Welcome Back-to-School Parent News
July, 2024
Principal Welcome Back to School Letter
Dear Huntley Hills Families,
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! I hope you and your family are having a wonderful summer and are looking forward to an exciting new school year. I am delighted to continue serving as the principal of Huntley Hills, a Cognia STEM certified school!
Our school-wide theme this year is "Level Up". We challenge our Tigers to be critical thinkers and problem solvers. Accelerating student learning is our top priority, and we ask for your support by staying connected with your teacher, attending parent/teacher conferences, monitoring homework, ensuring your child is at school and on time, and participating in our school events.
I am happy to announce that HHES is 100% staffed to begin the school year! We have a dynamic group of educators and faculty ready to make our school warm, welcoming, and successful. Click here to learn about our new staff!
This year, we are closely monitoring school uniforms. We highly encourage students to wear their uniforms, and they will receive Tiger Bucks and other incentives throughout the school year. Click here for the uniform policy.
I am excited to announce that our school's cafeteria now has a beautiful new mural, and our K-2 teachers have been trained in Orton-Gillingham.
As a reminder, Open House/Meet the Teacher is on Thursday, August 1, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM. Please follow the last name guide below. Parents can bring school supplies to avoid the first-day drop-off.
Homeroom teachers will send a welcome email Wednesday, July 31st by 4:00pm. You can also find out your child's teacher at open house!
If you are unable to attend the Open House, no worries! The school is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM for registration starting July 22.
Dates to Remember:
- July 29: Teachers return - Welcome back!
- August 1: Open House/Meet the Teacher - 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM (bring proof of residency)
- Last names beginning M-Z: 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
- Last names beginning A-L: 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM
- Volunteer sign-up
- August 2: New Parent Orientation and Donut Social from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM - New Tiger Info Session & Student Social: RSVP
- August 3: Back-to-School Beautification Day Volunteer: Sign up
- August 5: First day of school; doors open at 7:00 AM
Our Tigers are ROARING back into another successful school year!
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to many celebrations throughout the year!
Proud to Serve,
Mia Bradshaw, Principal
DCSD Back to School Rally!
We are excited to invite you to our 2024 Back-to-School Rally! This event is a fantastic opportunity for families to kick off the new school year with enthusiasm and support.
Saturday, July 27, 2024
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Location has changed to the parking lot of the AIC (Administrative and Instructional Complex) at 1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mountain, GA 30083.
Our Back-to-School Rally includes:
- School Supplies (while supplies last)
- Fun Zone with games and activities
- Resources for Parents
- Health Screenings
- Testing & Vaccinations
- Live Entertainment
Please fill out the registration form using the link below to streamline the entrance process and ensure the efficient distribution of resources and school supplies.
Register here: https://forms.office.com/r/4mLYHAQNUN
We look forward to seeing you there and starting the school year with a strong community spirit!
Back to School Message from PTA
Families- our PTA survey will close on Monday, June 29. Please take a minute to participate in our survey if you have not done so already! Your feedback is invaluable in helping us understand the needs and priorities of our PTA!
It is shaping up to be a busy week. To ensure our events run smoothly and to foster a strong sense of community, we need volunteer support. Whether you can donate a few hours of your time or contribute resources, your involvement is invaluable! Together, let's start the year off strong, creating memorable experiences and building a supportive environment for our students, HHES teachers and staff. We look forward to seeing you at Open House and other upcoming events!
Let’s make this year the best one yet – it’s time to level up!
- SEE YOU SOON! Open House: Thursday, August 1, 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM
- NEW EVENT! New Tiger Info Session & Student Social: Friday, August 2, 9-10 AM: While your Tigers play there will be a parent information session for any last minute questions you might have!
- UPCOMING EVENT: Back-to-School Beautification Day and Shredding Event: Saturday, August 3, 8 AM - Noon: Please sign up below to help!
- FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! Boo Hoos & Yahoos: Monday, August 5, 7:30 AM - 8 AM Quick parent gathering to mark the first day of school, see details below!
- AUGUST SPIRIT NIGHT: New 3 Day Event: August 15-17, Dine at Pig-N-Chik any time Thursday, Friday or Saturday and raise money for our school! Details below.
Thank you for serving our school with us!
As a member of our PTA, we would like to remind you that you can email ptahhes@gmail.com with any questions, concerns, or ideas. We welcome your participation and are available to assist in any way that we can.
