TOPA Sienna HIlls 2025
1/21-1/23 No School on Monday 1/20 Civil Rights Day
Winter Benchmarking---Continues until 1/23
Upcoming Events:
- Scholastic Book Fair - January 23rd - 30th. Go to: to set up an eWallet for your scholar.
- 1/30 Kudos 7:30am "Open Minded" 2nd Grade---Birthday Celebration
- Save the Date for Spring Concerts: 3rd-5th Grade March 26th & Kinder-2nd March 27th both are 6:00-7:00
Grade Smore Newsletters
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Winter iReady Benchmark Information
Winter Benchmarking (January 13th-24th)
As part of our goal to ensure that our students receive the best instruction, we assess and monitor using iReady. iReady provides data that helps us adjust the level and intensity of instruction to the needs of each student. The iReady Reading and Math assessments are used for two main purposes:
1) Universal Screening, to identify students likely to struggle so that these students can receive extra instruction in a timely manner---(Tier 2=less intensive & Tier 3=more intensive supports)
2) Progress Monitoring, to track the progress of students receiving extra instruction and ensure that they are on schedule to meet their year-end Reading and Math goals.
Each fall, winter, and spring, all scholars take the iReady assessment for Reading and Math. For students identified as needing additional instruction, we will monitor their progress every six weeks. If a student is not showing sufficient progress, we can then adjust supports offered in the classroom.
If a child is identified as “at risk,” they receive additional time in small groups targeting their needs during Math or Reading intervention/acceleration time, so they do not miss whole group instruction or practice. Mid-February, if you child is considered “at risk,” you will receive a letter from the school, letting you know they will be placed in Tier 2 or Tier 3 to get additional targeted support.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher. They can also provide you with a detailed explanation about areas of concern after all the data is compiled in early February. They can also give you ideas on how to support Reading and Math at home.
Love & Logic: A Healthy Self-Image or a Social-Media Identity?
The effects of social media on our youth continues to be a topic of discussion and concern. There are many ways that social media can affect a child’s self-image. They are subject to unhealthy comparisons with others, unrealistic body image issues, and traumatic cyberbullying.
Many young people live with constant feelings of inferiority and discontent because their self-perceptions don’t match the ideals presented in various forms of social media. Many kids reach young adulthood being extremely anxious about their ability to cope and believe:
“I’m a loser in real life! The only time I’m not is when I’m on-line.”
As they grapple with the already-challenging task of understanding themselves in relation to the world, this dangerous theme pervades the lives of far too many children, teens, and young adults. When social-media identity competes with true self-image for emotional territory, kids can suffer painful conflict and develop understandable escape behaviors.
Overuse of technology
Many kids will dive deep into the murky waters of internet and video game overuse because they feel calmer, stronger, and more accepted in cyberspace than in their true relational world. The seeds of addiction are sown. Full-blown dependency looms just around the corner.
Taking away their devices addresses is just the tip of the iceberg. Although it’s sometimes necessary to do this, it only scratches the surface. Helping them develop a healthy self-concept addresses the larger issue below the water line.
Denial in epic proportions
One might argue that most parents in America are in denial over the impact of technology overuse and its effects on their children’s identities. Teaching me to drive, both of my parents gave great advice: “Always assume someone is in your blind spot.” Applying this to parenting, it’s probably wise to assume that most us have a “blind spot” when it comes to technology and our kids.
Helicopter and Drill Sergeant parenting foster dependency
Chronic helicopter parenting creates insecure kids who doubt their ability to make good decisions and succeed in the real world—so does clinging to the drill sergeant model. Both styles are the enemy of healthy self-image development and can create damaging anxiety and despair.
Consultant parenting empowers children
Consultant parents empower their kids to make decisions, live with the consequences, and see that they are capable of coping with the real world. This style also preserves healthy parent-child relationships. Coping skills plus relationships serve as antidotes for depression and dependency.
We can’t control others
At the heart of consultant parenting is the awareness that we can only increase the odds of healthy identity development. We cannot ensure it. Sometimes highly ineffective parents end up with strong kids—and highly competent parents can end up with kids who have big problems. What Love and Logic does guarantee is that we can face life knowing we’ve done our best.
Our audio, Shaping Self-Concept, contains additional insights into how consultant parents can help their kids develop a healthy self-image and avoid the social-media trap.
Field Trips
Remember some field trips only allow a limited number of spots. The chaperones will be selected when the teachers send out the information---Look for the email from them to sign-up. Other field trips are public venues. If we have a need for more support, if you apply in advance and get approval from the grade level teachers and get our badge, you may be allowed to attend. This cannot happen on the day of the trip--- If you show up with nothing, you cannot go with the school
Kinder Sibling Enrollment
Click the link below to enroll your kindergarten siblings early!!!
Arizona After and Kinder Care
AZ Aftercare offers Before and After-School Care, Friday Care, and Kindergarten Extended Day Care.
Please visit to learn more about care options for K-5 scholars or email them directly at Please see attachment for rates.
Parent/Scholar Handbook
The link to the Parent/Scholar Handbook will be available before school begins on our website.
Some items to review prior to school in the handbook:
Personal Electronics --Cell phones and e-watches are not to be used at school or during pick-up.
Uniform Policy-- Approved TOPA shirts, black zip uniform pants, shorts or skorts and lace up athletic shoes. Winter coats are plain black, green or gray.
Discipline Policy
Technology-Acceptable Use Policy--use of computers and technology on campus
Attendance Information -School starts at 7:30am and ends at 4:00pm...Drop off begins at 7:00am.
Calendar, Long Weekends and Events
Long Weekends & Breaks to Plan Ahead for Vacays: We cannot make up the things scholars miss when you pull them out for vacations. We work really hard to provide you all of this information ahead time.
- 1/20/25 MLK Civil Right Day (no School Monday -- 4 day weekend)
- 2/17/25 Presidents Day (no School Monday -- 4 day weekend)
- 3/14/25-3/23/25 Spring Break -- (no school for 10 days --- great time to vacation)
- 4/16/25 & 4/17/25 --- Scholar Led Conferences -- half days 11:30 release time
- 5/22/25 Last Day of School--half day 11:30 release time
2024-2025 School Calendar
For the school calendar, please click here and scroll down to see the 2024 - 2025 school year or see below.
The Odyssey Preparatory Academy Sienna Hills
Email: &
Location: 2400 N Sienna Hills Pkwy, Buckeye, AZ, USA
Phone: 623-444-9934
Attendance Phone Line: 623-444-9934 ext#1
TOPA Sienna Hills Facebook
TOPA Sienna Hills SMORE/Events
TOPA Sienna Hills Website
Principal at The Odyssey Prep Academy - Sienna Hills in Buckeye, AZ.