Rowlett News to Know
July 29, 2022

March 14, 2025
Bobcat Family,
Happy Spring Break!!!! Have a safe and restful break!!
Please be aware that Rowlett Elementary is a "No Phone/Smart Watch Zone" for students. All phones and smart watches should be turned off and stored in the student's backpack during the school day.
If your child is late to school (after 8:10am), parent must walk their child in and sign them in at the office. We have had too many students arriving between 8:10-8:15 with no adult. Students are missing out on breakfast and the beginning of instruction. Please make sure you get your child to school on time.
Morning Drop Off: In the morning as you are dropping off your child for school, please remain in your vehicle. If your child needs assistance getting out of the car, please park your vehicle in designated parking spots or allow our Student Leadership Team to assist. Tihs helps in our traffic flow and keeps the cars moving through our drive way quickly so we can get students in our building in a timely manner. Thank you for your help!!
Please help us in reminding your student to help keep our campus (inside and outside) looking clean and beautiful. This is our "second home" and we want to keep the bathrooms, hallways and outside school grounds free from trash. We need to respect our property!
Please log into Skyward and make sure all your child's information is up to date, including Emergency contact information.
Remember to put your chid's name on ALL their belongings. We have a lot of unclaimed coats/jackets with no names on them, as well as water bottles and lunch boxes. These items will be donated in the near future if they are not claimed.
Kristin Stevens
Assistant Principal
Rowlett Elementary
TELPAS testing is this month!!!
Dress Code at Rowlett Elementary School
This is just a reminder of what is and is not allowed during the school day. Please note that your child will have to call home for a change of clothes/shoes if they are caught wearing unallowable items.
Important: Sign up for ParentSquare
We have new platform for campus communication. ParentSquare is an app that allows us to communicate with you via email, text, or phone. You will also receive information from the district.
To join Parent Square:
Click this link , scroll to Applications, scroll to Parent Square and follow the instructions provided.
Joining Parent Square will ensure you stay connected to information from Rowlett Elementary.
Kristin Stevens
Rowlett Elementary Assistant Principal
This week in PE: Third through fifth graders completed their pacer test. When we return from Spring Break they will complete their curl-up test and then we will be finished with Fitnessgram for the school year. The younger grades have been playing some fun running and agility games. Enjoy your Spring Break!
Coach Hedgecock and Coach Landon
Greetings from the Art Room!! This week all students are working on transforming letters into Bubble Art and the older students into Graffiti Art. These kiddos are so very clever and artistic. Ask your student to show their artwork.
Mrs. Wiechman
Fine Arts
Mrs. Cogley has begun her maternity leave. We wish her the best in this new chapter for her family.
March is Women's History Month.
We read biographies about Mary Anning, the first paleontologist, and Ellen Ochoa, the first Hispanic woman in space.
Mrs. Davis and Mrs. White
This year, parents may have their child’s first name posted on the marquee during their birthday week.
Cost: $25.00
Reserve your spot today, as we will list a maximum of five students per week on a first paid, first served basis.
Click the button below for the form to reserve your child's space.
Per Board Policy, the district permits students to possess personal cellular telephones; however, these devices must remain turned off and put away during the instructional day, including during all testing.
Students will keep their cell phones off while on campus.
At Rowlett, students may not wear smartwatches to school.
If a student is wearing a smartwatch or their cell phone is visible:
First offense: The staff member will tell the student to put their watch or phone away.
Second offense: The staff member will take the student’s watch or phone away and return it to the student at the end of the day.
Third offense: The staff member will take the phone away & turn it into the office. The teacher will notify the parent that the phone is in the office and the parent must come to the office to retrieve the phone. The office closes at 4:00.
Should you need to contact your child, please call the school (972-475-3380).
We are here to support you!
During the school year, we work with community partners who are willing to support our students and their families. If you could use some additional help this school year, please let us know. Please note that completing this form does not guarantee that you will receive assistance, as our partnerships may change or offer new ways to help. However, this form will assist your school counselor in identifying ways to help you and your family.
Please take a moment to read the procedures for eating lunch with your child:
- Parents and guardians wishing to eat lunch with their children will sign up using the appropriate link below.
- Students will eat with their grown-ups in the foyer.
- Please make sure your child/siblings are quiet in the foyer while eating lunch. Instruction is occurring in classrooms and noise can be distracting.
- Adults visiting for lunch must sign in at the office and wait in the foyer for their child to arrive.
- If you are bringing lunch for your child, they will meet you in the foyer instead of going through the lunch line.
- If your child is eating the school lunch, he/she will go through the lunch line first and then meet you in the foyer to eat.
- We have limited seats available per grade level, and grade level lunches are open to parents on different dates and times.
- Parents must secure a slot for lunch in advance. Spaces are limited to a first-come, first-served basis.
- If you find you are unable to come to lunch after signing up, please remove your name from the sign up. This will reopen the slot for someone else.
If you have any questions, you may contact Ms. Madrid in the office or via email at grmadrid@garlandisd.net .
Reminder: Lunch visitors must sign in with a valid and current (not expired) ID in order to eat lunch with their child.
Once you click the link, please write the name of the child you are visiting for lunch.
PreK/Kindergarten Lunch Sign Up (Mondays)
First Grade Lunch Sign Up (Tuesdays)
Second Grade Lunch Sign up (Tuesdays)
Third Grade Lunch Sign Up (Wednesdays)
Fourth Grade Lunch Sign Up (Thursdays)
Fifth Grade Lunch Sign Up (Fridays)
Be a Volunteer!
If you want to volunteer at Rowlett or attend field trips with your child, please complete the Volunteer Application linked below.
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