McClure Messages
February 24 - 28 and March 3 - 7
Coming up this next week we are looking forward to performances from our Band and Orchestra musicians and our battling readers! Both of these groups have had to demonstrate impressive discipline and dedication over the last few weeks and months to get ready for these performances. We could not be prouder.
Good luck to the Battle of the Books teams as they determine who will go on to represent McClure at the BIG BATTLE, and we can't wait to hear the new pieces our musicians have prepared for us!
Upcoming Dates
2/25/25........ McClure Battle of the Books 8:15-10:30 in the LLC (periods 7-9).
2/25/25........ Winter Band Concert, 7pm
2/26/24.........LT Jazz Festival and 7:30pm concert at PAC
2/27/25........ Winter Orchestra Concert, 7pm
3/8/25 ........ LT Solo and Ensemble Festival at Highlands Middle School
3/11/25 ........McClure hosting the Big Battle of the Books in the LLC(AM)
3/12/25........Late Arrival Day
3/17/25........IAR testing (Day 1 - Math)
3/18/25........IAR testing (Day 2 - Math)
3/18/25........Meet the Board Candidates event - 6:30pm in the McClure LLC
3/19/25........IAR testing (Day 3 - Math)
3/20/25........IAR testing (Day 4 - Reading)
3/21/25........IAR testing (Day 5 - Reading)
3/21/25........End of Quarter 3
3/21/25........McClure Madness 4:30-7:30
3/28/25........No School
3/31/25........Spring Break begins!
5 Essentials Survey now open
Beginning now, students in grades four through twelve, as well as all teachers across Illinois, will be taking the 5Essentials Survey. As required by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), this survey is designed and administered by UChicago Impact at the University of Chicago to generate a detailed picture of the inner workings of each school across our state.
The survey gathers data related to five indicators that are correlated with important student outcomes. These five indicators are Effective Leaders, Collaborative Teachers, Involved Families, Supportive Environments, and Ambitious Instruction.
This survey is designed to gather parental thoughts on the same important factors noted above and the impact they have had on school effectiveness at your child’s school.
The Parent Survey is currently available until March 28, and can be accessed by clicking HERE.
If at least 20 percent of parents at a school complete this survey, a parent supplemental report will be generated. Parent identity and survey responses will be kept completely confidential and will never be connected to you or your child.
While this summary information is included on our School Report Card for general reporting purposes, I do very much value and appreciate your perceptions of Forest Hills and would greatly appreciate it if you all take a few minutes to complete this brief survey.
Upcoming State Testing
Please note there are two upcoming State assessments on the horizon.
Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR): Students in 3rd-8th grade take this assessment that assesses ELA and Math standards. This assessment is spread out of the course of five (5) days. Students will begin testing on Monday, March 17.
Illinois Science Assessment (ISA): Students in 5th & 8th grades take this assessment, beginning in April. This assessment is spread out in testing sessions across three (3) days.
Here is what you can do to help support good testing experiences:
- Make sure your child gets a good night's sleep and eats a healthy breakfast each day.
- Schedule appointments outside of the testing windows. This promotes a positive testing environment and reduces the number of make-up tests, which keeps learning flowing!
McClure 7th Grade Career Day (repeat)
We are excited to announce that we will be hosting our very first Career Day for our 7th grade students on Wednesday, April 16th. This event will provide an excellent opportunity for students to explore a variety of professions and gain insight into potential career paths. We believe that exposing our students to different careers will help them start thinking about their future goals and aspirations.
As part of this event, we are inviting professionals from various fields to speak with students, share their experiences, and answer questions. Our hope is to engage students with many different industries and the educational paths required for various professions. If you or someone you know would be interested in sharing your career experience with our students, we would love to have you join us. We are looking for professionals from a wide range of fields, including but not limited to:
Arts & Entertainment
Business & Entrepreneurship
Law & Public Service
Science & Environmental Careers
Each volunteer will have a table space to bring any hands-on/interactive materials/poster boards to showcase their career to students. Students will be placed in small groups (max 4 students at a time) and will rotate in order to spend about 3-5 minutes with each volunteer. Each volunteer will give a short elevator pitch to each small group. This pitch will then be repeated to each group of students as they rotate around the room. Volunteers will not be asked to speak in front of a large group. Volunteers can come for just the morning, just the afternoon, or all day.. If you are interested in participating, please fill out this google form.
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to making Career Day an inspiring and valuable experience for our students.
Any questions? Please reach out to Karen Beilfuss at kbeilfuss@d101.org
Volleyball Intramurals
Table Tennis Intramurals
Table tennis intramurals begin soon! Students can join Profe Bauer in the lower level on the following dates from 3:30 - 4:45.
March 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11,12,13,17,18,19, and 20
Therapy Dogs at McClure (repeat)
We are excited to share some wonderful news with you regarding an addition to our school community that we believe will enhance our students' well-being and support their emotional growth.
In the weeks to come we will welcome therapy dogs, River and Piper, to our school. Both have been specially trained to work as a therapy dog and have completed the Good Canine Certification program
What is a Therapy Dog?
A therapy dog is a trained animal that provides comfort, companionship, and support to individuals. Unlike service dogs, therapy dogs work with handlers to assist multiple people, helping to reduce stress and anxiety, and promoting overall mental health and well-being.
How Will the Dogs Be Involved?
