August Newsletter
Milwaukie High School & Milwaukie Academy of the Arts
Greetings Mustang Families,
We hope you have enjoyed a healthy and restful summer. We are looking forward to
welcoming our students back for the 2024-25 school year.
While the details of the beginning of the year are still being finalized, we wanted to share a few key points that will keep you up to date with communications throughout the year.
You can subscribe to our monthly newsletter by clicking the link in the right hand column.
Download the Parent Square app or create an account online to control how often and in
which ways you receive district and school communications.
Note that you do not have to create an account to still receive communications. The account simply allows you more control over how and how often you receive communications.
Follow our social media accounts listed below.
One Lunch for 2024-2025
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I am writing to update you on an important development at Milwaukie High School and Milwaukie Academy of the Arts for the upcoming academic year and the transition to one lunch period. I want to share the reasoning behind this decision and its potential benefits for our students.
For some time now, we have operated with two lunch periods at our schools: one starting at 11:30 a.m. and another at 1:09 p.m. Unfortunately, many students have found it challenging to wait until a later time to eat, which often leads to feelings of hunger and decreased focus during their third and seventh period classes. This past year, we observed that hunger sometimes prompted students to attend the earlier lunch period, causing them to arrive late to their classes and miss valuable instructional time. This situation not only affects individual academic performance but also disrupts the learning environment for the entire class.
To address these concerns, our student advocacy and equity team proposed several initiatives. One such effort included providing snacks in classrooms scheduled for the later lunch period, generously supported by the Rotary. While this initiative helped alleviate hunger, it did not fully solve the issue of missed instruction time. Additionally, a grant proposal spearheaded by Jillian Moody, Freeland Church and the Student Advocacy and Equity team, secured picnic tables to provide outdoor, on-campus eating options. The Milwaukie Rotary Club and the school supported the funding of six benches and installation is scheduled for this summer.
Simultaneously, we carefully considered transitioning to a single lunch period. This decision involved extensive planning, data collection and collaboration with various members of our community, including students, teachers, cafeteria staff, Secondary Programs, Nutrition Services, and the District Business Department. Our proposal includes several adjustments to streamline the lunch experience:
Redesigning the lunchroom layout for efficiency.
Introducing a grab-and-go option for convenience.
Establishing multiple food stations for popular items.
Investing in additional equipment to improve food service capabilities.
Providing ample seating areas for students to gather.
We have adjusted the schedule to ensure a sufficient lunch period that supports both flow and convenience for students. Rather than shortening class periods, we decreased passing time by two minutes. After walking the campus from the arts building to the third floor, including a bathroom stop, we confirmed that students can make it to class on time. Additionally, we have implemented supervision and communication plans to minimize disruptions during this transition.
We believe that moving to one lunch period will significantly reduce issues related to attendance and tardiness in third and seventh period classes. We are committed to closely monitoring the implementation of these changes and making adjustments as needed based on feedback and data analysis.
We care deeply for your child's well-being—physically, emotionally, nutritionally, and academically. Your support is crucial to the success of this plan. Thank you for your continued partnership in your child's education at Milwaukie High School and Milwaukie Academy of the Arts. We are dedicated to creating a positive and enriching environment for all our students.
Registration Verification Is Done Completely Online for the 2024-25 School Year
We look forward to welcoming our Mustangs for the 2024-2025 school year. This communication will provide information and links to allow families to do the yearly registration verification completely on-line. In-person support to help complete these online steps will be available with interpretation support as needed on Tuesday, August 20th from 9 am - 3pm and Wednesday August 21st from 1pm - 7pm.
It is NOT required to come in to register and these times are provided for families who have specific questions or need help navigating the system.
All students are required to verify their registration each year. A link to this process is available HERE. Part of the student registration requirement is to set up an account with our online webstore and pay the yearly $30 Associated Student Body (ASB) Fee. (See Below)
We ask that fees be paid with a debit or credit card via our Webstore or any form of payment in person with the bookkeeper.
There are two required fees charged at registration - the $30 ASB fee listed above and a $20 Textbook Deposit fee which is refunded when you graduate.
Instructions on how to set up your account can be found at the MHS Webstore. Once paid, an ASB sticker will be added to your student's ID card. ASB stickers have many benefits including free entrance to school sporting events and activities as well as discounts to other school activities and dances.
Click MHS Webstore and click the red help button in the right hand corner for instructions on how to pay for outstanding fees. There is NO service fee for card transactions.
ASB cards are not validated until the enrollment fee has been paid.
Don't Miss Out or wait until the last minute! Your 2024-2025 Yearbook Pre-Order must be placed by February 1st, 2025. MHS Webstore
School photos will be taken during school hours on Thursday 9/5 and Friday 9/6. The packet to order school pictures will be handed out to students the first week of school. You can find more information on picture ordering @ mydorian.com
We remind students and families that these photos may be used for identification, yearbook photos, and ID cards.