*PTA LinkTree always contains the links you need!* Visit: https://linktr.ee/hhespta
DCSD Grades 4-5 Sports Program
Sports Offered Include:
Fall Sports:
- Track and Field: August 5th to September 21st(Four Track Meets)
- Soccer: September 16th to November 16th (Maximum seven games)
Winter Sports:
- Competitive Dance: December 2nd to February 1st (Four Competitions)
- Basketball: January 27th to March 29th (Maximum seven games)
Spring Sports:
- Flag Football: March 31st to May 3rd (Maximum eight games
Open House & Meet the Teacher
Thursday, August 1, 2024
9:00 AM - 1:30 PM
Registration & Meet the Teacher
- Last names beginning M-Z: 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
- Last names beginning A-L: 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM
Proof of Residency: Returning students: Please complete the Infinite Campus annual verification link.
New students (PreK-5)-Complete Online Registration
Affidavit (Proof of Residency): If you live with someone else, you will need to provide proof of residency with a completed and notarized affidavit. You can pick up an affidavit from the front office the week of July 22 from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM.
PTA: The PTA will be selling spirit wear t-shirts and other HHES items. You can join the PTA, donate to fund projects that help students and teachers, and sign up to volunteer. Please bring cash, credit cards, or checks. Note that credit card services are available for your convenience, but an additional fee will be charged.
Email Communication: Sign up for our Tiger Talk emails from the PTA to stay informed about upcoming events and important information. Sign-up here.
Afterschool (Tiger-Time): HHES provides after-school care. Tiger Time will have a table in the cafeteria to register your child. After care is available from 2:45 PM to 6:00 PM, Monday to Friday. The registration fee is $25.00, and the weekly fee is $60.00 per child. Please bring cash, a money order, or a check for the registration fee and the first week's payment.
Volunteers Needed! If you can help during Open House on August 1 between 8:30 AM and 2:00 PM, we need assistance with t-shirt sales, greeting, cashiering, and helping parents sign up to volunteer throughout the year. Any amount of time you can offer is appreciated! Sign-Up
Beautification Day: Join us for a back-to-school beautification and sidewalk chalk decorating on August 3. The PTA will provide chalk for decorating, as well as supplies for raking and general clean-up. This is a great opportunity to get to know our school community! Volunteer here!
Dojo: Your teacher will help you sign up for ClassDojo to receive important information throughout the year!
Gently Used Uniforms: If your tiger has outgrown their school uniform but it's still in good condition, please bring with you to Open House. We will have a table setup for donated uniforms.
Open House Stations📍
___________Station 1: Welcome and show your email for annual verification/Find out your child's teacher
**if your child is returning and you have not completed the annual verification, bring your proof of residency and proceed to room 102**.
New students/Transfer from another DeKalb School or out of state report to the Media Center.
PreK and Area 1 Special Needs there will be a check-in table just for you inside the cafeteria!
___________Station 2: Free & Reduced Lunch registration (all new and returning students unless parents know you are ‘exempt')
___________Station 3: Transportation: Bus Routes/Car Riders/Walkers/Tiger Time
*pick up your transportation card-your entry ticket to meet the teacher*
___________Station 4: PTA Table – see how to sign up for PTA Membership and find out about great events coming up this year, and purchase spirit wear! Our school is only as good as our volunteers!
__________Station 5: Principal Advisory Council (PAC)
__________Station 6: Meet the Teacher--Now, proceed to your child’s classroom to meet the teacher, drop off supplies, sign-up to be a room parent and complete final registration paperwork.
The first day of school is August 5th. Doors open at 7:00am
Support the Uniform Exchange at Open House!
To Donate: Place clean, gently used uniform and spirit wear items on the Exchange Table (in the Cafeteria) at Open House
To "Shop": Visit the Exchange Table (in the Cafeteria) at Open House. Items are available first come, first served. And free!
Volunteers NEEDED: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4FAFA923A0FDC52-50369757-open
Returning Students-Annual Verification
Parents of returning students should complete DCSD's annual verification registration in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Complete by 11:59pm Monday, July 29th.
Log into Infinite Campus Parent Portal to complete DCSD Annual Verification Registration.
Directions on how to complete the annual verification, click here!
Parents/guardians who do not already have a portal account should visit here for instructions.
