August 15th, 2024

Save The Date
- 8/15 Back to School Night for Grades 1-6, 5:30 pm -7pm
- 8/23 Travelin' Toms Coffee Truck 7:45am - 9:15 am
- 8/26 Picture Day
- 9/2 NO SCHOOL - Labor Day Holiday
- 9/6 Donuts with your Dude 7:45am - 8:30am
- 9/6 PTO Meeting 8:30am - 9:15am
- 9/19 Fund Run
- 9/20 No School
- 9/24th-26th Parent Teacher Conferences
Upcoming Events
Tonight Back To School Night!
Parents Only! We can’t wait to see you!
Back to School Night for Grades First through Sixth
We would love to see ALL families join us in person! We will gather everyone together in the gym for a special state of the school and introduction of staff. Teachers will hold two identical formal presentation sessions sharing information about homework, upcoming assessments, curriculum, procedures and other important information. Parents attend their child’s class for one session. If you have more than two children at Heritage, parents are able to split up, or you can ask the teacher to share the information with you digitally.
Principal Lawson's Presentation in the gym: 5:30-6:00 pm
Classroom Session 1: 6:05-6:30 pm
Classroom Session 2: 6:35-7:00 pm
Parent Reminder: This is not a time to talk about your individual student; you can reach out to your teacher to have specific conversations about your child. ***Please note, kindergarten does not participate in this Back to School night as they held one before school began.
Smile Picture Day is Coming Soon!
Don’t forget to get your sparkle and shine on for Picture Day
August 26th - Picture Day for All Students & Staff
Student picture orders are placed online through VanGogh School Photographers: https://orders.vangoghco.com/prepay/ using school code 30022901
Action Items
Express Check-In
There are 46 students that are not yet checked in - please complete your student's online check in (reviewing contact information, emergency contacts, media consent information, etc.) by Monday, August 19th.
Express Check In is available via EngagED Parent Portal at this link - https://engaged.dcsdk12.org
Nutrition Services
All students enrolled at Douglas County School District may participate in the Breakfast and Lunch at no cost! A la carte purchases (second entree, snack cart, etc.) will continue to be offered for a fee.
Studies have shown that students who are not hungry perform better in school. By providing Breakfast and Lunch to all students at no cost, we are hoping to create a better learning environment for our students.
As in previous years, it's important for households to still provide their household income information when requested via an application. While meals will be provided at no cost to all students in participating schools, it's important for Douglas County School District to continue gathering this information in order to receive full access to state and federal funding. Additional funds will go directly to schools to help cover the cost of meals, support after-school activities and other nutritional programs for students. Plus, households who qualify may receive discounted school fees, class
materials, bus passes, utilities support and more. Click HERE for more information and to access the application!
My School Bucks
Payments for student fees and second entrees/snack cart are paid through the MySchoolBucks (MSB) website or app. Required student fees for the 2024-2025 school year have been assessed; if you have not already done so, please go to My School Bucks to pay these and any outstanding fees.
All families are required to have an active account in MSB, and will need to ensure that their student(s) is added to the account. Please click HERE for instructions regarding paying fees and/or setting up your MSB account if you do not yet have one.
School Information
Drop Off Do’s & Don’ts
● Remember to park in designated spaces or use the car loop.
● Do not drop off students in the parking lot lanes - they must exit cars onto the sidewalk in the car loop.
● If you park in the parking lot, an adult must walk students to the crosswalk.
● Do not use the bus loop for drop off - that area is for buses only. Parking spaces inside the bus loop are dedicated for teachers and staff only.
● Do not park in family or teacher designated parking spaces.
● Please make sure to display your handicap placard when parking in handicapped spaces.
● When parking on Astorbrook (near the bus loop), please make sure to observe all signage and no parking zones. Do not pull up, even momentarily, in these zones or in the crosswalk.
Remember this is a school zone, so keep it slow!
Medications at School
If your student needs to keep medication in the health room this year, please bring your student's medications and the appropriate forms on the first day of school. Our office staff, and/or our school nurse, Tim Puralewski, will be available to meet with you. Just ring the doorbell to notify us that you are dropping off medications. Please remember, medications must be accompanied by a signed Provider Medication Authorization Form. Medications will not be accepted without all of the appropriate paperwork.
Please click here to review the district’s medication policy and medication forms..
If your student arrives late, or needs to leave early, you will need to enter the building through the main entrance. Go to the front desk at the main office for assistance. You will be asked to complete an attendance form while office staff calls your student out of class.
Tardy/Student Check In
The school day begins at 8:35 am. If you arrive after the 8:35 bell please escort your student to the front entrance to sign him/her in.
