Mrs. Mulvanerty's Update
August 18, 2024

January 26, 2025
Dear SKS,
Catholic Schools Week is here! Thanks to all of you who helped us kick off the week today at a very joyful 9:30am Mass, where Fr. Bill gathered young students to remind them of their goodness and special gifts. As we continue our celebrations this week, we will:
Celebrate Community: Catholic schools are united in their mission to educate minds and nurture hearts. This week is a joyful reminder that we are all part of a larger family, working together in learning and faith.
Honor Every Role: From the youngest kindergartners to the dedicated faculty and staff, everyone plays an essential part in the life of a Catholic school. By recognizing the unique contributions of each individual, we affirm the dignity and value of every person.
Deepen Connections: Through prayer, service, and shared experiences, Catholic schools strengthen the connections that bind us together.
Catholic Schools Week is more than a celebration—it’s a call to action for all of us to continue making our community a place where we share our gifts, uplift others, and shine as Christ’s light in the world. Thanks to all of you for entrusting your students to us and for supporting Catholic Education at SKS!
Happy Catholic Schools Week! 🎉
GO BIRDS, and G.B.Y.*,
Jeanne Mulvanerty
*God Bless You
Catholic Schools Week Schedule
January 25-31
Special thanks to Jackie Sevag, David Heacock, and the Home and School Board for making this week possible!
Catholic Schools Week Events Schedule
Monday, January 27th: Theme: Cherish the Children Day
Dress: SKS goes to the beach in January!
Prayer Service: 8:30-9:10 AM in the gym.
Activity: Minute to Win It games and frozen treats during the lunch periods
Tuesday, January 28th: Theme: Explorer Day
Dress: Wear a t-shirt or sweatshirt with any travel destination on it.
Activities: Each 4th-8th grade homeroom will adopt a U.S. city and turn their room into a museum dedicated to that city. K-3 will visit for a scavenger hunt.
Wednesday, January 29th: Theme: Hero Day
Dress: Dress as your hero!
Career Day (Grades 4-8): 10:30 AM in the gym.
K-3 Spelling Bee: 8:30-9:30 AM in the gym.
Thursday, January 30th: Theme: Buddy Day
Dress: Crazy 8’s! Students can accessorize with eight items
Activity: Buddies gather for board games from 1:00-2:00 PM.
Friday, January 31st: Theme: School Spirit Day; 1/2 day for students
Dress: Students may dress down in any SKS swag.
Activity: Faculty/Student Basketball game, dances, games, music, and fun!
We look forward to a week filled with faith, learning, service, and celebration.
Ongoing Activities all week:
- Kids' Chef Competition: Optional; tasting by teachers only!
- Souper Bowl Food Drive: Bring in a canned good and support your favorite team
- Lil' Bud Photo Op: Students will be given a Little Bud and can submit photos to Mrs. Sevag of Lil Bud's travels!
Career Day
Help prepare our students for the future!
Help us celebrate Catholic Schools Week and prepare students for their future by joining us for our annual career day! If you are interested in sharing your professional expertise, please contact Dheacock@sksschool.org!
Jenna's Blessing Bags
Special Thank You from Mrs. Orsatti
Dear SKS Community,
It is with a humble heart that I thank you for honoring the memory of my beautiful niece Jenna with your generosity during the Martin Luther King Day of Service. A special thank you to Mrs. Sevag and Mrs. Twohig for including Jenna’s Blessing Bags on that day. The bags have been donated to Ann’s Heart in Phoenixville, PA, a non-profit organization that provides shelter and food for those most in need, especially during these very cold winter days.
Jayda Orsatti
The Burleigh/Zazyczny Family
Homework Club Returns!
Check the box on homework!
Join Mrs. Orsatti, Mrs. Pena and Mrs. Grimley for Monday Homework Club. Students will not only feel prepared and ready to conquer the week ahead, but they will build confidence and develop positive study habits to help them succeed throughout the school year. Please complete this form to sign up and return to Mrs. Orsatti.
