Message from the Superintendent
Dear AUSD Community,
I hope you and your family are back into the “normal” routine of the school year. As I’ve made my way to the various school campuses over the last three weeks, I have witnessed happy students, excited parents, and welcoming staff members. It was wonderful to see everyone back on campus and even more wonderful to see such a smooth and joyful start to the school year.
Back-to-School Nights started last week and continue through September 12th. I hope you attended (or will attend) this important event, where you will get to meet your child’s teacher and learn about the many exciting things planned for your child this year. (See Back-to-School Night schedule below.) Back-to-School Nights are the ideal opportunities to meet the school staff, learn about the curriculum and class norms, and engage with fellow parents.
This was an exciting week at the District Office! I am thrilled to extend an official welcome and congratulations to our 2024-2025 Student Board Member (SBM), Keiko Rakin. On Tuesday, she took her Oath of Office and will now represent almost 15,000 student voices as important decisions are made for AUSD. Our SBM Alternate, Madison Kang, also took her Oath of Office on Tuesday. Highlights from the swearing-in ceremony and celebratory reception appear as one of our featured events below. Together, Keiko and Madison will lead our 12-member Student Advisory Council (SAC) as they discuss important topics at their monthly meetings, gather input from their peers, prepare presentations to the Board, and represent AUSD at community events. We look forward to the insights and leadership Keiko, Madison, and the rest of SAC will bring to their new roles. Expect to hear much more from these impressive young student leaders.
Thank you to everyone who has already joined PTA. If you haven’t joined yet, please click HERE and search for your child’s school(s). We encourage every member of your household to join and to support our PTAs in their efforts to provide enriching experiences for their schools.
As always, I appreciate your continued support and commitment to ALL students’ success. Let’s make this the best school year yet!
Warm Regards,
Denise R. Jaramillo, Ed.D.
In This Issue...
- OPENING FEATURED EVENT: 2024-25 Student Board Member Oath of Office & Student Advisory Council Recognition
- August 27th Board Meeting
- Staff Report: Bullying and Disciplinary Practices Overview
- Staff Report: Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS) Plan Update
- Adopted Board Resolutions
- Educational Services
- LCAP Parent Advisory Committee Meeting
- No Time To Hate Poster Contest
- Safer Athletics & Outdoor Activities During Excessively Hot Weather
- Alternative Income Form
- NEW: College & Career Newsletter
- College & Career Workshop: CaliforniaColleges.edu
- Save the date: 17th Annual College Fair
- Technology Updates
- NEW FEATURE: Mass Communication System SMS/Text Messages
- Educational Technology Resource Site
- Student Device Use
- Student Support Services
- Attendance Matters!
- "Off and Away" (AUSD Cell Phone Policy)
- Hazel Health (Telehealth Services)
- Let's Keep Each Other Healthy!
- Facilities and Construction
- Facilities Updates
- Construction Updates
- SMALL SPOTLIGHTS (Little Bits of Good News & Information from Around the District)
- Food & Nutrition Services:
- Cafeteria Menus
- Food Allergy Meal Accommodation Form
- Free Breakfast & Lunch for ALL AUSD Students!
- Parent Resources: Community Offerings & News
- 2025 Rose Court - Eligibility Area Expanded!
- Join PTA or PTSA!
- CalKIDS Account
- Scholarship Opportunities
- Non-Profit Partner Organizations (AEF, ALA, AAA)
- News from AEF (AEF Voted San Gabriel Valley's BEST Non-Profit Organization!, AEF Citadel Shopping Extravaganza, 11th Annual Alhambra Pumpkin Run & Halloween Festival and Adopt-A-Camper)
- News from ALA (Noche de Loteria)
- News from AAA (Lunar New Year Banquet Date is Set!)
- Human Resources
- Game Changers
- Employment Opportunities
- AUSD Calendar
- Upcoming Events and Important Dates
- Back-To-School Nights 2024
- High School Athletics Calendars
- AUSD in the Media
- AUSD Publicity Request
- AUSD is on YouTube - Congratulations to our 2024 Employees of the Year!
AUSD Website & Social Media - Stay Connected with AUSD!
"AUSD Connection" Archive
Subscribe to "AUSD Connections"
Throughout the newsletter, please CLICK ON IMAGES AND HEADLINES to access additional information, embedded links, and larger versions of the photographs/graphics.