Student ID cards will be received and validated with an ASB sticker on picture day if enrollment fee has been paid.
PICTURE RETAKE DAY: Monday Oct 28th during school hours
School supplies are not needed for the start of school. Teachers will let students know about supplies needed for their classes during the first few weeks of school, however, feel free to pick up basic supplies (pens, pencils, paper, etc.) prior to school starting; these are always needed.
Free and Reduced Waivers
All students in the North Clackamas School District receive Breakfast and Lunch at No Charge. However, additional Fees and can be granted if a family qualifies for the federal Free and Reduced Lunch program.
To receive Free and Reduced waivers, applications must be filled out each year and as soon as possible. If you believe you qualify for the federal free and reduced program, please follow this LINK
Bus stop information will be available during the 3rd week of August on eLink for bus riders for the 2024-2025 school year. Visit the Bus Stop information - eLink page for more information.
All textbooks and chromebooks will be checked out during the first week of school.
Chromebook Insurance - Please Read - Important
North Clackamas School District Chromebook Insurance Program Enrollment Form
Prior to receiving a Chromebook, families must opt in or out of the NCSD Chromebook Insurance plan. Please carefully read the NCSD Chromebook Insurance Program detailed in the NCSD Student Handbook before making your selection.
District Chromebook Insurance Plan:
The district offers an optional Chromebook Insurance plan that provides an inexpensive solution for families to reduce the financial burden of accidental damage or theft. The insurance plan is available for an annual fee of $25.00. If a student receives a device after February 1st of a given school year the prorated annual fee for that year will be $15.00. The Insurance plan covers 2 incidents (claims) per school year. This coverage does not include intentional damage.
Families who decline to participate in the Chromebook Insurance Program will be fully responsible for any associated cost for damage, loss, or theft.
Pricing Guidelines for Repairs and Replacements
The following list of approximate repair costs is provided as a reference to families to assist in making a decision on insurance coverage. Approximate device value is $475.00.
Power Cord: $30 OR 1 insurance incident (claim)
Keyboard Replacement: $40 OR 1 insurance incident (claim)
Screen Replacement: $250 OR 1 insurance incident (claim)
Full Chromebook Replacement: $400 OR 1 insurance incident + $50 ($100 for second incident)
For repairs not listed above, cost and applicable insurance claims will be determined by the cost of replacement parts to the district at the time of repair. If insurance coverage is not purchased and the Chromebook is damaged/stolen, the family will be invoiced for the actual cost of repairs/replacement.
Enrollment Options: Please select one of the following options:
NCSD Chromebook Insurance Plan: I opt for the NCSD Insurance Plan and agree to pay the annual fee of $25.00 to enroll in the Chromebook Insurance Plan.
Decline Coverage: I decline enrollment in the NCSD Chromebook Insurance Plan and understand that I will be responsible for any costs associated with repairing or replacing my student’s Chromebook in the event of accidental damage, theft, or loss. I acknowledge that repairs/replacements must all be completed by the North Clackamas school district and may not be repaired by an outside entity.
By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the terms and conditions of the Chromebook Insurance Program detailed in the NCSD Student Handbook and outlined above.
If you opt into the Chromebook Insurance Plan, then your student’s account will be charged $25. You will have until September 20 to pay the fee.
Will be available on StudentVue starting September 2, 2024
All returning Mustangs had the opportunity to forecast for their schedules for the 2024-25 school year and schedules are currently being finalized. The vast majority of students will have a full schedule when school starts and students are expected to follow the schedule as it has been prepared. Counselors will only change students' schedules if they meet the following criteria:
Reasons for granting a schedule change:
1. If you are missing a core class/graduation requirement
2. If you are in the wrong level of a class
3. If you do not meet the minimum requirements for a full class schedule
(9th-11th - 8 class periods. 12th - 6 classes)
4. If you need support class
Reasons a request will be denied:
1. You forecasted for the class
2. You want to change to another teacher
3. You want to drop a year-long class in the middle of the year
4. Changing periods for your convenience
5. You have friends in another class period
Once schedules have been released on September 2nd and you believe your schedule qualifies as needing to be changed please use the following LINK
*You must attend all of your classes until it has been determined that a change will happen. If you do not attend the class and the schedule is unable to be changed, you will be behind. There will be no exceptions to this rule, as classes are blanched based upon student numbers.
*Do not come to the counseling office to request a schedule change during the first few days of school. Counselors will only see students who have pre-scheduled appointments and meet the predetermined requirements. If a student has SEE COUNSELOR on their schedule they should come to the community Room during the period they have SEE COUNSELOR on their schedule only.