Parents/guardians who have forgotten their portal username and/or password should click on the Forgot username? or Forgot password? link as appropriate on the portal login page
New Tiger Social
Friday, August 2, 2024
9:00 AM to 10:00 AM
HHES Playground
Hosted by HHES PTA
All new PreK, Kindergarten, and new families to Huntley Hills are invited to a new Tiger social on the playground. This event is a great way for students to get to know each other before the first day of school!
While your Tigers play there will be a parent information session for any last minute questions you might have!
*The parent information session will be the same presentation that was shared at our Spring New Tiger Event.
Back to School Beautification Day!
Saturday, August 3, 2024
8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
HHES Campus
Hosted by HHES PTA
Please help us get our school "Back to School" ready!
There will be opportunities to help both indoors and outdoors, if you can stay for 5 minutes, an hour, or all day any help is greatly appreciated.
Back to school Beautification & Shredding Event Saturday, August 3
Shred and Support Event!
Saturday, August 3, 2024
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
HHES Front Parking Lot
Hosted by HHES PTA
We are hosting a paper shredding event for the local community! Bring all those papers you've been meaning to clean out down to HHES for a good cause!
Suggested donation is $5 per box
Box sizes should be "copy paper size" - 15" x 12" x 10" or smaller.
Join PTA!
Happy Summer from your HHES PTA!
We are excited to let you know that our PTA Leadership Teams are already working hard to plan initiatives that will enhance your student's experience at Huntley Hills Elementary & Montessori School! We'd LOVE your help!
Here are 4 ways you can support our school over the summer:
- Join our PTA by making a donation here
- Volunteer for a Leadership Role here
- Sign up for Tiger Talk emails here
- Explore our *updated* PTA website here
*NEW* Join our private Facebook GROUPS designed to unify and support our families! Choose your group(s) based on the grade your student(s) will be starting in August. Find your groups here.
We welcome your support and look forward to serving our school together!
PTA President, Amanda Hall
Huntley Hills Announcements
Communication-Stay Connected!
Sign up for Tiger Talk!
School Dojo: The school code is here to receive message from the school (text messages from Dr. Bradshaw)
Weekly Tiger Talk: https://hhespta.square.site/#ZEQvWw) emails from PTA/school
School Messenger-See flyer below to opt-in to receive text messages/emails from DCSD (text messages/emails from DCSD)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/huntleyhills?lang=en (follow me)
PTA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/huntleyhillselementary/ (follow PTA)
School Safety
School safety continues to be a priority. Our school participates in safety drills:
- Fire and Tornado drills
- Level 1, 2, and 3 Intruder Lockdown drills
During the school day, we ensure the following safety measures are taken:
- All classroom doors remain closed and locked at all times.
- Exterior doors remain locked at all times and are not propped open for any reason.
- Exterior doors will not be opened for visitors.
- All visitors must come to the front of the school to receive assistance.
- All visitors must press the entry button outside the front door. The front office staff will assist all visitors from this point.
- If a visitor does not have an appointment with staff, is not checking out a student, or is not receiving assistance from the front office, they will not be allowed inside the school.
- Parents must drop off students at the front door for morning carpool and walkers. Please give hugs and kisses before your tiger enters the school.
- If parents would like to drop off items for their child, they can drop off in the front office
- Students are monitored by staff members in all areas of the building and on the recess field.
- Outside of traveling with their class to other parts of the building, students must have a HALL PASS to leave the classroom to their designation (nurse, restroom, media center, etc.)
- For afternoon dismissal, students are only dismissed from class when their name appears on the silent dismissal board and/or their bus is called.
- Staff are strategically stationed all around our building and campus to ensure students arrive and depart safely from school.
- Every staff member will have a crisis alert badge that they wear daily. In the event of an emergency, staff will press a button on this badge to alert administration that they are in need of help.
In the event of an emergency, I will communicate with all parents via Class Dojo. Please ensure you are connected and signed up on your mobile phone. It is important that parents read all text messages from the school thoroughly and follow next steps as outlined.
We appreciate your support in helping keep our tigers and staff safe!
Huntley Hills Summer Reading Program
- Click here for suggested reading lists by grade level.
- It's not too late to join the Dekalb County Public Library Summer Reading Challenge! Stop by your local branch to learn more.