Lego Club
Winter Registration is here!
Join your friends for the weekly LEGO Club and build new creations each week! The new winter registration form is available here.
Hot Chocolate Stand for YES
Tis the season for hot chocolate and helping others! Former student, Audrey Gardner has been hosting a hot chocolate stand at the end of her driveway to raise money for the Youth Emergency Shelter(YES) in Philadelphia. Now on her 9th stand, she plans to exceed last year’s total of $2300, making this another fantastic year! She will be selling hot chocolate from 12-5 o’clock on Saturday, February 1st. The hot chocolate is free with the option to donate.
YES provides temporary housing, food, clothing, medical care, and education for teenagers experiencing homelessness. Teenagers staying there are allowed access to all the supplies provided by YES. With the money raised, Audrey will buy supplies like: toiletries, blankets, towels, bags, and clothing. If you would like to learn more about YES or donate directly, Click Here for more information.
If you can not make it on February 1st and would still like to donate, Venmo @Audrey-Gardner-19. Please see the flyer for more info!
Sweetheart Dance
Sweetheart Dance grades 1-5
February 8th
We invite all girls from grades 1-5 to bring their dad, granddad, uncle or special friend to our annual Sweetheart Dance! Music, snacks and more will make this a festive night. Please click here for tickets.
Speak Up!
Save the Date!
It is with great enthusiasm that we extend an invitation to you for our 2024-2025 SpeakUp! Event, taking place on Tuesday, February 11th, at 6:30 PM. We encourage you to pre-register here. The following topics were chosen by your Student Leadership Team:
Mental Health
FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)
SpeakUp! is a youth-driven initiative designed to foster real dialogue among students,
school staff, and parents on topics that matter to our students. Research shows that the
most significant protective factor in a young person’s life is nurturing relationships with
trusted adults. Through the SpeakUp! program, we are dedicated to building and
strengthening these crucial connections.
The event promises to be an engaging platform where participants can discuss
important issues, share insights, and collaborate on solutions. By attending, you will not
only empower our youth but also contribute to creating a supportive community for their
growth and development. We look forward to seeing you there and working together to enrich our students' lives through meaningful conversation.
Middle School Electives
Share Your Knowledge!
Students expand their horizons and discover new interests with our exciting Middle School Electives! Each trimester course features four engaging sessions designed to nurture the whole student by exploring career interests, serving our community, supporting academic and social development, or gaining valuable life skills. We are now planning for the third trimester which begins in April. If you have a unique skill or passion you'd like to share and are interested in leading a mini-course, please contact Jeanne Mulvanerty at jeanne@sksschool.org.
Highlights from this week
8th Grade visits the Big Apple for a day of touring and a Broadway Show: The Outsiders!
Mrs. Sevag's students prosecute and defend the protaganist of Poe's short story, The Black Cat in this week's mock trial.
Mrs. Gureghian's Kindergarten students practice teaching the letters and sounds to the class.
Mrs. Loftus works with students to research unsung heroes of the Revolutionary War...spies, women, and more! This unit is interdisciplinary, building on the history of the Revolutionary War in Social Studies.
Students regroup numbers using manipulatives in Mrs. LoPiccolo's Kindergarten clas.
Mrs. Bondi provides small group instruction in third grade -- all while enjoying an Eagles DDD.
Students in Mrs. Grimley's class examine cells of red onions!
8th Grade students make the most of indoor recess...BRRR.
Snow day fun!
For more announcements about SKS activities and clubs, CYO, and parish activities, click here!
A Glance Ahead!
Sunday, January 26 - Friday, January 31 Catholic Schools Week
Tuesday, February 4 - MS Youth Group
Friday, February 7 - Elective Day
Saturday, February 8 - Sweetheart Dance
Tuesday, February 11 - Speak Up
Wednesday, February 12 - Monthly School Mass prepared by 4th Grade
Friday, February 14 - No School; Faculty In-Service
Monday, February 17 - No School; Presidents' Day