Superintendent Newsletter
Roxbury Public Schools
February 2024
I hope this message finds you and your family well.
Upon review of the newsletter, if you have any questions or would like clarification on any item, please feel free to contact me at fsantora@roxbury.org.
Frank Santora, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Our Committed Staff
I would like to thank each and every staff member for their tireless efforts in supporting the needs of our students.
POG Survey for Faculty and Staff
Recently, surveys were sent out to teaching and student support staff in order to gather respondents feedback on the POG. I would like to thank each and every staff member who completed the survey. The input that has been gathered thus far is informative and helpful in the district’s process of reviewing the POG. During the February 29, 2024 Superintendent Coffee, I reviewed the results of this survey with the members of the public. A copy of the presentation can be found here.
As part of the district's efforts to strengthen the tiered systems of support, the district is exploring a partnership with LinkIT, a data warehousing and analytics platform. This system will enable the teachers and other school staff members to continuously monitor student progress and use data to plan comprehensive and individualized instructional experiences for students. In order to assess the effectiveness and relevance of this platform for our district, there is currently a pilot group of teachers using LinkIT as part of their daily practice. I would like to thank all of the staff members including teachers and administrators who are involved in the pilot.
The Student Experience
Living Zoo Event at FES
RHS Robotix Reveal
On February 21, 2024 I attended the Robotix Team’s Reveal event for the current season. The event served as an opportunity for the team to showcase the robot they recently created. Students proudly presented their work to the many attendees. It was phenomenal to see our students engage with the audience regarding this topic. The students as well as coaches devote a substantial amount of time and energy and it was wonderful that they were able to showcase the fruits of their labor.
Gallery Walk at KES
On February 28, 2024 I attended the KES 4th Grade Gallery Walk Event. This gave the students the opportunity to present their timeline projects which highlighted important moments in history as well as their personal lives. The event was well attended by parents and staff members. It was wonderful to witness our students enthusiastically share their perspectives on the important moments of their lives and throughout recent history.
RHS Assembly
RHS Student Focus Group
On March 1, 2024, I convened a student advisory group meeting with approximately 15 RHS students. In addition to other topics, the discussion included student input on the POG. Similar to the feedback from staff and parents, the students shared that it would be beneficial to introduce the POG to younger levels of students using age appropriate language and topics. I would like to thank the students for attending the event as well as Mr. Miller, RHS Principal, who assisted me in organizing the session.
📣 Congratulations to the many student athletes who worked hard and accomplished great things during their respective seasons! 🏆
Roxbury High School Performing Arts Presents...
Good luck to all our outstanding young performers & faculty who helped bring this year's spring play to life!
For Tickets to the 7pm Fri., March 8th Performance, click here.
For Tickets to the 2pm Sat., March 9th Performance, click here.
For Tickets to the 7pm Sat., March 9th Performance, click here.
Parent Involvement / Community
Global High Five Multicultural Expo
On February 16, 2024 my family and I attended the Global High Five Multicultural Expo at RHS. The event, led by EMS Teacher Ms. Marcia Cordeiro, was a dynamic and fantastic celebration of the various cultures and practices around the world. The event involved multiple facets of our school community including students, families, faculty/staff and various community members.
EMS Staff/Student Volleyball Game-Sponsored by EMS PTO
On Tuesday, Mar 5, 2024, my family and I attended the staff versus student volleyball tournament sponsored by the EMS PTO. The event not only involved students and staff facing off in grueling volleyball match-ups as it also drew participation and support from our dedicated Roxbury Police and Fire Departments. In addition to the numerous players, the gym was filled with hordes of enthusiastic fans. It was a wonderful event and I’d like to thank the PTO of EMS as well as all of the staff, students and volunteers who participated.
Director of Special Services Search Process
On March 4, 2024, the district accepted the resignation of the current Director of Special Services, Ms. Amy Gallagher. In order to begin the search for Ms. Gallagher’s replacement, the district posted for the position on March 4, 2024. The search for a new Director of Special Services will be thorough and comprehensive, consisting of multiple rounds of interviews as well as a performance task. It is my intention to have a replacement appointed at the April 29, 2024 Board of Education Meeting. If any parent or staff member has a question regarding this process, please contact me directly.
Superintendent Coffee
Roxbury Township Public Schools
Website: roxbury.org
Location: 42 North Hillside Avenue, Succasunna, NJ, USA
Phone: 973-584-6099
"Preparing the children of today for tomorrow" is an elaborate venture. Through our district's "Schoolhouse ROX: A POGcast", members of our learning community will tell you all about a wide variety of programs, opportunities, and much much more. As a comprehensive public school district, we are committed to ensuring that each and every student is afforded learning experiences that will afford them a wide array of experiences that support their journey toward a fulfilling adult life. Click on the logo shown to hear our most recent POGcast and view our library of previous recordings.