Save the date
August 1-Open House/Meet the Teacher
August 2-New Parent Orientation and donut social 9:00am-10:00am
August 3 -School Beautification Day 8am-noon & Shredding Event 9am-noon
August 5-1st day of school
August 9 -Popsicles on the playground at 1:30pm ALL students staggered by grade level (students only)
August 16-Meet the Principal, Dr. Bradshaw
August 22-Annual Title I meeting at 6:00pm and Back to School night at 6:30pm
August 310- Maria Montessori's birthday students activities
September 6-Last day to declare PAC candidate
September 2-Labor Day--No school
September 4-Walk to School Day; Coffee w/Bradshaw
September 19-Hispanic Heritage Night at 6pm
September 24-Chipotle Spirit Night!
HHES Spirit Night
September 24, 2024
4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Chipotle Chamblee
5001 Peachtree Blvd, Chamblee, GA 30341
Hosted by HHES PTA
Enjoy dinner at Chipotle who has generously agreed to donate a percentage of profits to our school! Be sure to mention HHES when you place your dine in, to go, drive thru order to ensure the fundraiser is added to your check!
First Week of School-August 5th
How to prepare your child for school the first week of school:
1. Get plenty of rest! Change your schedule for the school year!
2. Breakfast is available from 7:00-7:45. Students will eat breakfast and lunch in the cafeteria.
3. Your child MAY bring a healthy lunch and snack.
4. The school has water bottle water filling stations, so students should bring a water bottle daily.
5. Bring supplies which will be assigned to your child. Please make sure your child has headphones for MAP testing.
6. Wear school uniform daily. Notify Sonya Nelson, school counselor at sonya_nelson@dekalbschoolsga.org if you need assistance with uniforms.
7. Make sure your teacher knows how your child gets home and any medications/allergies.
8. Students will be assigned a Chromebook to use at school.
9. TIGER folders come home on Thursdays with student work, flyers, and important information from the school.
10. Cell phones must stay in bookbags. Students may not text or receive phone calls from family members during the school dal. Students should keep phones in book bags until they arrive at home or after pick-up.
Morning Arrival & Afternoon Dismissal
Morning Drop Off & Dismissal:
1. The drop-off times in front of the school are below:
Bus riders-7:00am; Car riders & walkers 7:10am-7:45am; Tardy bell 7:45; Morning announcements begin at 7:45.
Car riders: On the first day of drop off, if not already students will receive a lanyard with a matching parent car rider number.
Walkers: On the first day of drop off, if not already students will receive a lanyard with a matching parent walker number.
Bus riders: Receive a bus lanyard
3. Students will enter the front of building. Students will report to the cafeteria for breakfast or Tiger Tune-up (gym to warm up their bodies).
4. The pick-up times for dismissal are below:
Bus riders-2:20pm-2:25pm; Car riders 2:25-2:45 (front of building after buses) & walkers (Back door) 2:20pm-2:45pm
Bus Routes
Afterschool/Tiger Time-REPEAT
To register submit your application and payment at Open House (August 1) or August 2 from 8:00am-noon.
DCSD School Messenger
School Uniforms
2024-2025 After School Clubs
Run Club
Spanish club
My Brother's Keeper
My Sister's Keeper
First Lego League
Garden Club
Lego Club
Girls Who Game
Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl
Spring Musical Production
Science Olympiad
Technology Club
Student Council
Free & Reduced Lunch
Parents must submit a new application every year to receive meal benefits. The Free & Reduced Meal application can be completed online at www.schoolcafe.com.
The application process is simple and takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. Parents can also download the app to pay on your child's account for breakfast and lunch. You can also visit the DCSD website for more information.
Fall 2024 Principal Advisory Council (PAC) Elections
Two Parents Needed!
The candidate declaration window for 2024-2025 Principal Advisory Council elections will be open through Friday, September 6, 2024.
What is the role of the Principal Advisory Council?
- Act as a link between the school and the community
- Encourage the engagement of parents and other stakeholders within the school community
- Work to increase student achievement through transparent operations and shared best practices
- Review the Continuous School Improvement Plan and monitor progress toward goals
- Participate in the selection of the school principal
Complete the form below to run for a position on your school’s Council.
Parent/Guardian Candidate Declaration Form (Spanish Translation Included)
If you declare your name, please email Dr. Bradshaw at mia_ford@dekalbschoolsga.org with your bio and picture. Thank you!
La ventana de declaración de candidatos para las elecciones del Consejo Asesor Principal de 2024-2025 estará abierta hasta el Viernes, 3 de septiembre. Los Consejos Asesores de Directores reúnen a padres, empleados de la escuela, estudiantes y miembros de la comunidad para crear una mejor comprensión y respeto mutuo por las perspectivas de los demás y compartir ideas para aumentar el rendimiento y el rendimiento de los estudiantes.
