EastView Wildcat News for Families
Week of 4/1-4/5
Dismissal is at 11:45 - Car line will open at 11:20 am
All students will receive a pair of sunglasses for eclipe viewing.
This Week at EV
Monday -
Project on Track
Tuesday - grades 3-5 Tutoring
Wednesday - Project on Track
Thursday - grades 3-5 Tutoring
Friday - Mr. Starnes, Director of GCS will be visiting our FABULOUS students and staff on Friday.
Spirit Day- Wear your EastView or Greene Devil Spirt Gear to show your School Spirit
Save the Dates
April 11th - Grades 3-5 TUTORING ENDS
April 16th - TCAPS Begin
April 24th - TCAPS End (MORE DETAILS TO FOLLOW): Last Day for Project on Track
April 29th - Night of the Arts (Art Show/Chorus)
May 10 - Field Day
SEE TCAP SCHEDULE - All students in grades 3-5 need to be at school each day without tardies or check-outs.
SEE END OF YEAR SCHEDULE - Parents/Guardians are invited to all event listed.
Thank You for your SUPPORT and PARTNERSHIP!
EV recognized World Down Syndrome Day 3-21-24
Ms. Lauren's prek participated in sock fun!
Mrs. Chesnut's Class participated in sock fun!
Registration information
24-25 Preschool Registration
Greeneville City Schools 2024-2025 Preschool Registration Information
On March 4, the Greeneville City Schools’ Pre-K Program will begin accepting applications to enroll 3- and 4-year-old children for the 2024-25 school year. Enrollment in the program is limited.
The Greeneville City School District operates five pre-k classes in partnership with Head Start. Classes are housed at EastView, Hal Henard, Highland, and Tusculum View elementary schools and the Greene Technology Center. Eligibility for these programs is determined by federal and state program requirements. Services include educational, medical, dental, nutritional, mental health, and transportation services.
The Voluntary Pre-K for Tennessee initiative is to provide for the state’s 3- and 4-year-old children, with the priority to serve 4-year-old children of families that meet the economical guidelines, and those with disabilities. The program’s desire is to give pre-k children an opportunity to develop school readiness skills in an environment that promotes success in kindergarten and throughout the child’s life.
To complete an application or for more information, please contact Greeneville City Schools Pre-K Social Worker Latasha Keller at 423-638-1083, or Constance Ashcroft at 423-677-846
Staff Recognized
Mr. Chris, Lead Custodian
Mr. Chris was honored for his leadership. His team received a health score of 100.