JH/HS Principal Newsletter
March 2025
Panther Community!
We have made it through the month of February and longer days with warmer temperatures are in front of us! Staff and students alike have done a great job being flexible and making it through the month of February. We had an ever changing schedule, unpredictable weather to navigate, and the always present grind of the month of February. Staff and students alike did a great job navigating all of this and we now get to turn the page to the month of March and all the great opportunities this month brings!
Please be aware of a couple of items I included in the newsletter this month. First, I have included some reminders for upcoming activities in the months of March, April, and May that will be here before we know it. Second, I have included some reminders for the Class of 2025. With the second semester well underway, the clock is ticking for application, scholarships, and graduation requirements. Lastly, I have included the list of activities for the month of March. Spring sports kick off this month, so as we get closer to the end of the month there will be a number of activities the Panthers will be taking part in!
Finally, please know that all stakeholders are here for ALL students to be successful. If there are any questions or concerns you have, please feel free to reach out to the staff and administration here at Hershey Jr/Sr High School and we will be more than happy to help make sure ALL students are successful and have a great experience here at Hershey!
School Resources
Hershey Panthers Website
SPVA Conference Calendar
Nebraska Schools Activities Association
2024-2025 HPS Master Calendar
2024-2025 HPS 7-12 Bell Schedule
Standard Response Protocol
SRP is used as a response to various school situations. More information about SRP can be found at this link.
HPSEF February Students of Month
We are excited to announce the February HPSEF Students of the Month!! These students exemplify the hard work and character we seek here at HPS!! Grade level winners include:
7th - Brianna Bohlen
8th - Ainslee Stier
9th - Ella Duckworth
10th - Kale DaMoude
11th - Gracen Kohn
12th - Ethan Elliott
Additionally, the following students were selected as the Junior High and High School Student of the Month!
Junior High - Brynlee Dawkins
Senior High - Kale DaMoude
We are excited to continue to work with the staff here at HPS on the importance of PANTHER MOJO. This provides a simple framework for our staff and students to come back to when remembering what is foundational here at Hershey! MOJO stands for the following:
Meaningful Engagement
cOmmon Expectations
Joy in Learning
Opportunities for Growth
This month we return as a staff on the importance of JOY IN LEARNING! As we start a new semester, we have the opportunity to revisit classroom expectations and what joy in learning looks like in the classroom. For us at Hershey, we want all stakeholders to know that when students are in the classrooms that we want 1) Enjoyment of the Process 2) Active Learning Taking Place 3) Knowing and Respecting Your “Why”.
Marzano Instructional Framework
This year we will continue to look at and focus on strengthening our instruction through the Marzano Instructional Framework. This year we will take time to focus on the importance of Engagement Strategies in the classroom with the focus of Demonstrating Intensity and Enthusiasm and Presenting Unusual Information in the month of March,
Another layer to our framework on the 7-12 side will be the importance of Panther M.A.D.: 4 Ways Teachers Make a Difference each day in the classroom! We will collaborate with our staff to ensure that on a daily basis our students experience 1) On Grade Level Content 2) Strong Instruction 3) Strong Engagement 4) High Expectations.
It is our hope and expectation that, through deepening our understanding of the Marzano Framework as well as revisiting the 4 areas of Panther M.A.D, we can improve the student experience and see students Learn, Thrive, and Grow here at HPS!!
Spring Break = No School: March 13th & 14th
HPS will not be in session for 7-12 students on Thursday, March 13th and Friday, March 14th for Spring Break. Students WILL be in session until 11:30 AM on Wednesday, March 12th and then students will have the following two days off of school.
An additional note: 7-12 Hershey students will have a 2:42 PM release on Thursday, March 20th as Hershey hosts PK-6 Parent Teacher Conferences. Friday, March 21st, will be a NORMAL school day for 7-12 students and PK-6 students will not be in session on that day.
JH Academic Intervention
From a joint effort with the administrative team and junior high team of teachers, we have continued our Junior High Academic Intervention plan to help students get off the down list and pass classes. These interventions were implemented towards the end of the first quarter and are designed to help the student identify why they are failing a class, what supports are around him/her to improve their grade, and what assignments can be turned in to improve their grade. As we went through the month of February, we saw the LOWEST number of students failing a class AND the lowest number of failing grades all year from our 7-12 students!!! A big THANK YOU to Mrs. Harmoni Wagner for all her hard work and dedication in working with our students in this endeavor!!