*Year-long classes will not be dropped at the semester unless there are extenuating circumstances. Detailed above in order to be scheduled with an appointment with the MHS
If you are a new student to MHS/MAA you will need to follow the registration process to be schedules with an appointment with your MHS/MAA COUNSELING team
MHS/MAA 2024-25 Counseling Assignments
9th Grade Roberto Aguilar. aguilarr@nclack.k12.or.us
10th Grade Jody Iverson. iversonj@nclack.k12.or.us
11th Grade Staci Postema postemas@nclack.k12.or.us
12th Grade Freeland Church churchf@nclack.k12.or.u
Making a Mustang Day
We are very excited to welcome the class of 2028 for the 24-25 school year. On Tuesday September 3rd, we will have our annual Making A Mustang Day as we invite all of our incoming 9th graders on campus to become acclimated to the school and the facilities, as well as their schedule for the upcoming school year.
This will be a full school day and students will have an opportunity to work in teams with their classmates, to learn the “ins and outs” of what it's like to be a Mustang, and also run through their schedules in order to make sure they are ready to go when school starts for all students on Wednesday September 4th.
We are asking that all students arrive at 8:00 a.m. and they will be welcomed by student ambassadors, as well as staff to let them know where they need to go and what the day will look like. We will be providing students lunch and students will have a full day of school ending at 3:10 p.m. School bus Transportation will be provided as it normally would be during the school year.
Students do not need to bring any supplies, and are encouraged to come ready to have some fun and get ready for an amazing school year and a very successful start to their High School journey. During this time students will also have the chance to learn about and sign up for MHS/MAA Clubs, Activities, and Athletics.
Should you have any questions about the day please do not hesitate to reach out to Assistant Principal Greg Neuman @ neumang@nclack.k12.or.us
We hope to see you there!
Students are required to follow the policies and practices outlined in the NSCD Student and Family Handbook available HERE.
MHS/MAA 11th Grade families,
We hope all are having a wonderful summer! We are already starting to get things settled for the upcoming school year and wanted to get this information on your radar ASAP.
Each year, the PSAT awards the top 1% of 11th grade test takers nationally the status of being a National Merit Scholar. Of those who qualify, half receive scholarship money. North Clackamas schools will offer the PSAT on October 9th during College and Career Day for 11th graders who sign up for the test. Please note that this is an optional opportunity, not a requirement.
If 11th your MHS/MAA 11th grader would like to sign up for the PSAT, we ask that you fill out this FORM by Wednesday, August 28, so we can place our initial order before the deadline on September 3. We will submit the initial registration data file to the College Board between September 9-16.
Ordering Deadline: Wednesday, August 28
Cost of Test: No Cost
Testing Day: Wednesday, October 9 - College & Career Day
Reminder: Only 11th grade students are eligible to register for this date.
More information about this day will be provided as the date approaches.
If you have any questions please reach out to Greg Neuman @ neumang@nclack.k12.or.us
Thank you,
Greg Neuman
Assistant Principal
College & Career
Summer is the perfect time to get a head start on your applications for higher education opportunities like college, university, or trade school! Here are a few tips to help you prepare:
Research Institutions: Make a list of schools you're interested in and research their application requirements, deadlines, and programs. You can access this information by using the Naviance app on your Chromebook Classlink page or by doing simple Google searches.
Start Your Essays: Many colleges require personal statements for essays. Begin drafting your essays now so you have plenty of time to revise and refine them. For examples of essay prompts, you can access this next school year’s Common App questions by clicking here.
Gather Recommendation Letters: Think about which teachers, counselors, or mentors you might ask for recommendation letters. Reach out to them early and provide them with any necessary information you need to make the best recommendation letter possible!
Visit Campuses: If possible, visit college campuses to get a feel for the environment and culture. Many schools offer virtual tours as well. Also, starting in September, many different schools will make morning and afternoon visits to the College & Career Center. More information on in-school visits will come as soon as it becomes available (expected September 2024).
Don't let the cost of college deter you from pursuing your dreams. There are many financial aid options available:
FAFSA: The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the first step in securing financial aid. The application is anticipated to open on October 1st. This application may qualify you for free grant funding and low-interest loan options.
Scholarships: Research and apply for scholarships. Many scholarships are available based on academic merit, athletic ability, community service, and other criteria. Check with the College & Career Center for scholarship resources.
The College & Career Center at MHS/MAA is closed through the summer break, but will reopen for student and family support the week of September 2nd. For more information, contact:
Valentina Galindo, College & Career Coordinator, galindoe@nclack.k12.or.us
Nathan Christ, ASPIRE Coordinator, christn@nclack.k12.or.us
Athlete(s) may be registered online at www.familyid.com/organizations/milwaukie-high-school Additional information available at: https://mhs.nclack.k12.or.us/activities/mhsmaa-athletics
or by calling the athletic office: 503-353-5830 - Option 4
Student physicals can be loaded directly to Family ID (recommended) or brought into the school. The physical is valid for two years only and must be on the OSAA form..
