Waltham Public Schools Monthly News
February 2025
Superintendent's Message
Dear WPS Community,
We are in the final stages of our district's equity audit and we want to hear from you and your students in grades 6-12. Please click here to complete the survey by February 18th. The link is universal so it can be used by students, staff and families and all submissions are anonymous. We appreciate your support of this important process.
Acting Superintendent Ms. Peretz
February 17-21 - School Vacation week
February 25 @ 7pm - Class of 2029 Family Step Up Night (Waltham High) - see below for more info
February 26 @ 7pm - School Committee Meeting (617 Lexington Street)
March 5 @ 7pm - School Committee Meeting (617 Lexington Street)
March 8 @ 8:30am - 6th Annual Parenting Awareness Conference (Kennedy Middle School) - see below for more info
March 12 @ 7pm - Movin' On Up Concert (Kennedy Middle School) - see below for more info
March 19 - Early Release Day - All Schools (12pm - WHS & WVHS / 12:30pm - Kennedy & McDevitt / 1pm - All Elementaries)
March 19 @ 7pm - School Committee Meeting (617 Lexington Street)
Calling all 8th Graders! Save the Date!
6th Annual Parenting Awareness Conference
March 8, 2025 from 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
@ Kennedy Middle School
Our Keynote Speaker will be Brendan Mahan from ADHD Essentials! His topic is “Parenting as Leadership (Being a Leader Instead of a Boss)”. Many informative and interesting sessions will be available for parents to participate in including Emily Torres-Cullinane, Chief of Community Engagement from Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell’s Office speaking on “Social Media and Mental Health” in English and Spanish. Other sessions will be added over the next two months. Our event includes community information tables, breakfast & lunch, child care for school-aged children and interpretation.
Email nadenestein@walthampublicschool.org for more information on registering.
💻 From our Technology Corner 💻
As technology continues to play a central role in the lives of our tweens and teens, it's important to stay informed about the best ways to protect their online safety and privacy. With this in mind, we are pleased to share a valuable guide for parents focused on these very topics. We encourage you to read the guide alongside your child, discuss these important topics, and work together to ensure their online safety and privacy.
WHS School Counseling Dept. Newsletter
Check out the latest news and info from the WHS School Counseling Dept. here.
DESE Report Cards
DESE has released its district and school report cards for 2024. You can view Waltham's report card here and see all individual school report cards on school websites under About Us / DESE Report Card.
DESE Monitoring Visit Local Outreach and Notification Rescheduled!
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Office of Public School Monitoring (PSM) will conduct an Integrated Monitoring Review of the Waltham Public Schools during the week of April 28, 2025 and not January 27, 2025. Please make note of this change. Each school district, charter school, vocational school, and virtual school undergoes an Integrated Monitoring Review every three years. The areas addressed during an Integrated Monitoring Review are organized into two groups, known as Group A Universal Standards and Group B Universal Standards.
The Waltham Public Schools will be undergoing a Group B monitoring review that addresses special education teacher and related service personnel licensure and professional development; parent, student, and community engagement, including compliance with Child Find requirements; facilities and classroom observations; implementation and oversight of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs); time and learning, and equal access.
The process includes interviews with district staff and administrators, review of policies and procedures, and school building visits. The process may also include parent/caregiver, student and teacher focus group meetings to gather additional information. Interpretation will be provided, if needed.
The Department will send a parent survey, in multiple languages and formats, as needed, to parents /guardians of special education students to gather key information on the special education processes and procedures.
Parents/guardians and other stakeholders may call Gillian Lange, Monitoring Review Chairperson, at (781) 338- 3246 to request a telephone interview. If anyone requires an accommodation, such as translation, to participate in an interview, the Department will make the necessary arrangements.
Within approximately 60 business days after the onsite visit, the review chairperson will provide the charter school with a report that includes information on further actions that may be required. The public can access the report at https://www.doe.mass.edu/psm/tfm/default.html
Multilingual Department info
All WPS Multilingual Learners and their teachers are preparing for WIDA ACCESS testing. This assessment measures student language progress in listening, speaking, reading and writing in English. Students take these assessments during the school day between January 6, 2025 and February 14, 2025. Learn more about WIDA ACCESS testing here:
Woodcliff Road / Access Road
As the construction on Lexington Street has moved further down past Lake Street, the gate in between Jack's Way and Woodcliff Road (commonly known as the "Access Road") will now be closed as of 5pm Mon - Fri and on weekends, school vacation weeks and during the summer. Please plan accordingly.
From the Parent Information Center (PIC)
Change of Address
If you have moved within Waltham or need to update the address Waltham Public Schools has on file, you must provide the new address to your child(ren)’s school(s). To complete the update, you will need to provide the school with the following:
Proof of Residency
- City of Waltham quarterly tax bill -OR-
- Copy of Purchase & Sales or Deed for a new home purchase
Current Lease Agreement - Signed & dated within one year -OR-
Residency Affidavit Form [English] [Spanish] [Portuguese] [Haitian Creole]
*Please be aware that changes to your address may result in:
Reassignment to a different school based on district boundaries
Changes to bus eligibility as determined by Waltham School Committee policy
Assignment to a new bus route or bus stop
Your child(ren)’s school will provide you with this information and assistance.
If you are experiencing housing instability:
Please contact our McKinney-Vento office by email mkvliaison@walthampublicschools.org or 781-314-5425 to update your address and receive additional assistance. Families identified as McKinney-Vento are not required to change their child's school if they move as under this policy your child is eligible to remain in their school of origin.KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION
Children whose parent/legal guardian(s) are living in Waltham may enroll in Kindergarten with the Waltham Public Schools if they have reached 5 years of age on or before September 1, of the new school year. The communication for our 2025-26 Kindergarten Registration was mailed out in January to families on our list of expected kindergarten students. If you did not receive this notice from our office, please contact us so we can provide you with the information.
Families wishing to participate in the Dual Language School lottery must notify the PIC at the time of registration. The Dual Language School lottery is scheduled to be held on May 2, 2025. To qualify you must submit your child's registration and all required documents prior to May 1st. We look forward to welcoming your child and working with your family throughout the registration process.
More information and future updates can be found on the Kindergarten Registration page: https://www.walthampublicschools.org/page/kindergarten-registration-information
The Pre-K Application for the 2025-26 school year closed on January 15th, however, there remains a limited number of spots available in both the morning and afternoon programs. Parents are still encouraged to apply. Children whose parents or legal guardians reside in Waltham and will turn 3 or 4 years old on or before September 1, 2025 are eligible to apply. Rolling admission to the morning program for children turning 3 after September 1st will be offered if space allows. More information including the online applications for all Integrated Pre-K Programs can be found on the Pre-K Programs page: https://www.walthampublicschools.org/page/waltham-public-schools-pre-k-programs
Fine and Performing Arts Department
The Fine & Performing Arts Department of Waltham Public Schools has launched a dedicated webpage to keep families informed about its events. Visit the page at Fine & Performing Arts Webpage to explore a calendar of performance events and the City Hall art show schedule. Updates will be added throughout the year, so check back often! We are also on social media. Follow us on instagram!