HPS Spring Sport Reminders!
The following items need to be turned in to the high school office PRIOR to a student-athlete participating in spring sports practice on Monday, March 3rd, 2025
1. 2023-2024 Physical (After 5.1.24)
2. NSAA Consent Form
3. HPS Drug Testing Consent Form
Looking forward to an EXCITING spring sports season in Panther Nation!!!
March Panther Activities
3.3.25 - NHS Blood Drive (Activities Center)
3.3.25 - Start of NSAA Spring Sports
3.7.25 - 7-12 Lincoln County Sheriff's Office Presentation (Competition Gym)
3.8.25 - Speech @ Maxwell Invitational (Maxwell H.S.)
3.10.25 - HPS School Board Meeting (Collaboration Space)
3.11.25 - Speech @ Hershey Showcase (Hershey H.S.)
3.12.25- HPS Professional Development - Students Dismissed @ 11:30 AM
3.12.25 - End of Third Quarter
3.13.25 - No School - Spring Break
3.14.25 - No School - Spring Break
3.17.25 - 9-11th Grade Chad Cargill ACT Prep (Activities Center)
3.18.25 - FFA New Member Night
3.20.25 - PK-6 Parent Teacher Conferences - Dismiss @ 2:42 PM
3.20.25 - Spring Sports Media Day
3.20.25 - Quiz Bowl @ SPVA Championships (Hershey H.S.)
3.21.25 - PK-6 Parent Teacher Conferences - 7-12 Students IN SESSION
3.21.25 - FFA “Thank a Farmer/Rancher” Breakfast (HPS Cafeteria)
3.21.25 - Girls Tennis @ North Platte Doubles Invitational
3.22.25 - Speech @ NSAA District Championships (Perkins County H.S.)
3.22.25 - HPS 2025 Grand March & Prom
3.24.25 - Band & Choir @ SPVA Fine Arts Music Competition (Perkins County H.S.)
3.25.25 - HPS National Honor Society Induction Ceremony (Activities Center)
3.27.25 - Speech @ NSAA Class C State Speech Championships (Kearney H.S.)
3.27.25 - Girls Tennis @ McCook Triangular (McCook SH Tennis Courts)
3.29.25 - Varsity Track @ Hershey-NPSP Invitational (Hershey H.S.)
3.30.25 - Hershey Volunteer Fire Department Spaghetti Feed (HPS Cafeteria)
Panther Power Hour
We will continue to run Panther Power Hour here at Hershey throughout the second semester! Panther Power Hour is designed to provide a space for students to recover failed credit (11th & 12th grade only), make up tests and quizzes, or simply to have a quiet space to work on homework after school. Panther Power Hour is held Monday - Thursday from 4:00 - 5:00 PM and is staffed by an HPS teacher. The following rooms will be used for the following days:
Monday - Mrs. Swartz’s Room
Tuesday - Ms. Aylward’s Room
Wednesday - Mrs. Stoner’s Room
Thursday - Mrs. Eshleman’s Room
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Cudney or Mrs. Pettera for more information!
Hershey Prom 2025
The 2025 Hershey Prom will be held on Saturday, March 22nd. The evening will start with the Grand March at Hershey High School scheduled to start at 4:30 PM. The event will then transition to Venue 304 in North Platte for the dance portion of the night which will start at 8:00 PM and run to 11:00 PM. Looking forward to celebrating a great tradition with Panther students and their guests. All guest forms must be turned into the main office by Wednesday, March 12th.
Winter MAPS Testing Results
We concluded the Winter MAPS testing in January with the Junior High students. We saw some growth from students across the board with a number of students moving up from the 41st - 60th percentile category to the 61st - 80th with a number of students bumping into the 80th+ category. We saw a nice increase for the 8th graders in math as well from the Fall to the Winter testing terms. We look forward to our spring testing in April when we test students in 7th-8th with MAPS and NSCAS and students in 9-11 with the NSCAS test!
2025 ACT Test Prep
The junior class has begun ACT test prep in Mr. Siegel's American Government class! Students spend 20 minutes each week covering a lesson on the John Baylor ACT Prep Program and then provide time on Friday's to work through the materials. Also, Mrs. Eshleman is taking time in her English 11 classes to prep students on the writing portion of the ACT prior to the April 9th date. Finally, Chad Cargill will be here on March 17th to present test taking strategies to the 9-11 student body in order to continue to support student ACT scores.
