East Elementary Edition
Week of July 3

August Family Newsletter
A Message From the Principal:
Dear Lubbock-Cooper East Elementary Parents,
My name is Shelbi Eugenis, and I am honored to introduce myself as the new principal of Lubbock-Cooper East Elementary. With a career in education spanning over two decades since 2002, and eight years of experience as a public school administrator, I am excited to join this wonderful community!
East is a special place, and I am committed to fostering an environment of high expectations and success in all our endeavors. I look forward to getting to know each of you and working together to support our students in achieving their full potential. I can't wait to meet you!
You can expect a monthly newsletter from me, letting you know all the upcoming events! We will also post updates on our social media accounts, and our teachers will keep you informed with weekly student folders as well as interaction on Seesaw. Our goal is to keep you informed of everything happening at East!
We have our PK/Kinder camp on August 12th from 1pm-2pm, followed by our Open House for all other grade levels from 2pm-4pm. I look forward to meeting you there!
Shelbi Eugenis
Meet our Admin Team!
Upcoming Events
Monday, August 12th
Open House at East! Enter in the front of the school.
- 1:00-1:30 Pre-K/Kinder Orientation
- 1:30-2:00 Pre-K/Kinder Open House
- 2:00-3:00 Last Names A-M Open House
- 3:00-4:00 Last Names N-Z Open House
Wednesday, August 14th
- First Day of the School Year
East Elementary Meal Information
For the 2024-2025 school year, East Elementary has qualified to provide free breakfast and lunch to all students through the Community Eligibility Provision. This is great news, and we are so grateful for this opportunity!
Come Be a WatchDOG
WatchDOGS are fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and other father-figures who volunteer for at least one day each year at an official WATCH D.O.G.S.® school. During the day, WatchDOGS may read and work on flash cards with students, play at recess, eat lunch with students, watch the school entrances and hallways, assist with traffic flow and any other assigned activities where they actively engage with not only their own students, but other students as well. On the day of their participation, WatchDOGS are given a brief review of their involvement and they wear an official WATCH D.O.G.S. tshirt and lanyard that identifies them as school Watch D.O.G.
So we need all dads, grandfathers, uncles, and other father-figures to come learn more about this program, have some pizza with us, and sign up to help! We will meet on Tuesday, September 17th at 6:00pm in our school cafeteria! See you then!
School Supply Lists
Connect with us Online & on Social Media!
The message below is from the Adopt-a-Pirate parent committees - volunteer groups not created or operated by Lubbock-Cooper ISD. Lubbock-Cooper ISD provides a messaging platform through which certain non-school affiliated groups can share information with approval. The information included in this message is not generated by Lubbock-Cooper ISD, and all questions regarding the message should be directed to the volunteer group.
LCISD students in incoming grades PK-5 can adopt a football, pom, or cheer Pirate for the 2024 varsity season! The cost is $50, which includes the cost of the Adopt-a-Pirate t-shirt and child's admission into home games! For more information, please click the respective links below. The deadline to register and submit payment is Monday, August 5.
If you have questions about Adopt-a-Pirate, please reach out to the following individuals:
Football Adopt-a-Pirate - Melisse Stanzione (mstanzione@lcisd.net)
Pom Adopt-a-Pirate - Paige Belew (paigebelew@gmail.com)
Cheer Adopt-a-Pirate - Marie Carlisle (letamariecarlisle@gmail.com)
Sign Up for the Team Luke Hope For Minds 5K Color Run & Walk
Lubbock-Cooper East Elementary
2727 134th Street
Lubbock, TX 79423
P: (806) 993-2342
F: (806) 993-2382