Featured Event: 2024-25 Student Board Member & Student Advisory Council
At the beginning of Tuesday's Board Meeting, Alhambra Mayor Sasha Renée Pérez administered the official Oath of Office to Student Board Member Keiko Rakin and Student Board Member Alternate Madison Kang.
Members of the 2024-25 Student Advisory Council (SAC) were also on hand to be formally congratulated and recognized. We thank the families, Alhambra Mayor Pérez., Alhambra Councilmember Adele Andrade-Stadler, and the other special guests who joined us to celebrate these young leaders. The Board of Education recessed for a brief reception in their honor before reconvening to conduct the remainder of their meeting.
Staff Report Presentation Slides
Board Resolutions
At Tuesday's Board of Education meeting, the Board adopted two resolutions (Attendance Awareness Month and National Hispanic Heritage Month). You can read the full content of each resolution by downloading the attachment below.
LCAP Parent Advisory Committee Meeting
Please join us for our upcoming Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting on Monday, September 9, 2024 from 6:45pm-8:00pm via Zoom.
Click on the image to download a PDF of the flyer with information in multiple languages or click HERE to join the Zoom Meeting.
No Time to Hate Poster Contest
Put your creativity to the test in honor of AUSD's:
United Against Hate Week - September 23-27, 2024.
All Winners will be honored at a District ceremony. Poster contest is open to all AUSD Students. Posters are due September 12, 2024
Click HERE for contest details and information. For the poster contest submission form click HERE.
Safer Athletics & Outdoor Activities During Excessively Hot Weather
AUSD is excited to implement a new tool to prioritize student safety during heatwaves. We recognized there may be times that physical activities need to be adjusted or canceled due to extreme heat or air quality issues. Each school will have a Wet Bulb Globe Thermometer (WBGT) -- similar to the one in the accompanying photo -- which measures multiple variables including temperature, air quality, humidity and direct exposure to to sunlight. On extremely hot days, WBGT readings will be taken prior to athletic events and outdoor activities. Based on the WBGT readings and guidance from the California Department of Public Health and/or CIF, site administrators will determine whether normal activities can safely continue or if activities need to be adjusted and/or canceled. More information will be coming soon from your child's school.
Alternative Income Form
Beginning August 1, 2024 you will be prompted in the Parent Portal to update the Alternative Income Form for the new school year. Help ensure that Alhambra Unified School District receives the maximum amount of federal funds for our schools. The collection of household income is a necessary step to receive millions of dollars in federal funds for the school that your child attends.
Click HERE to update your Alternative Income Form.
Career Technical Education:
College & Career Workshop: CaliforniaColleges.edu
- All AUSD 6th-12th grade families are invited
- Learn how CaliforniaColleges.edu helps students plan their academic futures, navigate college & financial aid applications, and access career resources—all in one place.
- Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2024
- Time: 7:00pm-8:00pm (via Zoom)
- RSVP: http://tinyurl.com/AUSDecp918 (Zoom link will be sent via email after you RSVP)
- Translation available in Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, & Vietnamese.
Save the Date: 17th Annual College Fair
- All AUSD 9th- 12th grade families are invited to attend
- Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2024
- Location: San Gabriel High School
- Time: 6:00pm-8:oopm
Technology Updates:
📢 NEW FEATURE: Mass Communication System SMS/Text Messages
We are excited to inform you that the SMS / Text feature in our mass communication system, Connect (aka Blackboard) will be officially enabled on August 1st, 2024. This enhancement will significantly improve our communication capabilities, ensuring timely and efficient updates for our staff and families, especially during emergencies. (Please be patient as we transition to this new notification tool. More information to follow.)
Educational Technology Resource Site
We are excited to share our updated Support Site for AUSD families. The site is filled with educational technology resources for all grade levels. You will also find information related to our 1:1 student device program. We believe that by empowering our students with the right technological resources and support, we are setting the foundation for a more engaging, effective, and inclusive learning environment.
New! Damaged/Lost/Stolen Device Informational Video for Families
Student Device Use
As we continue to support our students' learning with the use of technology, we want to kindly remind you that the student devices provided by Alhambra USD are intended solely for educational purposes and student use. To ensure that our students are getting the most out of their digital learning experience, we ask that these devices not be used by anyone else in the household for personal activities.
Attendance Matters!
Positive attendance from the first day of school sets the mindset that school is important and it allows students to start building the foundations of learning. Attendance is the first step to achievement. Chronic absence — missing 10 percent or more of school days due to absence for any reason (excused, unexcused absences, or suspensions) — can translate into students having difficulty learning to read by the third-grade, achieving in middle school, and graduating from high school.