Spring NSCAS/MAPS Testing / Junior ACT / Sophomore Pre-Act
Hershey Junior/Senior High will be holding the final round of testing in the month of April. All 7-10 students will participate in the spring round of NSCAS/MAPS testing to be held the last two weeks of April. Hershey Juniors will participate in taking the ACT test on Wednesday, April 9th. All testing provides critical data for all stakeholders to use in order to make a student's educational experience the best it can be at Hershey! We look forward to the final round of testing this spring at HPS!
7-12 HPS “On the Horizon”
- We are in the process of looking into the adoption of a curriculum for most of our 7-12 science classes. The Panther science teacher and administration have started the process of working with the Educational Service Unit 16 to identify High Quality Instructional Materials for our science classes here at Hershey.
- We are working with the math team to find a system to identify students in math coming out of the 6th grade in order to properly place them in a math pathway related to their level of proficiency. Additionally, looking at ways to support students in Algebra and Algebra 2 with the possibility of an essential skills study hall to help refine skills in those areas.
- We have been working with Awards Unlimited and Toxic Graphics to create boards to display ACT as well as NSCAS/MAPS testing achievement. This will provide a space where we can highlight and celebrate the great achievements of our students! The more we can challenge and compete against one another, the greater the collective results can be!
- There has been continued work underway for the 25-25 Master Schedule and looking at the possibility of adding Homerooms starting in the 25-26 school year. This would be a common time at the end of the day when students could have academic interventions, ACT/Pre-ACT Test Prep, Character Lessons, and have class/group meetings.
HPS Senior Tips & Reminders
Below are some continued supports from Mrs. Pettera and the guidance office for our junior and senior students!
- Fill out the FAFSA form or complete an in-person opt out form at the HPS Main Office (Nebraska State Graduation Requirement).
- Continued appointments with Mrs. Pettera to review credits, career goals, and college plans.
- Scholarships continue to posted in the Class of 2025 Thrillshare Room as well as outside Mrs. Pettera’s office.
- The next available ACT test is April 5th-late registration is March 16th (register at www.actstudent.org)
- Make an appointment with Mrs. Pettera to review credits, career goals, and college plans.
- Make college campus visits!
- Do you have your letters of recommendation?
- Is your biographical essay complete?
- Is your resume complete?
- Fill out college applications. If you have any questions be sure to consult Mrs. Pettera. Submit your application now, along with all necessary forms and application fee.
- Tell Mrs. Pettera where you have applied so transcripts can be sent.
- LAPTOPS with Microsoft Office are available for USE IN the LIBRARY. They cannot be taken/checked out from this area at this time.
- There is a printer for SENIOR USE in the LIBRARY. Please have a library staff member assist you when you need to print.
Important SENIOR Dates
- Seniors last day of regular classes is tentatively scheduled for Friday, May 2nd, 2025.
- The Baccalaureate Service is scheduled for Sunday, May 4th at 7:00 PM at Baptist Church in Hershey.
- Senior Trip to Omaha, NE is scheduled for Monday, May 5th with the bus departure TBD.
- Seniors will check out is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, May 6th, with breakfast being served starting at 8:15 AM.
- The High School Academic Awards Assembly will be held on Tuesday, May 6th at 10:00 AM.
- Senior Graduation Practice is scheduled for Wednesday. May 7th at 2:30 PM with Send Off to follow at 3:15 PM.
- Senior Speeches (President/Val/Sal) are due to Mr. Cudney and Mrs. Davis at 1:30 PM on Wednesday, May 7th
- Class of 2025 Graduation is scheduled for Saturday, May 10th at 10:00 AM in the Hershey Activities Center.
Tentative HPS 7-11 Finals Week Schedule
Below is the tentative schedule for the last week of school for 7-11 Hershey students:
- Review Dates - May 15th & 16th
- Semester Finals - Monday (May 19th) & Tuesday (May 20th)
- Make-Up Day / HS Helpers for AR Field Day - Wednesday (May 21st)
- Class Checkout - Thursday (May 22nd)
School Attendance Matters!
