Cavalier Community Connection
November 2024

Moon Week celebrating the LBHS NASA Moon Tree
October 28-November 1st Lord Botetourt celebrated Moon Week.
The school was chosen as a location for a NASA Moon Tree. When this tree was a seed it went to space for about 4 weeks as part of the Artemis missions and orbited the moon. The school participated in a variety of STEM related activities including a door decorating contest, tree identification and art, crater simulation, a moon walk dance competition and engineering challenges. Teachers incorporated moon themes into lessons such as reading stories about moon myths in Spanish or analyzing data to see if there is a relationship between moon phase and crimes, turns out there isn't. The tree was planted by National Honor Society and Biology students. LBHS will be holding a tree dedication ceremony during the spring semester. We will also be having STEM outreach with our elementary students involving the Moon Tree in the spring as well.
Attendance Information
- Attendance is taken everyday per class.
- A student with 8 or more absences may be denied credit for class.
- An attendance waiver is REQUIRED if a student misses more than 8 days in a class regardless of excused/unexcused.
- If waiver is denied, the student must write a letter of appeal to Mrs. Mast.
- For more information please click here for the BCPS Attendance Policy.
Phone: 540-966-8669
Email: jmcconnaughey@bcps.k12.va.us
Virtual Appointments and School
If your child has a virtual appointment (counseling, doctor, etc) please notify the school in advance so we can make proper arrangements.
Poinsettia Sale
The Lord Botetourt Baseball program will be selling poinsettias this winter for a fundraiser. The poinsettias are $15 each and you can pick from red, pink, white, jingle bell, and marble. The orders will be placed on Nov. 26th and they will be delivered to the high school on December 3rd. Please reach out to Coach Smith if you have questions or would like to make an order at tsmith@bcps.k12.va.us. Thank you for your support!
Learner's Test at LBHS on 11-20
The Learner’s Test will be offered here at LBHS this fall!!!
It is open to all students as long as they are at least 15 years and 6 months old.
Test date will be Wednesday, November 20th (offered all blocks)
Please see Mrs. Underwood or folder on Upper Gym bulletin board to get information & parent permission form to sign up for the test!
LBHS Fall Band Concert- 11-21-24 at 7pm
The Cavalier Review
Study Lab Schedule
LBHS Athletics
Winter Sports Information
The first day of Winter Sports Practice is November 11. To be able to practice and fully participate all athletes must have completed a VHSL physical dated after 5/1/2024 and have it on file in the AD's office.
Men's and Women's Wrestling begins Monday, November 11th. All athletes must have a VHSL physical on file. No exceptions. Please see Coach Craft in the School Counseling Office for more details.
School Counseling Office
2025-26 Course Registration
The School Counseling Department has begun meeting individually with students to select their 2025-2026 courses. Please make sure to have conversations with your student about their college and career plans, discuss course options, and encourage them to arrive prepared for our meeting. All courses are listed in the BCPS Program of Studies, and if you missed our in-person presentation, the pdf. version is located on the LBHS School Counseling website. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
LBHS School Counselors with Alphabet Breakdown
Salena Dewease (A-D): sdewease@bcps.k12.va.us
Lindsay Haniewich (E-K): lhaniewich@bcps.k12.va.us
Paul Craft (L-R) : kcraft@bcps.k2.va.us
Jenna Drumheller (S-Z) : jdrumheller@bcps.k12.va.us
Megan DeHart (SAPP Counselor): mdehart@bcps.k12.va.us
World Kindness Day
November marks an important time of year to not only practice gratitude with Thanksgiving, but also compassion and kindness! November signifies Anti-Bullying Awareness month and more specifically, November 13th is known as World Kindness Day!
"How should I participate in World Kindness Day?"
- Perform acts of kindness towards others
- Spread positivity
- Volunteer in your community
- Compliment someone
- Be caring to yourself
Yearbook Information
Yearbooks are on sale at www.yearbooksonsale.com
Important Dates:
Club Picture Day: November 22nd
Class of 2025 Senior Picture Information
All Formals and Casuals must be taken by the Prestige Senior Portrait Division of Lifetouch Studios.
All poses (casual and formal) must be chosen by: Friday, November 15th. This date is the last day to guarantee a formal and casual senior portrait in the yearbook. No exceptions will be made! Thank you!