Student Check-Out
Students that need to be picked up for an appointment during the day or an early dismissal can also be checked out at the front desk. Students will not be called for early dismissal after 3:15 pm, so be sure to arrive before that time if you need to check your student out before the end of the day. Please be prepared to present a photo ID if needed.
Attendance Line
If your student will be late for school or absent for the entire day, please call our attendance line at 303-387-6727. We ask that you call by 8:00 am if possible.
PTO Updates
Travelin' Toms Coffee Truck Coming Soon
Skip the Starbucks, and join us from your morning coffee! Travelin' Tom's Coffee Truck will be at Heritage on Friday, August 23, 7:45am-9:15am. Want to treat a teacher? Let them know at the window. We will have volunteers standing by to deliver a fresh drink to our amazing teachers and staff members! 10% comes back to Heritage.
Heritage Spiritwear!
Did you know that Fridays are Heritage Spirit days? We have lots of new items. Place your order online and have it shipped directly to you or pick it up in the store.
Heritage earns 20% back for every order. Order yours today!
Activities & Enrichment Opportunities
Love to sing? Want to meet new people? Then Miss Hess wants you!
Come join EXPLORATION CHOIR! Choir is open to all interested students in grades 3-6! No audition necessary!
Please register before September 1st - click HERE to register, and then click this link to pay your activity fee of $50 on MySchool Bucks.
Choir will meet weekly on Wednesdays from 3:30-4:30pm. The first day will be September 4th!
Questions? Email Miss Hess at khess1@dcsdk12.org
Mountain Vista Area Elementary Band & Orchestra: 4th-6th Grade
Your children have the opportunity to participate in Band and Orchestra classes as an extra-curricular activity through our Douglas County Youth Orchestra program, MVEIM.
It is so good for them to learn an instrument, and while it takes some effort, it can be a lot of fun too.
Band at Heritage
Beginning Band: Every other Monday & every Thursday, 7:30 - 8:30 a.m.
Intermediate Band: Every other Monday & every Thursday, 7:30 - 8:30 a.m.
Instructor: Mr. Henning
Beginning Band starts Sept. 9. Intermediate Band starts Sept. 5.
For more information: kurtthetuner@gmail.com
Orchestra at Heritage Orchestra
Beginning Orchestra: Tuesdays, 3:30 - 4:45 p.m.
Intermediate Orchestra: Tuesdays, 4:45 - 6:00 p.m.
Instructor: Mr. Cavanaugh
Classes start Sept. 10.
For more information: pcbasstrombone@gmail.com
More information available on our website: www.mveim.org
We will be having a Meet the Teacher/Rent an Instrument Event on Wednesday, Sept. 4, from 6:45 - 8:30 p.m., at Copper Mesa Elementary School (3501 Poston Pkwy, Highlands Ranch, CO 80126)!
The Meet the Teacher/Rent and Instrument Event is a good opportunity to ask questions and rent an instrument close to your home! We're trying to make it easier for busy parents by doing this.
Can't attend the Event or decide later you're interested? No worries, our website has teacher emails so you can ask questions, and links for renting an instrument online.
Useful to know: We do have some Scholarship funds available and there is an application on the website.
Debbie Davidson-Stanfill
Director, Elementary Band and Orchestra Programs
Heritage Run Club: Grades 3-6
Join the Running Club this fall and start your students day with some movement! Movement enhances development of connections in the brain and can help get their brain ready for peak performance during school. Additionally, running & walking help to develop fitness while building muscles, burning calories, reducing stress, and creating positive lifelong habits! Running Club starts August 27th, and will meet on Tuesdays from 7:30-8:25 (no meeting on October 15th). Click HERE to go to My School Bucks to pay the enrollment fee! Registration closes August 23rd.
Mountain Vista Gold Crown
Since 2005, the Mountain Vista Gold Crown program has been providing competitive basketball opportunities to those seeking to attend Mountain Vista High School.
Please click the links below for more information about the program and tryouts beginning August 19th!
Mountain Vista Gold Crown Tryouts
Wize Computing Academy
Wize Computing Academy is coming to Heritage. Please see this Flyer for more information.
Community Events through The Foundation
The Foundation for Douglas County Schools has some great Community Events already lined up for our school community!
Detailed information can be found on the Community Event page of The Foundation's website. All tickets can be purchased directly from that page as well. Current offerings include tickets to the Colorado Rockies, Rapids, Avalanche, Air Force Falcons, Elitch Theme Park, Lone Tree Arts Center, DCPA and more - check back often for new opportunities to be added!
These are fun, discounted opportunities, and a portion of each ticket purchased goes back to DCSD!