Inclement Weather Bulletin

Dear Tenino School District Families,
Every year it seems that snow or severe weather conditions lead to the closure or delayed start of our schools, and we want to keep you updated about those decisions.
Please understand that we make the decision to open or close the schools for inclement weather based on a careful analysis of all relevant factors, such as:
- Road conditions from Transportation and Police. We must consider the most dangerous roads in the district. Even if your street looks clear, travel elsewhere in the district may be dangerous. We must also consider that some high school students drive to school.
- The amount of snow and ice that is accumulated.
- Whether or not precipitation is continuous.
- Building/Facility conditions (do we have electricity and heat)
- Parking Lot conditions. Administrators talk to maintenance and custodial staff members who are responsible for clearing and treating school parking lots and sidewalks.
- Temperature and wind chill. Please remember that some students walk to school, and some students must wait outside for buses to pick them up.
- Weather predictions. We prefer not to make our decision based on weather predictions, because they are not always accurate. However, sometimes this is unavoidable.
Families will be informed of school cancellations or schedule changes as soon as possible through our phone/email/text messaging system as well as our website and social media platforms. We also encourage you to monitor local radio and/or tv stations for up-to-date information about weather related closures or delays. We also want to remind families that we have Tenino School District APP available for download in both Apple Store and Google Play.
Please be sure that your contact information is current in Skyward Family Access. This is crucial for ensuring that important information such as school cancellations or delays are adequately communicated.
If TSD schools close due to Inclement Weather, students shall not report to class. There are “Weather Make-up Days” built into our calendar in the event of a weather-related school cancellation. Additional snow days, as needed, will be made up at the end of the school year. We understand that our students are better served, both academically and socially, by being in school. However, our most critical concern is the safety and welfare of our students.
2-hour Late Start
- All schools begin 2 hours late
- Buses will pick students up 2 hours late
- No before school activities
- No AM Preschool
- No out-of-district transportation
- No district transportation to New Market Skills Center
- Lunch will be served; breakfast will not be provided.
Snow Routes
On rare occasions, weather conditions may make it necessary to modify school bus routes. When that occurs, the district and media outlets will announce the utilization of “Snow Routes.” Snow routes can be found on our district website, under Transportation, or by clicking here.
Early Closure
If weather conditions worsen during the school day, and we are forced to close school early, parents will be notified as quickly as possible. Please instruct your child what to do should there be an early school closure.
Clint Endicott, Superintendent