River will be present approximately one day per week and will be accompanied by Jessica Meyer (her owner and our school social worker) and Piper will have more occasional visits to McClure, and will be accompanied by Karen Moutvic (her owner and retired long-time McClure teacher). Both Mrs. Meyer and Mrs. Moutvic are trained to ensure that River and Piper interact appropriately with students.
River and Piper will be available to support individual students, and groups of students, as well as classrooms. Activities with the dogs will be designed to support relaxation, build positive interactions, and offer emotional comfort.
Benefits for Students
Research shows that therapy dogs can help:
Reduce anxiety and stress
Improve mood and emotional regulation
Enhance social interaction and communication skills
Provide comfort during challenging times
Safety and Hygiene
The safety and well-being of our students are paramount. River and Piper will undergo regular health checks and will be up-to-date on vaccinations. We will also adhere to strict hygiene protocols to ensure a clean and safe environment for all students. If your child has allergies or fears related to dogs, please let us know (see form link below) so we can make appropriate accommodations.
River is a Newfoundland - Poodle mix (a “Newfy-poo”) and as such is considered a hypo-allergenic dog. Piper is a “comfort golden” which means that she is a mix of golden retriever and cocker spaniel, and she has a bath with special shampoo before she visits a location to reduce any allergens.
Your Feedback and Questions
We understand that this is a new and exciting development, and we welcome any questions or feedback you may have. Please feel free to contact Laura Broadnax or Jessica Meyer if you have any concerns or need further information.
If you would like for your child to not have any interactions with River or Piper, please complete this form.
Thank you for your support and cooperation as we embark on this new journey. We believe that River and Piper will be a valuable addition to our school community, helping to foster a more supportive and caring environment for all our students.
Helping Kids Navigate their Digital Life
A Word from WSFEE
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! WSFEE's Golf & Pickleball Event is set for Friday May 16th! We are excited to have the opportunity to host this event on a Friday this year, and are now looking for Sponsors! Know that every donation counts. As a sponsor, you will receive publicity and goodwill with your business’s name in front of an eager audience of 1,200 Western Springs families and potential new clients.
Want to be part of the fun? Please reach out via contactus@wsfee.org or finance@wsfee.org for more information about sponsorship opportunities. And Follow WSFEE on Instagram (@wsfee_d101) to hear about sponsorship and donation opportunities, and additional events.
Send a Note of Thanks
There is nothing that feeds a teacher's soul more than a thank you. If at any point you'd like to send a teacher or staff member a note of appreciation, this is one way to acknowledge the way they have positively impacted you or your child's experience at McClure. Click the button below to go to a quick form and the staff member will receive your note on a lovely digital stationary in their inbox.
Community News
Free 3D printing class from a Former McClure Bulldog
For the last few years, Rohan Nagale (MC class of 2022) has been teaching a class all about 3D printers, and its associated technology and is the CEO/Executive Director of Student Makers (www.studentmakers.org), a nationwide non-profit community of young makers passionate about promoting access to STEM education. StudentMakers is offering the following course:
3D Printing & Design (www.studentmakers.org/3dp): will focus on hands-on projects in Autodesk Fusion, the cutting edge CAD (computer-aided design) software used by engineers in industrial settings.
NOT REQUIRED: 3D printer, prior knowledge
REQUIRED: computer, mouse
Hands-on projects 3D-printed and mailed to you
Grades 5-12
Every Sunday [3pm to 5pm CST] for 10 weeks via Google Meets starting on March 16
100% FREE of charge
Led by expert students with 5 years of teaching experience
Driven and responsible students may be offered leadership positions at Student Makers non-profit
Register by 3/1 (https://forms.gle/yU1a6GaoqwUc6V93A)
For more information:
See our website (www.studentmakers.org/3dp)
See course details (https://docs.google.com/document/d/10htnvQoTgOVsyfaB4r30sGwVkZ5c8cfnSxzdGRPfoXo/edit?usp=sharing)
Contact us (3dp@studentmakers.org)
Mental Health Resource Fair
The Coalition for a Safe and Healthy Lyons Township in partnership with Lyons Township High School is hosting a Mental Health Resource Fair at Lyons Township South Campus on March 5 from 6-8pm. The event will include a resource fair as well as presentations from NAMI (Supporting Student Mental Health) and West 40 (Understanding School Refusal).
The event will be held at Lyons Township High School South Campus in the Library. Attendees should park in the lot south of the building and enter at the Library. The resource fair will begin at 6pm and each presentation will be offered twice at 6:30pm and 7:20pm.
Summer Athletic Camps at LT
Ms. Dina Castillo, our 8th grade PE instructor, is also a member of the LT coaching staff. This summer she is running 3 camps that McClure students could participate in:
- Summer Running (Attention: Cross Country Runners)
- Girls Weightlifting Camp (see flyer below) (NEW this summer!)
- Yoga for Athletes (description on the LT website) (NEW this summer!)
Registration opens on Monday 2/17/25 at 12pm
Registration link: https://lths.revtrak.net/rw-summer-activities
Contact Us
McClure Junior High
4225 Wolf Road
Western Springs, IL 60558
Main Office Phone Number: (708) 246-7590
Office Fax Number: (708) 246-4370
Attendance Email: mjhattendance@d101.org
Principal Laura Broadnax: lbroadnax@d101.org
Assistant Principal Thomas Sturm: tsturm@d101.org