The Tiger's Tale
Week of Monday, Dec. 16 - Sunday, Dec.23, 2024
📢Special Announcements✨
Safety Reminders During Drop Off and Pick Up
Parents, this is a reminder of things that will help keep all of us a little safer during the morning drop off and afternoon dismissal times.
- Please use the crosswalks if they are present. We have them in the main drive but are requesting a crosswalk be painted on the (2nd - 4th grade) North Drive as well.
- Students must be accompanied across the crosswalk and/or driveway by an adult. There are 2 lanes of traffic at both entrances and adults are easier to see by motorists than children.
- Please! Do NOT drop off your children in the street and allow them to cross either the street OR the driveway by themselves. We do not have staff to stop the traffic in the driveways.
- Parking on the side of the road during drop off and/or dismissal is a hazard and the absolute safest way for you to drop off or pick up your children is to get in the appropriate car line. We know it can take a little longer, but it is definitely safer for everyone.
- Finally, once you drop off your child in the driveway, PLEASE pay attention to where you are driving. The adults on duty will make sure your children get in the building safely. I have witnessed too many times where drivers are either looking back and watching their child get all the way to the door or worse, are on their cell phones, and have almost either hit someone walking or run into another car.
Thank you all so much for everything you do to support Hyde Park and your students!!
📅 Reminders for the Month
🎉Celebrating our Public Educators!
We would love to know the ways that teachers and staff members at Hyde Park have touched the lives of our students and families. If you would like to recognize someone who has made a difference in the lives of our Tigers, please use the link attached. We gift the staff member with the complete submission and name of the person who nominated them on a certificate. Each week, I will also add the recognitions (with your name and your student's names redacted) to this section! **If there are more submissions in a week than I can fit on here, I will get them added to the next week's Tiger Tale. THANK YOU so much for the kind words! You have no idea what they are meaning to the staff members!!!
😍Difference Maker submissions🎉
🍕 Weekly Lunch Menu
🎂Happy Birthday!
🤣Jokes of the Week🤡
Q: Why did the chameleon stay on the same branch?
A: It was afraid to go out on a limb!
-Piper, 4th Grade
Q: What do people say when a cow is in the road?
-Zoe, 4th Grade
🐯Parent Teacher Organization
- Thank you to everyone that donated to the Sweet Treats for Staff today!! The snacks were delicious and the smiles on the faces of the staff were bright! Hyde Park parents and PTO members are the BEST!! 😍
🏫Connect With Us👪
Hyde Park PTO Facebook
Facebook page managed by the Hyde Park PTO
Hyde Park Tigers
🏫Campus Directory
Main Office: 903-462-7350
FAX: 903-462-7455
Attendance Clerk: 903-462-7071
Nurse: 903-462-7448
Counselor: 903-462-7928
Transportation: 903-462-7068
Head Start Office: 903-462-7339
Website: https://denisonisd.wixsite.com/hyde-park-elem