Hamburg School

A Look Ahead...
November 27
Early Dismissal
1:00 PM
November 28 - 29
No School
Thanksgiving Break
December 3
Early Childhood Advisory Council Mtg.
6:00 PM (Zoom)
December 5
6:00 PM (Gymnasium)
December 9 - 12
PTA Holiday Bazaar
December 10
PTA Meeting
7:30 PM (Cafeteria or Zoom)
School Menus
PTA News
- $15 Discount cards: Can be purchased online at https://www.zeffy.com/ticketing/efdf50ff-0164-4786-9a04-21b1b16beca8
- Hamburg Knight Plush blankets: They are 50 x 60 and only $30 each. You can purchase these right online at https://www.zeffy.com/ticketing/f0cb2092-1c75-492b-9a7b-1519c1412ad0
Noteworthy News
The Promising Practices Project
The New Jersey Department of Education, in partnership with the New Jersey State Policy Lab and the Joseph C. Cornwall Center for Metropolitan Studies at Rutgers University, conceived of the Promising Practices Project in the Fall of 2022 to explore innovative practices that positively impacted student performance during the pandemic years. In a time when New Jersey schools witnessed record declines in student learning outcomes, some outliers proved to unlock practices that promoted students’ growth and achievement. To learn from local education agencies (LEAs) where promising practices emerged, the Promising Practices Project seeks to identify schools that have developed unique, replicable, and innovative approaches to teaching and learning.
Promising Practices Identification Procedure
The Promising Practices study analyzes the practices and activities that bolstered student learning and their positive effect on student performance in ELA and mathematics on the New Jersey State Learning Assessments (NJSLA). The study will explore how individual schools successfully served all students’ needs; with special attention paid to practices that lead to growth in student groups often understood to underperform.
The research team identified positive outlier schools based on the Department’s School Performance Reports, student demographic/testing data, and NCES socioeconomic files. Using statistical models that compared predicted and actual performance, the research team selected a sample of schools blindly (i.e., without school names identified) that exceeded expected student learning outcomes for all students and/or for some disaggregated groups of students (i.e., English learners, students with disabilities, economically disadvantaged students, etc.). The team selected schools based on overall, disaggregated group-specific, and post-COVID improvements in student learning outcomes, ensuring representation in every county of the state, and at various levels of racial/ethnic diversity and need.
After the quantitative analysis, the Rutgers research team will focus on 52 New Jersey schools from 47 LEAs statewide with identified positive learning outcomes when comparing pre- to post-pandemic performance in ELA and mathematics.
The Department and the Rutgers research team will work with the identified LEAs to uncover innovative, promising practices that significantly impact students’ academic performance. Once the promising practices are determined, the strategies will be disseminated throughout the state via relevant presentations, reports, and convenings.
December 12 - Early Dismissal
Hamburg School will operate on an early dismissal schedule on December 12, 2024 due to staff training. Student dismissal will begin at 12:45 PM.
Reminder...Three (3) minute Vehicle Idle Only
As a reminder, your vehicle cannot idle for more than 3 consecutive minutes outside of our school. Signage is located along the front and visitor side of our building. This includes pick up times and running a quick errand in the building. Idling vehicles emit many different pollutants, including particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, benzene, and other volatile organic compounds. These pollutants can contribute to cancer and other short and long-term health concerns. People with asthma, bronchitis, other respiratory problems or heart disease are most sensitive to the health effects of fine particles contained in vehicle exhaust.
Hamburg School staff proudly serve our parent community each day at drop off and pick up to assist in transitioning students to/from school. Please be reminded that both short- and long-term exposure to air pollution can lead to a wide range of diseases, including stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, trachea, bronchus and lung cancers, aggravated asthma and lower respiratory infections. Please help us keep our staff and students safe in maintaining compliance with New Jersey Administrative Code Title 7, Chapter 27 (Air Pollution Control). Thank you.
Co-Curricular Activities
Winter Sports are coming soon!
Hamburg School Happenings
Art Class: Grade 1 Veterans Day Cards
Board of Education
2025 Reogranizational Meeting
January 2, 2025 (Snowdate: January 7, 2025)
Hamburg Community Connections
Hamburg Borough Council
- Richard Krasnomowitz
Council Members:
- Russell Law
- John Burd
- Mark Sena
- Joyce Oehler
- John Haig
- George Endres
🍎 Resources 🍎
The mission of the Hamburg Public School District is to provide an education, which will enable students to acquire the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to become contributing members of society.
The educational program will enable each student to develop emotionally, socially, psychologically, and cognitively within his or her abilities and interests.
The mission of the Hamburg Public School District, therefore, is to develop an educational program that is under constant evaluation, allows all students to achieve the New Jersey Student Learning Standards at all grade levels, and is dedicated to providing experiences relative to the demands of modern society in an effort to best prepare our students to meet with success and grand achievements in the 21st century.