Southern Boone Elementary
3rd and 4th Grade
January 2023
Principal Update
We hope you had a nice holiday season. The students were excited to be back at school this week. We heard holiday stories and saw smiles when seeing friends again.
Our second i-Ready diagnostic test was given in December. Our students showed big academic gains. We are very proud of them. You should have received your students growth report before winter break, if you did not, please reach out to your child's teacher.
Our teachers are working hard in preparation for our change to standards based grading next school year. There are some initial details below about this transition.
We have attached planned dates through the end of the school year to help you with planning purposes. Please note there is an early out on Jan. 20 with dismissal at 12:30pm.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.
Dr. Amy James, Principal
Ashley Tanksley, Assistant Principal
Important Dates
6 - Midterms Sent Home with Students
16 - No School
31 - PBS Assemblies (3rd Grade 1:30-2:00, 4th Grade 2:15-2:45)
10 - Valentine’s Parties 1:15-2:15pm
16 - Cold Winter's Night (literacy night) 6:00-7:00pm (back up date for weather Feb. 23)
17 - 2nd Trimester Ends
20 - No School
2 - Read Across America Day
6-10 - Book Fair
9 - Parent Teacher Conferences 4:00-7:00pm
10 - No School
10 - Parent Teacher Conferences 8:00-11:00am
21 - PBS Assemblies (3rd Grade 1:30-2:00, 4th Grade 2:15-2:45)
23 - 3rd Grade Music Concert
27-31 No School - Spring Break
7 - Mid Terms Sent Home with Students
13 - 3rd Grade Cohort 1 Field Trip to Capitol
18 - 3rd Grade Cohort 2 Field Trip to Capitol
1-5 MAP Testing
8-12 i-Ready Diagnostic 3
16 - 3rd Grade Cohort 1 Park Day
18 - 3rd Grade Cohort 2 Park Day
19 - 4th Grade Cohort 1 Park Day
22 - 4th Grade Cohort 2 Park Day
23 - End of the Year Assemblies
Early Dismissal 12:30pm on January 20, 2023
Southern Boone will have an early dismissal at 12:30pm on January 20, 2023.
December PBS Award Winners
Star Student
Student who shows good character.
3rd Grade: Cade Palmer, Adeline Nichols, Malina Martinez, Ren Muzzey, Monroe Elliott, Davis Verkamp, Sophia Bratcher, Evelyn Hammann
4th Grade: Ryleigh Jackson, Reece Weter, Corbin Scheidt, Alora Sedillo, Sawyer Bolinger, Maggie Butaine, Landrie Scheer, Axson Condron, Isaac Strong
Rising to Excellence
Student that has shown excellence or improvement in academics, attitude, and/or behavior.
3rd Grade: Easton Bax, Bennett Propst, Lakenzie Johnson, Hazel Hammann, Graham Keeling, Logan Chan, Jozie Gipson, Hunter Forck
4th Grade: Conley: Chloe Witcher, Ashlynn Webster, Noah Shaw, Izzy Kay, Mar’ Shaun Jackson, Dakota Feltrop, Alexis Buckner, Brian Groseclose, Kaleb Brockman
Club Invention at the Elementary in January!
Register at INVENT.ORG/CLUB or call 800-968-4332
Location: Southern Boone Elementary School
Grade(s): 3rd through 5th | Room: 209
Date & Time: January 23 - February 27, 2023
on Mondays (No Club 2/20/23) from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Price: $59
Your child will:
Explore medieval history, basic scientific principles and hands-on creativity in Castles, Catapults and Coats of Arms™!
Explore the effects of Archimedes’ principle by sculpting clay boats that float across a moat while supporting cargo.
Apply science and engineering principles to the construction of a castle wall.
Transitioning to Standards Based Grading at the Elementary School
The elementary plans to transition to standards-based grading for the 2023-2024 school year. Our teacher's have been working hard to prepare all the needed documents for this new endeavor. If your child attended Southern Boone Primary School, then you are familiar with what the process will look like next year.
Information on Standards-Based Grading
What is standards-based grading?
Standards-based grading is an educational system that focuses on the mastery of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education standards. It provides clear learning goals for the students, parents, and teachers. Standards-based grading defines what proficiency looks like and provides specific feedback on how the student is progressing. Standardized grading is less subject to bias and more focused on mastery of standards instead of work habits. This allows educators to assess and parents and students to monitor which learning targets need to be improved and which skills the child has mastered.
Why are we moving from traditional grading to standards-based grading?
The traditional grading system averages scores from an entire trimester. It doesn’t tell us when a specific standard or skill was mastered. Often work habits, such as incomplete assignments and participation points, can affect the overall grade. The standards-based grading system communicates how a student is doing on a specific set of learning goals. Students are assessed multiple times on each standard to determine proficiency. After each assessment, they are provided feedback to support academic progress.
When are we transitioning to standards-based grading?
The transition to standards-based grading at Southern Boone Elementary School will take effect at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year.
Read Across America Day on March 2
Daily Car Riders
Winter Parties
PBS Winter Boot Camp
Lunch Accounts
PTA Fundraiser
Birthday Treat Information
- Birthday treats must be served AFTER lunch.
- Birthday treats cannot be homemade, they must have an ingredient label.
Transportation Changes
Daycare Bus Riders
Health Related Questions
If you have a health related question, Nurse Cobb can be reached at or by calling the school office.
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