ECC Families Newsletter

ECC Parents and Guardians,
We have officially completed the first six weeks of school, and I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your partnership and support during this exciting time. Watching your children grow, learn, and adjust to the routines and procedures of school has been such a joy.
We appreciate your dedication to helping them transition into this new chapter of their lives. Your involvement-whether through morning routines, helping with homework or just offering words of encouragement has made a difference.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel to reach out to me.
Kristi Baze, Principal
October is going to be a busy month, please read this newsletter for the following:
Please read this newsletter for the following information:
Upcoming Dates
Grandparents' Month
Kona Ice
Spirit Week
Parent Conference Night/Early Release
Storybook Character Day
Veteran's Program
Grandparent's Month
Grandparents are the best kind of grown-ups to have and we LOVE having them for lunch any month at ECC!
Parents and Guardians- Make sure grandparents are listed in Skyward or call ahead to give approval. The lunch schedule is below. Be sure to bring your ID.
Lunch prices
Breakfast $2.50
Student lunch $ 3.25
Visiting adult lunch$ 4.50
Visitor Policy
Please remember visitors are not permitted to walk the halls or be in classrooms without permission. This is for the safety of all of our students. If you are leaving the cafeteria from lunch, please go straight to the office using the hallway closest to the cafeteria.
Head start Parent Training
Region 7 specialist, Michelle Huckiel, and Mary Ann Combs, Head start facilitator, will provide an hour long session on strategies and best practices on the topic of Delivering Assertive Commands to Students. This training will take place in the ECC cafeteria from 5-6pm on October 15th. Please complete the google form if you are planning to attend.
Homecoming Week
Below is a list of dress up days for ECC to celebrate Homecoming week. Mums and garters are not allowed during this week. We have created themed dress-up up days to show our school spirit. Along with the themed dress-up days, we will have a large mum in the foyer for teachers to take pictures with their classes, and parents can too, during morning drop-off or lunches. We LOVE our Lindale Eagles and we are excited to show our school spirit with our dress-up days.
Veterans Program
We are excited to invite Veterans to our upcoming Veterans Program, which will take place on November 11th, @ 9:00. The program will be held in our ECC gym and should last about 30 minutes. This event is a special opportunity for our students to honor and celebrate the brave men and women who have served in our nation's military.
Due to limited space, please try to limit it to the veteran and 1 adult attending the program. We want to honor all of our students Veterans, but we still have to seat 450 students in the gym too. The program will be live streamed on our LISD FB if you are not able to attend due to not having a family member that is a Veteran.
In the next few weeks, we will send home a flyer for the parents to complete, and if you have a photo of the child's veteran, you can attach it. Once it is completed, send it with your child and we will hang all Veterans pictures in our hallways. Later that week, we will send home the photo with your child.
Notes from Nurse White
Notes from the Counselor
Morning drop-off for car and bus
The map below, shows you where to enter ECC. All cars and buses enter the West entrance.
If you are walking your child inside, you will still enter the West entrance, park in the parking lot and walk your student to the foyer.
If you are dropping your child off in the car line, the officer will direct the flow of traffic. The car line can seem a bit slow at first, please be patient and kind as we all learn the car and bus line procedures.
ECSE pick-up and drop off procedures on Bell Street
KINDER. Afternoon Pick-Up Procedure
Afternoon car line
For car line dismissal, enter the West entrance. Please have your car tag placed in your front windshield or hanging from a hanger on your rear-view mirror. This allows our staff to easily see your car tag. As the staff member is calling cars, another staff member is typing names, while teachers are lining students up in the cafeteria. It is a very systematic process. Please avoid jumping into a short line because this does cause a delay in our dismissal process. Watch the video below, to see how the morning routine is different from the afternoon pick-up procedure.
Reduced/free lunch forms
If you would like to apply for reduced or free lunch, complete the form below. Keep in mind that breakfast is free to all reduced students this upcoming school year. Breakfast is served beginning at 7:25 each morning. We ask that if your child needs breakfast, to please be at school by 7:45. This gives students time to eat breakfast before announcements.
Always double check the YAG, dates are subject to change.
Mentoring Alliance
If you are interested in your child attending Mentoring Alliance the contact info. is below. It is the parents responsibility to contact the bus barn, then the office at ECC 903-881-4400. We will place a green Mentoring Alliance sticker on their backpack so the bus drivers and monitors know your child is to get off the bus at EJ Moss West.
Child Find
Special Programs
If you suspect your child has a learning disability or his/her speech is delayed, please feel free to contact Special Programs. The contact information is below. Theses evaluations and services are provided through LISD.