¿Cuál es el papel del Consejo Asesor Principal?
- Actuar como vínculo entre la escuela y la comunidad.
- Fomentar la participación de los padres y otras partes interesadas dentro de la comunidad escolar
- Trabajar para aumentar el rendimiento de los estudiantes a través de operaciones transparentes y mejores prácticas compartidas
- Revisar el Plan de Mejoramiento Continuo de la Escuela y monitorear el progreso hacia las metas
- Participar en la selección del director de la escuela
Complete el formulario correspondiente a continuación para postularse para un puesto en el Consejo de su escuela.
- Parent/Guardian Candidate Declaration Form (Traducción al Español Incluida)
Si declara su nombre, envíe un correo electrónico al Dr. Bradshaw a mia_ford@dekalbschoolsga.org con su biografía y foto. ¡Gracias!
MAP Testing & Gifted Eligibility
The DeKalb County School District (DCSD) utilizes the Northwest Evaluation Association Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) as the initial assessment towards gifted identification each school year for students in grades K-10. Students who score > 90% RT (Reading Total) or > 90% MT (Math Total) on the nationally norm-referenced assessment (MAP) will take additional gifted formal evaluations. Although the MAP assessment is administered three times per year, the gifted eligibility window is August–September for currently enrolled K-10 students and December–February for currently enrolled K-2 and new students.
Additional information relative to the assessment window can be found on the District’s website. If you have any questions about the MAP assessment, contact the Research, Assessments and Grants Department at 678-676-0300. For gifted eligibility questions, please contact the Gifted Department at 678-676-0175 or 678-676-0153.
24-25 Title I Annual Meeting/Back to School Curriculum Night
The schedule for the evening is below:
6:00pm-6:30pm Spanish Annual Title I meeting (media center)
6:00-pm-6:30pm-English Annual Title I meeting (cafeteria)
6:30-6:45 - School expectations
6:45-7:30 Classroom visits (grading, behavior, homework, testing, etc.)
*Childcare is available for grades PreK-5
2024-2025 Title I Parent Right to Know
Right to Know Professional Qualifications of Teachers and Paraprofessionals
Date: August 5, 2024
Dear Parents,
In compliance with the requirements of the Every Students Succeeds Act, Huntley Hills Elementary would like to inform you that you may request information about the professional qualifications of your student’s teacher(s) and/ or paraprofessional(s). The following information may be requested:
· Whether the student’s teacher—
- has met State qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction;
- is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which State qualification or licensing criteria have been waived; and
- is teaching in the field of discipline of the certification of the teacher.
· Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.
If you wish to request information concerning your child’s teacher’s and/ or paraprofessional’s qualifications, please contact the Dr. Mia Bradshaw, at 678-676-7402.
Mia Bradshaw
DeKalb County District Announcements
Parent Volunteers-Reminder
If you plan to volunteer as a reading buddy, field trip chaperone, help in the media center this school year, you will need to be approved by public safety.
Level III volunteers must be approved by Public Safety AND the local school principal prior to the volunteer participation in activities involving direct, unsupervised interaction with students. Examples of Level III volunteers include chaperones on overnight field trips, chaperones or volunteers for local school events, volunteer tutors, office/media center volunteers, or any other volunteers who will have any unsupervised interaction with students. Level III volunteers shall be fingerprinted by the district and have GBI/FBI criminal background checks on file prior to rendering volunteer services.
You may view Board Policy IFCD: School Volunteers by clicking below.
Important Contacts
PTA President -Amanda Hall-ptahhes@gmail.com
Principal Advisory Council Chair-Yane Yoo huntleyhillses_pacchair@dekalbschoolsga.org
School Counselor (504's & SST)-Sonya Nelson sonya_nelson@dekalbschoolsga.org
Registrar (registration & withdrawals)-Brenda Able- brenda_zendejas@dekalbschoolsga.org
Title I Parent Liaison (Spanish)-Rebeca Arbona rebeca_arbona@dekalbschoolsga.org
Nurse-Faiza Khan faiza_khan@dekalbschoolsga.org
Assistant Principal & Testing Coordinator-Amanda Moss amanda_moss@dekalbschoolsga.org
Principal-Mia Bradshaw mia_ford@dekalbschoolsga.org