"Off and Away" (AUSD Cell Phone Policy)
While cell phones and other devices have many benefits, they can also be a distraction to student learning and harmful to mental well-being. In Alhambra Unified School District, our goal is to see each and every student achieve at the highest level. We are asking that families support us in requiring our students to keep their cell phones and personal devices "Off and Away" the Entire Day. Disconnecting from phones will allow us to connect with each other, connect with learning, and connect with our campus community. Let’s all work together to improve our learning, relationships, and mental wellness on the campus of AUSD!
Hazel Health (Telehealth Services)
Being mentally healthy during childhood means reaching developmental/emotional milestones and learning healthy social skills and how to cope when there are problems. Mentally healthy children have a positive quality of life and can function well at home, in school, and in their communities. The journey through childhood to adulthood can be filled with challenges that can impact a person's mental health. AUSD is excited to announce that we are continuing our relationship with Hazel Health, who provides therapists in a telehealth setting, that help children cope with their feelings. This service is provided at no cost to parents, insured or uninsured. Sign up HERE.
Let's Keep Each Other Healthy!
With students and staff back in school and interacting daily, we would like to remind families and staff members to continue with common-sense practices to keep each other safe from COVID-19 and other communicable health conditions. Please continue to wash your hands regularly, keep up-to-date on your vaccines, wear a mask (as appropriate), and consult with your health professional if you notice symptoms of illness. For up-to-date guidance for preventing the spread of COVID-19, please visit the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health's WEBSITE.
🚩 COMING SOON: In preparation for winter, when COVID-19 cases tend to surge, the federal government will soon make free rapid antigen tests available again. Please click HERE for more information and make sure to order four free tests at COVIDTests.gov when the program re-launches.
Facilities Updates
The 'L' building Boys and Girls restrooms at San Gabriel High School were recently renovated. An epoxy flake system was applied on the walls, floors, and base.
Two classrooms at Park Elementary School were repainted and a Hybrid Vinyl Tile (HVT) was installed.
Construction Updates
Brightwood School modernization projects continue: Brightwood's playground striping and sod installation are completed.
Work continues on the Scanlon Early Education Center (former district administration building. Currently, underground utilities are being installed.
Monterey Highlands School playground striping has been completed.
This year, we have expanded our Transitional Kindergarten (TK) program to all 13 elementary schools, plus our Dual Immersion programs. The team of TK teachers and assistant teachers gathered together on August 9th for professional development and collaboration.
Garfield School had its first day of PAWSitivity on Friday, August 23rd. Led by school counselor, Perla Rodriguez, the Garfield Wildcats wrote and decorated words of affirmation to demonstrate community and belonging at Garfield School. They plan to celebrate a PAWSitivity day every month.
AUSD is grateful for our strong partnership with East Los Angeles College (ELAC), which allows our students to take FREE college classes while still in high school. AUSD staff joined ELAC on August 10th for their Enrollment Fair, where they assisted students with registration for Fall 2024 Early College Program classes. It was a fun and informative morning, with financial aid and counseling resources, games, lunch, swag, Kona Ice, and raffles.
Thank you to all the parents who joined Ynez School at its first Coffee with the Principal of the 2024-2025 school year. At each Coffee with the Principal, Ynez also offers a parent mini-workshop on topics such as: instructional support, mental health, and technical support. At the August 22nd meeting, licensed mental health counselor Mrs. Ruth Baratta spoke on healthy habits for school readiness. Thank you to Pronto Donuts in Monterey Park who have generously agreed to donate delicious pastries each month for the Ynez’s Coffee with the Principal gatherings.
On Friday, August 23rd, Garfield School celebrated together as it held it annual Back-to-School Picnic. The Wildcats and their families enjoyed dinner on the quad, games, art activities, and music. Thank you to Garfield’s PTA, staff, and all the families who came out to enjoy a wonderful evening together. Let's go, Wildcats!
During the summer, MKHS senior Madison Kang (SAC Member and Student Board Member Alternate) was part of the International Leadership Foundation (ILF)'s Youth Leadership Academy, which helps high schoolers better understand democracy and the importance of civic engagement. Madison reflected, "This was an amazing experience where I’ve gained knowledge and taken inspiration of how I can contribute to my community and what I can do in the future!”
