Magee Parent Newsletter 122024

United Way Day of Caring Volunteers at Magee
United Way Day of Caring Volunteers at Magee
United Way Day of Caring Volunteers at Magee
Important Dates
12/3: Writing Benchmark
12/6: Girls Basketball Playoff Game-Home vs Mansfeld 4:30
12/10: ELA Benchmark
12/12: Math Benchmark
12/10: Band Concert @ Sabino 6PM
12:14: Odyssey of the Mind Rummage Sale 8am in the Cafeteria
12/16-12/19: Spirit Week
12/18: Snowflake Dance 2-3:30 PM
12/20: Grading Day (No School for Students)
12/23-1/3: Winter Break
1/6: School Resumes
New School Marquee is Coming
The recent Governing Board meeting showed Magee's new digital marquee is coming soon! The project is funded as part of the voter approved bond from last year. For a list of campus improvements, please visit the district website.
High School Dual Enrollment Opportunity for the 25-26 School Year
Magee is joining the Palo Verde Magnet High School eighth grade honors program for the 25-26 school year, meaning this opportunity is for current 7th graders.
Qualified students who choose to participate will join eighth graders from four other TUSD middle schools and attend an Algebra, Biology, and Spanish class at Palo Verde Magnet High School each morning. This would mean your child starts high school with three earned credits! Participating in this program does not impact where you register for 9th grade.
These classes are for eighth graders only and are held in a separate area of the high school. Middle school students are not in classes or halls with older students.
Transportation from Magee to Palo Verde and back is provided.
To qualify formally, your child will need to earn passing grades in all seventh-grade classes and pass an Algebra readiness exam in January. Besides keeping grades up and practicing math, no action is needed at this time. Families with students who pass the mass placement exam will be contacted in the spring with a formal invitation to join the program.
PTO Meeting
We are also looking for new members. Please join by using the QR code below.
Microwave Donation Needed
Due to heavy use, our students have pushed their cafeteria microwave to it's final days of life :( If any parent or community member can donate a good, functional microwave, our students would very much appreciate it .
Benchmark Scores Available
Your student recently completed the benchmark test at the end of the 1st quarter. This test covers all the learning concepts taught in Quarter 1 for both Reading and Math. The report is not available on Parent Vue.
If you would like a copy of your child's report, please email Mr. Muecke.
Student Council/PBIS
Magee Spirit Day
EVERY Friday we will show our school spirit by wearing anything RED, WHITE and BLUE!!!
Magee Spirit Week Dec 16-19
M- Teacher/Student Swap (dress as a teacher!)
T- Decades Day (pick a decade and dress as if you were in it)
W- PJ Day (wear your PJ's)
Th- Santa v Reindeer v Elf (pick a side!)
Magee Sports Season 3: Boys and Girls Soccer
Roadrunners Soccer starts soon in Quarter 3!! Magee will have both a boys and girls team.
The boys team is coached by our campus monitor, Mr. G. The girls team will be coached by Coach Dominic for the 2nd straight season.
Reminder that students must have a completed physical form on file to participate.