RHS Orchestra Beat
Back to School Edition 20-21
- Parent Meeting THIS THURSDAY Aug. 27 6:30 on Zoom
- https://zoom.us/j/93774438768?pwd=N3JBUmdZK2tuOHV4YVNKcUd2ZTZKZz09
Meeting ID: 937 7443 8768
Passcode: 021617
- Everything you need to know about orchestra is on our OrchestrHub.
- If you need a school owned instrument, sign up on the form (on the OrchestrHub) and pay $100 through Charms. Drive-through instrument pick-up for those who sign-up is Aug. 31 4:30-5:30p at RHS.
- Spirit Wear orders due by Labor Day - order form is on the OrchestrHub. T-shirt design is pictured in Mellow-Yellow.
- Orchestra fees (see below for details) are due by August 31
- All other forms are due Aug. 31. Forms are found on the OrchestrHub.
- Remember Orchestra is a skill-based cumulative program! Students should be practicing every day at home for 30+ minutes in order to keep up with the rigors of Orchestra. The 30+ minutes can be divided into 2 practice sessions (ex: morning/afternoon or before/after dinner).
Chipotle Private Lesson Scholarship Fundraiser - Monday, Sept. 21
Celebrations, Joys, & Announcements!
Upcoming Events
2020-21 Orchestra Calendar is posted on the website!
27 Private teacher sign up
27 RAOC General Meeting 6:30pm via Zoom
31 Instrument Pick-up at RHS for those who sign-up
31 Fees & Forms due
Get your fees in!!
The following are the fees due. This year, we are only accepting online payments through Charms. Each student in the RHS Orchestra is responsible for the program’s operation. The philosophy is that each high school student will share an equal part of the financial responsibility of funding orchestra program expenses not provided by the district. Some of these expenses include special music arrangements, contest entry fees, instruments, equipment and repair not provided by the RISD, clinician fees, food and drinks for orchestra activities, orchestra banquet expenses, rental of off-campus performance venues, scholarships, and orchestra club administrative costs such as website maintenance, postage and printing. Please refer to the RHS Handbook for a complete breakdown of fees.
Fall Semester
School-Owned Instrument Fee, if applicable $100
Program Operation Fee $75
Custom Binder, Luggage Tag, Rosin, Face Mask, and Soft Cloth (No charge this school year)
Spring Semester
Program Operation Fee $35
Chamber Music Festival Entry Fee $10
Uniform Cleaning & Alteration Fee $20
Orchestra Polo Shirt $25
The Value of Private Lessons
We have to tell you how proud we are of our students! They have been working hard in class this year and are making steady progress on new skills and music. As a parent, however, we’re sure there have been times where you may have asked yourself if your child was progressing quickly enough. As the students move through their HS years, sometimes it’s not as easy to recognize the development of new skills.
During this time, it is easy for students and parents to get discouraged because progress is not as obvious. This is a time when your child will need your encouragement more than ever. Recognize their efforts, praise them when they remember to practice without being reminded, and continue to ask them to play for you from time to time.
This might also be a time when you want to consider private lessons for your child. In a private lesson, a specialist who plays the same instrument as your child will work with them one-on-one to develop a program of study tailored specifically to your child’s unique strengths, weaknesses and goals. It’s a great way to provide your child with new opportunities in music and can jump start their interest. With lessons, they will feel more accomplished, be more confident, and progress more quickly.
Summer time is a perfect time to get started. It will keep them playing and progressing all summer long!
A small jump start now could set them up for long term success by helping them to rise above the crowd and see their inner talent.
We recommend a thirty-minute lesson once per week for students this age. If you are interested, we can help connect you with just the right person.
Private lessons are provided during the school day for interested students as an enrichment program in orchestra. The RHS Area private teachers are contracted through RISD and must complete an application and criminal history check. These teachers can teach during your child's orchestra class or before or after school on your campus. Summer lessons can be arranged at Richardson HS or other locations offered by the individual private teacher. Private lesson fees are $20 per weekly 30-minute lesson and rates are determined by the RISD Fine Arts. While private study is not a requirement for participation in any orchestra, students are strongly encouraged to participate.
Virtual Private Lessons
$20 per 30-minute lesson. Pay your teacher directly!
Annie Jeong elfofviolin@hotmail.com (515) 708-7667
Sean Burrows sburrows@mail.smu.edu (972) 762-1365
Danny Jordan dannyjordan0407@gmail.com (346) 666-8817
Bella Markham zippydragon101@gmail.com 972-974-2928
Jason Mooney jasonmooney89@gmail.com (631) 804-5131
Aniko Juhasz aniko52606@gmail.com 214-392-3838
Alayna Mitchakes layniemitchakes@gmail.com 214-500-0761
Troy Tippawang tippawangbass@gmail.com (469) 826-6033
Tyler Shepherd fclefshepherd@yahoo.com (214) 931-0054
Contact our teachers today to get started! It is never too late to start!
Chamber Orchestra 2020-21
Congratulations, ADAM DOMINGUEZ and CARMEN OCHOA for being chosen to participate in Dallas Young Strings!
No Region, State auditions will continue
No Sectionals.
Performances cancelled district-wise until further notice.
Be thinking about virtual Quartet Promo Project & recital (think November) - Video, Slide, Program, Logo
Check Finances & Update Contact Information
Update your Charms personal contact information
Login: RichardsonHSO Pswd: Student ID unless changed
Amazon Smile
Support the RHS orchestra every time you shop on Amazon! Our charity names is Richardson Orchestra Club.
Tom Thumb Good Neighbor Program
Kroger Rewards
Add the RHS Orchestra to your Kroger Rewards card! Simply visit http://www.kroger.com. Once logged into their Kroger account, search for RICHARDSON AREA ORCHESTRA CLUB either by name or DD753 and then click Enroll.
About Us
Google Voice: 972-643-8744
Google Voice: 972-808-6079
Email: sara.long@risd.org
Website: rhsorchestra.org
Phone: (469)593-3044
Twitter: @rhsorch