This is a friendly reminder that we want all students in school when classes are in session! We understand a variety of things come up which may make a student miss class. As a district, the following would be counted as excused absences for students if communicated by the parent/guardian:
- Physical or mental illness of the student or of a child whom the student is parenting (a physician’s verification is required after four (4) consecutive days of absence for illness)
- Severe weather
- Medical appointments for the student or for a child whom the student is parenting without a
- Death or serious illness of the student’s family member
- Attending a funeral, wedding or graduation
- Appearance at court or for other legal matters
- Observance of religious holidays of the student's own faith
- College planning visits
- Personal or family vacation
- School sponsored activities which require students to be absent from school
- Other absences which have received prior approval from parents and the Principal
For all unexcused absences, the following policy is in place to help ensure students have the needed class time to earn credit:
- Each student will be allowed a maximum of 9 absences per class, per semester. Time missed in excess of this limit will be made up in summer school or before and after school. Absences resulting from participation in school activities or suspensions will not count toward the 9-day limit. Students and parents will be informed after 6 absences from any class. Failure to make up the time will result in loss of credit. Elementary and Junior high absences in excess of 9 days must be made up or retention may become a consideration.
- A student may receive a waiver of make-up time if he or she can successfully demonstrate with documented evidence, to an attendance committee, that all absences, for which a waiver is requested, have been excusable absences.
- Note- Suspended days do not count toward the nine-day maximum if work is successfully completed.
- The following scale will be followed on reduction of credit for students grade 9-12:
- 10-14 days absent 1 credit deduction or waiver
- 15-19 days absent 2 credit deduction or waiver
- 20-24 days absent 3 credit deduction or waiver
- 25-29 days absent 4 credit deduction or waiver
- 30+ days absent 5 credit ded./no credit or waiver
Student Tardy Policy
- Weekly Tardy List Ran Monday AM from Previous Week
- Detentions / ISS Assigned by Assistant Principal
- All to Be Served by End of Current Week
- Discipline Progression
- 0-4 Tardies - Grace Period
- 5-9 Tardies - 30 Minute Detention
- 10-14 Tardies - 60 Minute Detention
- 15-19 Tardies - 1 Day ISS
- 20-24 Tardies - 2 Day ISS
- 25-29 Tardies - 3 Day ISS
- 30+ Tardies - TBD
2024-2025 Hershey 7-12 Bell Schedule
Below is the bell schedule for the upcoming school year. We will have ONE LUNCH for all 7-12 students with a staggered release from 5th period as detailed below:
1st Period 8:15-9:03
2nd Period 9:06 - 9:54
3rd Period 9:57 - 10:45
4th Period 10:48 - 11:36
5th Period 11:39 - 12:26
1st HS Lunch: 12:20 - 12:57
2nd HS Lunch 12:23 - 12:57
JH Lunch 12:26 - 12:57
6th Period 1:00 - 1:48
7th Period 1:51 - 2:39
8th Period 2:42 - 3:42
On Friday School is let out at the end of 7th Period at 2:39 PM.
HPS Breakfast & Lunch Menus
As district and breakfast menus are updated, they can be found at the following LINK: https://www.myschoolmenus.com/organizations/300
Bullying/Harassment Concerns
Students and families are encouraged to communicate concerns related to the mistreatment of others. For students, a trusted adult is the recommended point of contact. This can be an administrator, teacher, coach, or other trusted person. This adult will then work with administration to respond promptly and appropriately. Parents/guardians are encouraged to communicate concerns directly with HPS Administration.
HPS School Safety
The most important part of any school is the safety and well being of the students and staff! Several items exist within schools to support school safety. These include:
- Secured access during the school day. Visitors to school must check-in at the main office after they are allowed access through the office doors. All other doors are to be closed and locked during the course of the school day.
- Standard Response Protocol (SRP) is established. This provides a consistent student and staff response to potential emergencies. More information about SRP can be found at this LINK.
- Minimizing deliveries during the school day. We understand that a parent may wish to deliver food to students for special occasions, and we appreciate this. We discourage this from being a regular occurrence.
- Minimizing student visits to vehicles during the school day. Students that forget a school-related item in their vehicles may check-in at the main office before they are allowed to visit their vehicles.
We appreciate the important part our students, staff, and families play in keeping our school safe. This year we have run six fire drills, three SRP drills, one tornado drill, and one bus evacuation drill all in an effort to help students and staff be prepared in the event of an emergency.
We believe that we want to continue to prepare our students in the case of an emergency so that we are prepared in the case of a true emergency!