Littlerock High School
October 30 - Nov 3, 2023
Good Things
Students of the Week! 🌟
⚽ Boys Soccer Fanstore
Halloween on Campus
LHS is thrilled to embrace the holiday season and partake in Halloween festivities on Tuesday. Our top priority is to create a secure and healthy environment for everyone. We welcome students who wish to dress up, but it's essential to adhere to the following guidelines:
- No imitation weapons of any kind permitted,
- No masks allowed (COVID masks and face painting are allowed),
- No inappropriate outfits and clothing that promote gangs, narcotics, or alcohol will NOT be permitted.
- All School/District dress code policies apply at all times.
Q1 Fall Movie for Freshmen
*Permission slips are required. No permission slip no entry.
Saturday School November 4th! 🌞
STEM Conference for Girls!
CSF Fundraiser - Nov 9th! 🐺
Place online orders or use the Panda Express app with Fundraiser Code 915659 for pickup at any Panda Express in the country.
Spread the word to neighbors, friends, and family - they can all participate and help support CSF and our chapter!
Don't forget to take a picture of your full receipt.
Club Meetings 🐺
- CSF meets in Room 129 at Lunch on Tuesdays.
- The class of 2025 meets on Mondays in room 106
- Key Club (fun service projects) meets on Thursday at lunch in room 201 - All Welcome!
- Want to mentor a Freshman? Join Link Crew on Wednesdays at lunch in the Community Center.
📚 After School Tutoring! 📌
We provide valuable support and assistance to improve students' academic performance and achieve their desired grades.
Don't wait, get the help you need today!
Lobos Annual Family Verification Form
We are asking for your help in having each family fill out the income verification form for your student(s). As you are aware, we provide breakfast/snack and lunch for ALL students, regardless of income, however, we only are able to recoup state funds for those students who fill out their verification forms. It is essential to our funding that your family fills out these verification forms. Please take a few minutes to do so. Doing so allows our district to continue to provide the amazing programs and opportunities that we are able to offer.
Completing this form is crucial as it enables LHS and the Antelope Valley Union High School District to secure additional funding, which we use to support our classrooms every day. This funding covers various essential resources, including but not limited to free SAT exams, a flat $5 fee for AP exams, additional classroom materials, free meals on campus, and more.
The form only takes a minute to complete, yet its impact on our district is significant. We sincerely appreciate your support in completing this form as soon as possible!
Le pedimos su ayuda para que cada familia complete el formulario de verificación de ingresos de su(s) estudiante(s). Como usted sabe, proporcionamos desayuno/merienda y almuerzo a TODOS los estudiantes, independientemente de sus ingresos; sin embargo, solo podemos recuperar fondos estatales para aquellos estudiantes que completen sus formularios de verificación. Es esencial para nuestra financiación que su familia complete estos formularios de verificación. Tómese unos minutos para hacerlo. Hacerlo permite que nuestro distrito continúe brindando los increíbles programas y oportunidades que podemos ofrecer.
Completar este formulario es crucial ya que permite a LHS y al Distrito Unido de Escuelas Secundarias de Antelope Valley obtener fondos adicionales, que utilizamos para apoyar nuestras aulas todos los días. Estos fondos cubren varios recursos esenciales, incluidos, entre otros, exámenes SAT gratuitos, una tarifa fija de $5 para los exámenes AP, materiales adicionales para el aula, comidas gratuitas en el campus y más.
Completar el formulario solo toma un minuto, pero su impacto en nuestro distrito es significativo. ¡Agradecemos sinceramente su apoyo para completar este formulario lo antes possible!
Acceda al link, presionando el boton de abajo:
2023-2024 Campus Climate Survey (Parents Please Take!)
Late Afternoon Bus
🐺Lobo Spirit Days!🐺
Littlerock High School staff, faculty, and students follow the tradition of weekly spirit days!
Wednesdays- Wear College apparel from any college and promote College awareness to our students. Some teachers and staff members have even started a collection of different college shirts and hats.
Fridays- Wear Lobo apparel/school colors (blue, green, silver trim) to show your school spirit. School apparel can be purchased through our student store on campus, school clubs, and sports teams throughout the school year and the Jostens school store online. Supporting our school and students is a great way to inspire positive school culture and promote college awareness.
The Lobos Library is Open!
Senior Portraits!
Attention juniors and seniors, we hope you all are excited about PROM!!
🌻 4/27/24 🌻
Don't forget to save the date & save up money for your guys' tickets!🎟
AV Community Fall Sports 2023 Registration
Get Your Bus Pass! 🚌
Extracurricular Participation Requirements (Attendance & Discipline)
LHS insta a todos los estudiantes a adoptar un comportamiento responsable y participar en emocionantes actividades extracurriculares como bailes, deportes y presentaciones para fomentar el espíritu escolar. Sin embargo, para participar en estos eventos es necesario mantener un buen nivel académico, que incluye asistencia regular y conducta respetuosa. A medida que se acercan muchas actividades, tenga en cuenta que los estudiantes con más de dos tardanzas o ausencias injustificadas, o aquellos involucrados en problemas disciplinarios importantes, no podrán asistir a estos eventos. Hagamos que nuestros eventos escolares sean memorables manteniendo estos estándares y celebrando nuestro éxito compartido en LHS.
Accessing your Student’s Grades in PowerSchool
PowerSchool App: The PowerSchool app is directly linked to the PowerSchool parent portal, providing real-time updates on your student's grades and attendance. You can find it in both the Apple App Store and Android App Store. Search for "PowerSchool" and use the district code NWMZ to access your student's information.
Parent Portal: Access the Parent Portal directly at https://powerschool.avhsd.org. This portal allows you to view your student's grades and other relevant information.
AV High School District App (Parent Link): This app is available for both Apple and Android devices. You can find it in the App Store by searching for "AV High School District." Download the app to access news, and information, and track your student's progress.
Choose the option that suits you best to stay informed about your student's academic progress in the Antelope Valley Union High School District.
2023-2024 Bell Schedule & Key Dates
Haga clic en el enlace a continuación para ver el Horario y Calendario del 2023-2024.
Mark Your Calendars
10/26-31: Red Ribbon Spirit Week
10/27-31 -Haunted House - Students & Staff Only - 2.50 w ASB card & $3 w/o ASB card!
11/1: First Day of American Indian Heritage month
11/5: Daylight Savings Time ends
11:7: Election Day
11/10: Veteran's Day (NO SCHOOL)
11/20-11/24: Thanksgiving Break (NO SCHOOL)
12/22: End of S1
Littlerock High School
Website: https://www.littlerockhs.org/
Location: 10833 East Avenue R, Littlerock, CA, USA
Phone: 661-944-5209