Congratulations to Ramona School principal Dr. Debbie Kotani! Dr. Kotani was named the most recent recipient of the Excellence in Leadership Award. This is a peer-to-peer recognition program, which celebrates our amazing AUSD principals. Dr. Kotani was selected by previous awardee Ynez principal Dr. Janice Phan, who called Dr. Kotani a mentor who has guided her in her professional journey and challenged her to become a principal.
Food Allergy Meal Accommodation Form
If your child has a food allergy (or other health impairment) that requires a special meal or other accommodations, please download the form below or click HERE. Please have your child's physician complete all sections of the form and then submit the completed form to the cafeteria manager/lead at your child's school.
Free Breakfast & Lunch for ALL AUSD Students!
Under California Universal Meals Mandate, ALL students can receive one free breakfast and one free lunch during each school day. If your child attends a Community Eligible Provision (CEP) school, no meal application is needed though your child may be asked to input a their student ID number in the cafeteria. If your child attends a Non-CEP school, you may OPT to submit a meal application and students MUST input their student ID number.
Families who complete a meal application may be eligible to receive other benefits (i.e. discounted utility bills, discounted test fees, P-EBT cards. Click on the image to see a list of CEP/non-CEP schools. For more information, please visit AUSD's Food and Nutrition Services website by clicking HERE.
Click HERE for a list of non-district sponsored activities from our local cities and community partner organizations.
🌹 2025 Rose Court - Eligibility Area Expanded!
The Tournament of Roses has extended the geographic eligibility to residents of additional areas, including the cities of Alhambra and San Gabriel. We hope to see some AUSD students on the 2025 Rose Court! Please click HERE for more information.
Join PTA or PTSA!
Our wonderful Parent-Teacher-Associations (PTAs) and Parent-Teacher-Student-Associations (PTSAs) are part of what makes Alhambra USD such a wonderful district. They are important partners for our school community. The last of our schools are in the final process of reactivating their PTAs. Soon, all 16 elementary and high schools will have active PTAs/PTSAs. Please become a member HERE and support their many activities and fundraisers throughout the 2024-25 school year.
FREE Money for College
CalKIDS is a children’s savings account program administered by the ScholarShare Investment Board, an agency of the State of California. CalKIDS will provide each child born in California and eligible low-income public school students with up to $1,500 for college and career training. We will be sharing more information about this valuable program in future issues of AUSD Connection. But in the meantime, you visit www.calkids.org to see if your child is eligible and to claim your account.
Non-Profit Partner Organizations
Alhambra Educational Foundation (AEF)
Alhambra Latino Association (ALA)
Asian American Association (AAA)
News from AEF
AEF Voted San Gabriel Valley's BEST Non-Profit Organization!
Congratulations to the Alhambra Educational Foundation. They recently won multiple Southern California News Group's Readers Choice Awards, including being voted as the San Gabriel Valley's BEST Non-Profit Organization! This is such a well-deserved honor! Please continue to support the important work AEF does for our students, schools, staff members, and families.
AEF Citadel Shopping Extravaganza
Join the 11th annual Alhambra Pumpkin Run & Halloween Festival to support Alhambra Educational Foundation!
The 2024 Alhambra Pumpkin Run will be held on Sunday, October 27th. Once again, profits will go towards the Alhambra Educational Foundation. Please join the Downtown Alhambra Business Association and the City of Alhambra for this fun-filled day. Proceeds from the run/walk are donated to AEF to help AUSD students and schools. Early bird pricing ends TOMORROW (August 31st)! Get more information or register by clicking HERE.
Adopt-A-Camper Program - PLEASE DONATE!
Our sixth graders had an AMAZING time at camp last year...several groups even got to enjoy some snow!
Please help Alhambra Unified School District and the Alhambra Educational Foundation to continue this new tradition by supporting the Adopt-A-Camper program. Use this LINK to donate. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
News from ALA
Join the Alhambra Latino Association for their fun game night, NOCHE DE LOTERIA!
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: American Legion Post #139 (24 N. Stoneman Ave. in Alhambra)
Donation: $25 for one card or $40 for two cards
Register by October 9th at: https://tinyurl.com/ALALoteria1012.
Become a sponsor at: https://tinyurl.com/ALALoteriaSpon.
All proceeds go to scholarships for AUSD students! For more information, visit their website HERE.
News from AAA
Lunar New Year Banquet Date is Set!
Save the date and plan to join us on Friday, February 21, 2025 at the Asian American Association's Lunar New Year Banquet. This annual event is a fun-filled spectacular evening that raises money for student scholarships. Celebrate the Year of the Snake, while supporting the students of AUSD!
