentquickpay.com/pasco/
Purchase Spirit Wear: GoFan.co
School Public Calendar: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/0120328c89614936bba960f250bd1e60@pasco.k12.fl.us/ab1314af30da413fb329249b680fa84b16538542546199125556/calendar.html
Important Contacts
Mrs. Angie Murphy, Principal amurphy@pasco.k12.fl.us 774-7208
Ms. Daniell Grubbs, Assistant Principal (6th Grade) dgrubbs@pasco.k12.fl.us 774-7256
Ms. Kristen Martanovic, Assistant Principal (7th Grade) kmartano@pasco.k21.fl.us. 774-7238
Mrs. Melina Brissey, Assistant Principal (8th Grade) mdinamid@pasco.k12.fl.us 774-7234
Corporal Josh Peters, SRO jopeters@pasco.k12.fl.us 774-7223
Mrs. Monica Stanton, School Counselor (7th Grade) mostanto@pasco.k12.fl.us 774-7252
Mrs. Denise Doerrfeld, School Counselor (8th Grade) ddoerrfe@pasco.k12.fl.us 774-7253
Ms. Meredith Alston, School Counselor (6th Grade) malston@pasco.k12.fl.us 774-7220
Mrs. April Addington, SSAP aaddingt@pasco.k12.fl.us 774-7069
Mrs. Maria Costlow, School Social Worker mcostlow@pasco.k12.fl.us 774-7259
Mrs. Kylie Owens, SBP Social Worker kowens@pasco.k12.fl.us 774-7181
Ms. Hayleigh Theisen, School Nurse htheisen@pasco.k12.fl.us; Ms. Joanie Noe, Clinic Asst. jnoe@pasco.k12.fl.us 774-7213
Mrs. Flo Cione, Bookkeeper fcione@pasco.k12.fl.us 774-7216
Ms. Chrissy Brando, Athletic Director cbrando@asco.k12.fl.us 774-7187