TOPA Sienna Hills
2/10 to 2/13 Fun Run Fundraiser -- Team Taco or Team Pizza
A Focus on Fluency---What Can I do to Support Fluency at Home?
Fluency Practice at Home:
To practice fluency at home, you can engage in activities like reading aloud together, taking turns reading sections of a text (partner reading), reading in unison (choral reading), echoing each other's reading, rereading favorite passages, and incorporating expressive elements like different voices and intonations to build fluency and comprehension while making reading fun.
Model Fluent Reading:
Parents should read aloud first, demonstrating proper pacing, phrasing, and intonation to set a good example for their child.
Partner Reading:
Child and parent take turns reading sections of a text, with the parent providing support and feedback as needed.
Choral Reading:
Read the text together in unison, emphasizing rhythm and phrasing.
Repeated Reading:
Encourage the child to reread familiar passages multiple times to improve fluency and accuracy.
Echo Reading:
Parent reads a sentence or paragraph, and the child "echoes" back, mimicking the same expression and intonation.
Positive Feedback:
Provide consistent praise and encouragement throughout the reading session.
- Choose Appropriate Text:
- Select books that are slightly challenging but still within the child's reading level.
- Focus on Meaning:While practicing fluency, emphasize comprehension by asking questions about the text and discussing key ideas.
Upcoming Events:
- Valentine's Grams end on Feb 13th
- 2/17 Presidents Day-No School
- 2/20 Popcorn
- 2/20 Fun Run for Field Trips--annual fundraiser
- 2/27 7:30 am Kudos Caring-Kinder in the gym
- 2/27 February Birthday Class Celebrations
- Save the Date for Spring Concerts: 3rd-5th Grade March 26th & Kinder-2nd March 27th both are 6:00-7:00
Grade Smore Newsletters
Kindergarten https://secure.smore.com/n/5uwy7
First https://secure.smore.com/n/rpf17e-1st-grade-sienna-hills-newsletter
Second Grade https://secure.smore.com/n/zkwjh
Third Grade https://secure.smore.com/n/mcars
Fourth Grade https://secure.smore.com/n/vs9yz8
Fifth Grade https://secure.smore.com/n/1xns4
Ambassadors Treat the Teachers to a Coffee Break--Thank you!!!
Final Fun Run Fundraiser---What Does the Money Go For?
Because of our Final Fundraiser Kick-Off and the kids coming home about the Golden Ticket due on Monday with no purchase necessary, we want to let you know what we do with the funds we raise from our various annual drives, including Cookie Dough in the fall, Holiday House in winter, and Fun Run kicking off today. The money we collect from these events helps cover the cost of the two annual field trips we do with each grade.
Every parent is asked to pay a $10 transportation fee at the beginning of the year, which raises about $4,500-5,000 each year. But just this year field trip admissions for Sienna Hills alone totalled over $25,000. Transportation costs added over $12,000. So we hope to raise $35,000 to $40,000 each year to help defray these costs. These funds are returned to the TOPA general fund, as we run the field trips whether or not we raise extra money.
Each bus we send out costs us at least $500, with additional costs for more distant destinations such as 3rd grade’s OdySea Aquarium (we don’t own our buses or employ the drivers directly - we contract with Desert Choice Transportation). With three classes per grade, we need two buses for a minimum of $1,000 per trip. Between $320 and $460 of this is covered by the transportation fee, depending on the enrollment in each grade.
Admission fees to most of our destinations are usually around $1,400, but the 2nd grade’s Pioneer Living History Museum, are well over $5,000. We work hard to find locations that tie into the curriculum, and those locations are worth their higher price.
Much of our other fundraising is done through our Ambassador’s Club. This includes Wednesday pizza, popcorn, hot chocolate, and the cart selling Smencils and other scented Smerchandise. The Ambassadors fund projects on campus. They bought our first computer carts, and an iPad cart. Last year they bought the roll-down projection screen in the gym. Now they are saving up to get a shade structure to cover our Peaceful Playground behind the gym. This is a pretty big ticket item, will require coordination with the Fire Department and Buckeye building inspectors, and might take over a year to save up the money, but our Ambassadors think it will be a great addition to our facility.
As long as your children are enrolled at Sienna Hills, you will continue to get fund-raising appeals, and your kid will probably keep asking for five bucks for pizza. Be assured that you are NEVER required or even expected to participate. We understand that raising kids can strain anyone’s finances, and we are a free, public charter school. But we do want you to know that anything you do to contribute to the Sienna Hills community, whether it is buying some cookie dough, getting your child some pizza, volunteering in a classroom, or chaperoning a field trip, is DEEPLY appreciated by all the teachers and staff here at The Odyssey Preparatory Academy. Thank you!
Field Trips
Remember some field trips only allow a limited number of spots. The chaperones will be selected when the teachers send out the information---Look for the email from them to sign-up. Other field trips are public venues. If we have a need for more support, if you apply in advance and get approval from the grade level teachers and get our badge, you may be allowed to attend. This cannot happen on the day of the trip--- If you show up with nothing, you cannot go with the school
Enrollment is Open!
Click the link below to enroll!!!
Arizona After and Kinder Care
AZ Aftercare offers Before and After-School Care, Friday Care, and Kindergarten Extended Day Care.
Please visit https://azaftercare.myshopify.com/ to learn more about care options for K-5 scholars or email them directly at azaftercarellc@gmail.com. Please see attachment for rates.
Parent/Scholar Handbook
The link to the Parent/Scholar Handbook will be available before school begins on our website.
Some items to review prior to school in the handbook:
Personal Electronics --Cell phones and e-watches are not to be used at school or during pick-up.
Uniform Policy-- Approved TOPA shirts, black zip uniform pants, shorts or skorts and lace up athletic shoes. Winter coats are plain black, green or gray.
Discipline Policy
Technology-Acceptable Use Policy--use of computers and technology on campus
Attendance Information -School starts at 7:30am and ends at 4:00pm...Drop off begins at 7:00am.
Calendar, Long Weekends and Events
Long Weekends & Breaks to Plan Ahead for Vacays: We cannot make up the things scholars miss when you pull them out for vacations. We work really hard to provide you all of this information ahead time.
- 1/20/25 MLK Civil Right Day (no School Monday -- 4 day weekend)
- 2/17/25 Presidents Day (no School Monday -- 4 day weekend)
- 3/14/25-3/23/25 Spring Break -- (no school for 10 days --- great time to vacation)
- 4/16/25 & 4/17/25 --- Scholar Led Conferences -- half days 11:30 release time
- 5/22/25 Last Day of School--half day 11:30 release time
2024-2025 School Calendar
For the school calendar, please click here and scroll down to see the 2024 - 2025 school year or see below.
The Odyssey Preparatory Academy Sienna Hills
Email: klaneri@topamail.com & efaulkner@topamail.com
Location: 2400 N Sienna Hills Pkwy, Buckeye, AZ, USA
Phone: 623-444-9934
Attendance Phone Line: 623-444-9934 ext#1
TOPA Sienna Hills Facebook
TOPA Sienna Hills SMORE/Events
TOPA Sienna Hills Website
Principal at The Odyssey Prep Academy - Sienna Hills in Buckeye, AZ.