Nominate an Outstanding AUSD Staff Member to be a 2024-2025 Game Changer!
AUSD is continuing our Game Changer program, which recognizes exceptional contributions of our staff members. Nominations for the 2024-25 AUSD Game Changers are open!
Want to reward an extra-special AUSD employee? Nominate them to be a Game Changer HERE. The first nominating window will close on September 6, 2024.
Alhambra USD Employment Opportunities
Be a part of the AUSD Team! Please click HERE for full-and part-time positions. We have competitive salaries and excellent benefits! AUSD posts all job opportunities at EdJoin.com/alhambrausd. Make sure to check back often.
(Subscribe to Receive Automatic Updates)
Upcoming Events & Important Dates
- September 2: Labor Day - Holiday
September 4: Back-To-School Nights (Brightwood 6th-8th & Northrup 1st-8th; See LIST of dates and times)
September 5: Back-To-School Night (Moor Field Preschool; See LIST of date and time)
- September 8: AUSD Booth at Alhambra Farmers Market Returns 9:00am - 11:00am (LINK)
September 9: Parent Advisory Committee Meeting (Flyer, Zoom Link)
September 12: Back-To-School Night (LIFT Adult Transition; See LIST of date and time)
- September 15: AUSD Booth at Alhambra Farmers Market 9:00am - 11:00am
- September 17: Board of Education Meeting (Agendas & Minutes)
- September 18: College & Career Workshop: CaliforniaColleges.edu via Zoom, 7pm (RSVP, Flyer)
- September 20: "AUSD Connection" Newsletter Emailed to Parents, Students, and Staff Members
- September 20, 23, 24, 26, & 27: Elementary Minimum Days (Parent Conference Week)
- September 21: AEF Shopping Extravaganza (Flyer, Schedule, Tickets)
- September 25: 17th Annual College Fair, San Gabriel High School 6:00pm-8:00pm (Flyer)
- September 29: AUSD Booth at Alhambra Farmers Market 9:00am - 11:00am
- October 6: AUSD Booth at Alhambra Farmers Market 9:00am - 11:00am
- October 8: Board of Education Meeting (Agendas & Minutes)
- October 11: "AUSD Connection" Newsletter Emailed to Parents, Students, and Staff Members
Back-To-School Nights 2024
Here is the list of dates and times for the 2024 Back-To-School Nights.
(Please note that some schools do not have a Back-to-School Night listed for TK/K because they already held TK/K orientations.)
High School Athletics Calendars
Featured Event: #AUSDFirstDay
Thank you to the many families and staff members who participated in the 2024 #AUSDFirstDay Campaign. We hope you checked out our Facebook and Instagram accounts (@AlhambraUSD) for all the wonderful photos. We've highlighted a few below, and you can view ALL the photos by clicking HERE.
AUSD in the Media
Read about AUSD in these Local Community Papers
📰 FEATURED on the AUSD website (www.ausd.us): Press Coverage
Alhambra Unified School District is often featured in local media (print and television news). Click below to access some of our favorite stories, featuring AUSD students, staff members, schools and programs!
Do you have something newsworthy to share? Click on the Publicity Request button so we can spread the word!
Congratulations to our 2024 Employees of the Year! Enjoy these celebratory videos, made with deep affection from their school/department and shared with their colleagues on August 12th.
- Jesus Murillo, Senior Custodian, Fremont School
- Nelson Santos, Director - Facilities & Transportation Services
- Page Phillips, Drama Teacher & Visual and Performing Arts Chairperson, Mark Keppel HS
Please visit us on social media to keep up with the latest AUSD news. If you want our notifications/reminders to show up on your timeline, make sure to follow/like us!
About Alhambra Unified School District
Website: www.ausd.us
Address: 1515 West Mission Road, Alhambra, CA, USA
Email: AlhambraUSD@ausd.us
Phone: (626) 943-3000
Facebook: @AlhambraUSD
Instagram: @AlhambraUSD
Twitter/X: @AlhambraUSD
YouTube: @AlhambraUSD
Look for the next issue of "AUSD Connection" on September 20th!
Do you know anyone who would like stay up-to-date with AUSD news?
Alumni, retirees, family members (who are not the primary contact in PowerSchool), and local community members can receive future issues of this newsletter by clicking on the "SUBSCRIBE" button below. It's a great way to stay connected with AUSD! 💖