Falcon Flier
Vol 52, Issue 26, March 7, 2025
Phelps Luck Elementary School
Sandra Anderson, Assistant Principal
Kelly Grenzer, Assistant Principal
Website: ples.hcpss.org
Location: Phelps Luck Elementary School, Old Stone Court, Columbia, MD, USA
Phone: 410-313-6886
Facebook: facebook.com/phelpsluckelementary
Twitter: @hcpss_ples
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From School Administration
We are well into the third quarter, and routines are well established. We feel it is important to ask for your help as parents and guardians to review our behavioral expectations with your children.
PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) is an important aspect of Phelps Luck. Phelps Luck Elementary School staff is committed to working with students and their families to promote a safe and nurturing environment in all school settings.
Below are the guiding principles of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS):
- PBIS is a behavioral support system that promotes and recognizes positive behavior.
- The program rewards students for exhibiting positive behavior.
- Expectations, language, and consequences concerning behavior are consistent throughout the school.
- The program promotes the development of intrinsic motivation.
We have four school expectations, which are reinforced daily are...
Phelps Luck SOAR Track System
Students who follow the school rules and display appropriate behavior may be recognized for their efforts by moving spaces on their personal track form.
- Staff members acknowledge students and recognize their positive behavior.
- Rewards are special privileges the students can earn. Some examples are sitting in a special seat for the day, being first to pick classroom jobs, or having lunch with a staff member or administrator.
Falcon of the Week
Students who exhibit exemplary behavior can earn a “Falcon of the Week Award.” Students' names will be announced on the announcements, and they will go to the cafeteria for a group picture. The group picture will be displayed in the front hallway. Students will also receive a Falcon of the Week charm to wear. A phone call home acknowledging this achievement will be made, and an administrator or school counselor will read the teacher's statement explaining why the teacher gave the student the Falcon of the Week award.
Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior
Students are taught the school rules for classroom and non-classroom settings. All students are told the expected behaviors or tasks in each classroom. If a child does not exhibit the expected behavior, any of the following strategies may be used to help redirect and reteach that behavior:
- Individual verbal warning with an explanation about expected behavior.
- Time out in the classroom.
- Time out in a different classroom or the pod area.
- Students are allowed to calm down using a calm-down corner.
- For more significant or repetitive situations, an Incident Report (IR) is completed and sent home to parents/guardians to be signed and returned the following day.
- If the behavior does not improve, an administrator will be called in to intervene, which could include an official Office Disciplinary Referral.
- *Certain actions, such as fighting, using inappropriate language, harassment, and threats, warrant immediate administrative involvement.
How Can You Help at Home?
Please review the information on this page with your child.
- Ask your child to tell you the school rules.
- Ask your child to discuss ways that he or she can use these rules to help them to learn and participate at school.
- Ask your child how his/her behavior affects others.
- Discuss ways that your child can be a helpful and kind classmate.
- Discuss ways these rules can be used at home and in the community.
Important Upcoming Dates and Events
For a complete list of dates and events visit ples.hcpss.org/calendar.
March 2025
National Women's History Month begins
- 14 - Professional Work and Wellness Day, Schools close 3 hours early, 12:15 p.m.
- 17 - St. Patrick's Day - Wear Green
- 18 - PTA Restaurant Day at Coal Fire, 11:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
- 25 - Spirit Day - Maryland Day - Wear MD Colors (red, black, yellow)
- 26 - Spirit Day - Twin Day
- 27 - Spirit Day - Beach Day (wear Beach/Hawaiian shirt)
- 28 - Spirit Day - PLES Day (wear PLES spirit wear)
- 28 - End of third quarter
- 31 - Related Arts BLUE DAY
To subscribe to the PLES calendar on your smartphone, electronic device, or email system, click the plus sign + at the bottom right-hand corner of the Google Calendar or click this link.
HCPSS Calendars
HCPSS Calendar
Related Arts Color Day Schedule
PLES In the News
Read about the Community Gardening Project at Phelps Luck.
Lost and Found
Are you missing a coat? It might be in our lost and found. If you are missing something, please stop by the office and you can check out the lost and found area. After a period of time, unclaimed items will be donated.
Spring Science Night
Our GT dept and PTA are looking for families to participate in our 4th annual Spring Science Night on April 23 from 6:00-7:30pm. If you are in the field of science or environment and you would like to join us (or can't 4/23, but would like to be part of a future event), please fill out our form. https://forms.gle/D2a49gHYnYP3hkcA6 Many thanks!
Learning Together Program (LTP)
The Phelps Luck Elementary School’s Early Childhood Classes are making preparations for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year and are accepting applications for general education students to participate as peers through the Learning Together Program (LTP). These classes include general education and special education students. The program’s focus is helping all children develop communication, literacy, math, problem solving, motor, and social skills. For parents of children who currently are three years old (birthdays after 9/1/2021) or will be three years old by September 1st 2025, applications will be available and accepted in mid-February. Please click the following link for more information: LTP Information - Google Docs
2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration
Spirit Days
Please find the Spirit Day Schedule for the year below. We hope this helps in the planning and participation in our fun spirit days this year.
Early Pickup Reminder
To ensure smooth end-of-day procedures, please plan to pick up your child no later than 2:45 p.m. This helps us maintain a focused learning environment and ensures the safety and smooth dismissal of all students. Picking up students after this time can disrupt classroom activities and interfere with dismissal procedures.
We appreciate your cooperation in helping us provide the best possible environment for all students!
Reporting Student Absences
If your student is absent or will be absent, please contact us at the following email address to explain the reason: PLESabsence@hcpss.org. In the email, please Include the following information:
Student First and Last Name
Reason for absence (e.g., illness, bereavement, observance of a religious holiday, lack of transportation)
Community Notices and Programs
The below community notices are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the HCPSS.