Payments can be made on our webstore MHS Webstore, mailed, or hand delivered to our bookkeeping office. Payment/proof of payment is required to complete the registration process. Please contact the athletic office if financial support is needed.
Summer is flying by Mustangs! As we look forward to the coming 24-25 school year, our SSO team has a couple of new members and a few announcements/new information for you as we prepare for students to return!
New Team Members: We have two new team members this year as part of the Student Support Office. Britney Rebluud joins us as our Administrative Assistant and can help you with any questions regarding parking, student identification cards, dance passes, elevator passes, connecting with student support administrators, and so much more. We are so glad to have her join the team, as she brings her mentoring experience with high school students to MHS and MAA!
Cody Tattoo is a MHS alum who is joining us as a Campus Monitor. Along with becoming a member of the SSO team, Cody is also an assistant coach for our Mustang Football Team! He brings his ability to connect with students, his lived experience and knowledge as a former MHS/MAA student, and his positive energy to our group and we are so glad to have him!
Parking Permit Application: The link to apply and register for student parking permits for the 24-25 school year can be found here. A few dates to consider:
Applications must be completed by Wednesday, August 28, with notification of acceptance communicated on Friday, August 30 via email.
Parking Fee is $70 for the year, and must be paid to the bookkeeper prior to obtaining the physical permit. Semester payment is an option but arrangements must be made with SSO.
Permits will be available for pick-up from SSO before or after school on Wednesday, September 4- Friday, September 6.
Ticketing will begin on Monday, September 9, so please be sure to get your permits by that date.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at 503-353-5839 or directly email Danielle McKay, Assistant Principal, at mckayda@nclack.k12.or.us
Attendance: Every Day Matters! We know that attendance for schools nationwide has been a challenge post-COVID. As we work to increase student attendance, we truly need your help. Below are a few points that stress the importance of consistent attendance in high school, as well as a reminder of attendance codes to look out for on your student(s)’ attendance profile:
Anything below a 90% attendance rate is considered “chronically absent”.
17% of Oregon students fall into this range.
Graduation rates strongly correlate with attendance rates:
90% attendance rates= 91% graduation rate.
Less than 90% attendance rates= 75% graduation rate.
Synergy Attendance Codes:
ABV- Verified Absences (guardian has excused the absence)
AB- Unverified Absence (student did not attend class: skipping, no guardian excusal)
ABS- Absent Sick
T- Tardy (student was less than 20 minutes late to class)
TXL- Tardy Extra Late (student was over 20 minutes late to class, missing a large chunk of instructional time).
If you would like support in helping your student improve their attendance at school, please reach out to us at any time: 503-353-5839
Closed Campus: MHS/MAA is a closed campus, meaning that all students are expected to remain on-site for the duration of the school day (including lunch). The only exceptions are those with a free period, SSC class, or work experience. The food cart pod has always been a high draw during the school day, and we would appreciate your support in reminding your student(s) that this area is NOT a part of our campus and should only be visited before or after school.
Enjoy these last moments of summer!
Danielle McKay
Assistant Principal
Senior Ads
Dear Parent or Student,
Yearbook Recognition Ads are the perfect way to commemorate achievements and celebrate milestones. In addition, revenues from Recognition Ads help our school create a better yearbook.
To purchase your ad online, follow the instructions listed below. Jostens is responsible for our school's yearbook ad sales. Please do not contact or send materials to the school. Please also consider our
school's ad content guidelines below during the creation of your ad online. All orders must be placed by 01/31/2025.
Order by 01/31/2025
Full Page $150
1/2 Page $75
1/4 Page $50
Step 1
Choose your ad size and layout
(Options may vary by school.)
Step 2
Add your photos
Step 3
Enter your text
What are the guidelines for recognition ad content?
Schools may review and edit ads per their guidelines. Jostens retains the right to remove any explicit text, graphic photos or copyright-protected imagery or photos.
School Ad Content Guidelines
Our school reserves the right to edit ads per our guidelines. Please make sure all submitted materials are appropriate for school publication.
How are the ad prices determined and what is the money used for?
Recognition ad prices are determined by our school. Revenue from recognition ads helps the school create a better, more affordable yearbook.
How is the ad deadline determined?
The ad deadline is set by our school based on the production schedule for the yearbook.
Can I create my student’s ad on my mobile device?
Yes, yearbook ads can be created online from both desktop and mobile devices.
(800) 358-0800
Milwaukie High School/Milwaukie Academy of the Arts
We are located one block east of the orange max line. Please consider using public transportation or carpooling as often as possible.
Website: www.nclack.k12.or.us/mhs
Location: 2301 Southeast Willard Street, Milwaukie, OR, USA
Phone: 503-353-5842