Hornet Herald
News and notes for the week of March 14th, 2022
Super proud of our Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band for earning Sweepstakes at UIL Concert and Sight Reading this past week!
Principal's Message to Hornet Families for the week of 3/14/2022
Great evening fantastic families,
We finally made it to a much-needed Spring Break. This past week we finalized our Magnet Director Interviews and submitted recommendations for hire for the Magnet Director Position, English Language Arts 7, Parent Support Specialist, Accountant, and morning custodian positions. We are also in final steps of acquiring references for an English teacher we are excited about and still scheduling interviews for Math, Special Education, and AVID Positions. Although, we are adding new members to Kealing family, we are still working on our campus climate and culture to make sure this is a place teachers continue to want to be. We are also working on campus climate for our scholars as well with many major social events coming in the remaining months. The algebra II Movie night fundraisers will take place 3/25, 4/1, and 4/8. Student council is also planning a Spring Fling that may take place at the end of April (date has not been finalized yet) and we will have attendance celebrations coming every remaining Friday of the school year. We will have special considerations for students who have factors out of their control to assure the celebrations are equitable to all. This past week we also sent out another biweekly campus survey, completed the reduced data meeting protocol, and conducted more exit interviews for teachers who have left. We are working collaboratively to assure Kealing is that shining star it has always been in Austin ISD. Thank you for choosing Kealing Middle School and Austin ISD, feel free to reach out to me directly for any reason at all: jerald.wilson@austinisd.org
Action Plan Status Updates
This Past Week
- Conducted exit surveys for teachers who have left this year. (not completely done yet)
- Finalized Magnet Director hiring process. Human Capital is working on the last phase of hiring at this point.
- Submitted Recommendations for hire for : Magnet Director, English Language Arts 7 teacher, Accountant, Parent Support Specialist, and Custodian. Awaiting references for an additional English Language Arts teacher.
- Conducted exit survey with one former teacher.
- Worked with campus instructional leaders to reduce teacher workload with a team meeting data protocol.
- Distributed 3/7 Campus Bi Weekly Climate Survey.
This Upcoming Week
- Spring Break
- Hoping to conduct more exit surveys from former teachers
Adjusted Budget Time Line
Week of 2/21 - Share budget details with staff
Week of 2/21 - Share budget details with PTA
Week of 2/21 - share budget details with CAC
3/10- Budget workshop with CAC
3/11 - Budget due to AISD
4/15 - CAC signature Sheets due
PTA Corner!
Hornet Parents,
It is time to start planning for next year. We need three volunteers to serve on the nominating committee to find people to serve on next year's executive board. If you would like to serve on the committee or would like to serve on the board, please send an email expressing your interest to president@kealingpta.org.
Thank you to everyone who has donated to the We Love Kealing Spring Fundraising Drive! We have reached our goal and can fulfill our promises to our students, teachers and staff. We will be able to purchase items for fine arts and science, fund field trips, pay for the 8th grade end of year celebration, and much more. We appreciate every donation of any size. If you were planning to donate, it's not too late. We will continue to accept donations. Huge thanks to Helen Yang, Shannan Reimer, Jen Loving and Nisha Rocap for working hard on the campaign.
We have a lot of volunteer opportunities on campus - lunch and hallway monitoring, helping build IKEA closest for the choir room, coffee cart treats and distribution, Costco pizza pick up, copy room help, food pantry distribution and more. Our volunteer scheduling is now being done through Konstella. Various volunteer sign ups will be live later in the week, so if you have time in your schedule, we would love your help.
If you haven't signed up for Konstella, PTA's new communication tool, yet, please do. You can find volunteer information there as well as PTA and school announcements.
KMS Safety Protocols as of 3/13/2021
Before School
All staff, students, and visitors are encouraged to self screen for COVID 19 symptoms before entering into a campus or other Austin ISD Facilities each day
- We will maintain outdoor markers to social distance
- we will encourage moving halls where students are encourage to not stop while transitioning to classes
- staggered release
- We are seating/desks at least 3 feet apart when feasible
- Each classroom has a HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filtration unit
- Personal Protective Equipment will be available in each room
- Plexiglass dividers available
- Additional outdoor seating (2 outdoor classrooms & the courtyard if teachers plan to use)
Breakfast & Lunch
- Students are allowed to eat lunch both inside the cafeteria and outside in the courtyard
- Plexiglass accordian dividers
-Volunteer lunch monitors
- The courtyard comfortably seats 4 classes, which is from 25% - 100% of the lunch capacity for each lunch period.
- we will have staggered dismissal where scholars will be dismissed by areas of the building to reduce traffic.
- Masks are optional
- assigned seating for lunches is a discontinued practice
- We are debating staggered releases during transitions at this time.
Next Week - Return to School
This Past Week on Campus
Kealing's Teacher of the Year is a Semifinalist for Austin ISD's T.O.Y.
Track and Tennis Seasons Start March 21st
Bike Club is Back!!!
Kealing Algebra 2 Fundraiser
Link to the GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/kealing-algebra-2-end-of-year-project-funding?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1
All Call for Supplies
PTA Membership
Kealing prides itself on fostering a supportive & caring community, and one way it does that is through the Parent-Teacher Association. The PTA comprises families, teachers, administrators, students, and community members dedicated to enriching every student learning experience.
Your PTA membership makes Kealing a great community and unique learning environment. While our memberships number is at an impressive 486 members, we are 150 members short of the Texas PTA 3-year-high award. Let's finish this year with the largest PTA that Kealing has ever seen!!
To join the Kealing PTA hive, click the link below:
If you have Kealing PTA membership questions, please email Shannan Riemer, vpmembership@kealingpta.org.
Why Join PTA? Watch this video to learn more about why you should join the Kealing PTA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzGtGcYdEFs
Please contact Kealing membership VP, Shannan Riemer, vpmembership@kealingpta.org, with any membership questions, comments, or concerns.
Yearbook Recognition Ads are Available! Pre-Order Your Yearbook Today!
How To Order Guide (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b6bv9eEqfKqLAyzyyYIIeYCaz3_e_xXY/view?usp=sharing)
Community Donations
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Hornet Herald - https://kealing.austinschools.org/parents/archive
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Email: webmaster@kealingmiddleschool.org for assistance