Griffin's Nest
LVS Newsletter September 9-13, 2024
LVS Audit Informational Meeting 9/9/24
Reminder from Mr. Harwood!
We will have a short informational meeting about the LVS Audit tormorrow, Monday, September 9th, at 7:00 PM.
We will use this link for the meeting!
For those of you who are new to LVS, the Audit is how the state funds LVS. It is more complex than an audit for brick-and-mortar schools. During this meeting, we will go over how the audit works, some new state requirements, the dates for the Audit, and some ways we hope to make it easier this year. Your input and participation in this process can help us streamline and improve the Audit!
If you cannot attend, I will record and send the video the next day!
We appreciate your help in this process!
September 17th is LVS Audit Day!
Apply NOW for Free/Reduced School Fees
At LVS Free/Reduced Lunch = Free/Reduced Fees
All LVS families should have received information about the 2024-2025 Free and Reduced-Priced Meal Application which is available to complete on-line. For LVS families completing the Free and Reduced Price Meal Application AND completing the Consent for Disclosure Form (send Consent for Disclosure to is the only way to apply for Free/Reduced Fees.
Fees have not been assessed yet but now is a great time to apply to have them waived if you qualify.
A lot of qualifed families missed out on getting their fees waived last year because they did not provide the signed Consent for Disclosure Form so please do not forget this important step.
Lawrence Public Schools K-12 2024-2025 Handbook
There is a "Silent Epidemic" Sweeping through our Nation
Sadly that epidemic is "Suicide"
Suicide doesn't discriminate and is the leading cause of preventable death in the US.
Be ready if a family member or friend needs help by downloading the "Kansas a Friend AsKS" app. Visit for more information.
Suicide Prevention Hotline simply dial 988!
Scholastic Book Clubs
Scholastic Reading Club is an opportunity for K-8 students to order books from Scholastic Book Clubs that are delivered directly to your home. When you use the LVS code to purchase books, we can offer free books to share with students.
Shop Online:
One-Time Class Activation Code: LVYZB
Please associate your student with Marcia Riggis' “class” when prompted to connect your student to a class. Book orders are due on the 29th of each month.
Questions? Contact Marcia Riggins
Join Mrs. Jackson's LVS eCybermission Team!
LVS Students in grades 6-9 may earn up to $10,000 in savings bonds by attempting to solve an actual problem using math and science! Teams of two to four students from the same state form a team, choose a problem of interest, and then use the scientific method to test their solution.
Teams that win second place in the state of Kansas earn a $500 savings bond for each team member, first place team members earn $1,000 savings bonds, and teams that go on to regionals receive an additional $1,000 each. If a team should win regionals, they receive another $1,000 (for a total of $3,000), and a free trip to Nationals in June including a week of STEM related activities hosted by eCYBERMISSION and the U.S. Army Educational Outreach Program. The teams that win nationals earn an additional $6,000 savings bond for the total of $10,000 possible.
Altogether, with state and national winners, Mrs. Jackson’s students have won over $110,000. in savings bonds. Some teams have held all of their meetings online and have never met each other face to face. Others have met in person once or twice to experiment. Still others have formed teams with students in their own community, and always met in person with a parent to supervise and Mrs. Jackson to advise online.
For more information, visit:
If you are interested in competing, please send your name and grade in an email with the subject line eCybermission to ES Nancy Jackson, This does not commit you to having to compete. It just means you will receive further information about online meetings to form teams and see if other students have similar interests to you.
Middle School Clubs
Check back for updated MS Club Info
Middle School Field Trips
Elementary Field Trips
Elementary Park Day at South Park in Lawrence
Friday, Sep 13, 2024, 01:00 PM
1141 Massachusetts Street, Lawrence, KS, USA
Park Day 9/13/24 1:00-3:00 PM
Let's get together for some fun in the sun! Connect with your Griffin classmates on the playground and sharing your favortite outdoor toys. Families come meet other families (adults must be present - this is not a drop off event). Join us on the west side of the park with the playground.
Rain Date: Friday, September 20th, we will let you know if we need to cancel 9/13
KC Symphony Young People's Concert
Monday, Nov 4, 2024, 10:00 AM
Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts, Broadway Boulevard, Kansas City, MO, USA
Who: LVS students grades 3-5 and family (a K-2 symphony concert takes place in the spring)
Cost: $3 per person (tickets will be billed to your student's PowerSchool account)
Deadline: Order your tickets by September 27th with this link. Payments must be made by Tuesday, October 1st. Please send a check or pay by credit card thorugh PowerSchool ($2.85 credit card fee) or by calling Cindy in our Business Office, 785-330-4357.
Please make checks out to USD497 and mail to Lawrence Virtual School, 110 McDonald Dr., Lawrence, KS 66044, must be received by October 1, 2024.
KC Symphony 2024 Young People's Concert
This annual event put on by the world renowned KC Symphony is a fabulous way to introduce your 3-5 graders to the symphony. This year's these if "Sonic Awareness".
Just as architects carefully craft their designs to build magnificent structures, composers build masterpieces using special tools, plans and strategies. Explore how a symphony is built from the ground up with music by Dmitri Shostakovich, Piotr Tchaikovsky, Igor Stravinsky, John Williams, and more! Brick by brick, note by note, beat by beat, conductor Daniel Wiley and host Stephanie Brimhall take you through the architecture of the Kansas City Symphony.
Parent/Guardian Information
Need IT Help?
If you are still having technical issues with your school-issued device contact IT by sending a work order to:
You may also call IT for support at 785-330-HELP (4357).
PowerSchool Parent Access Information
All LVS Parents, for your student to be successful you need to create your PowerSchool Parent Account as soon as possible. The Enrollment department provided you with the information required to set up your parent account. If you did not receive the information please contact and they will provide you with the information needed.
Please visit this page for more information.
Pay Student Fees Online
Should your student withdraw from Lawrence Public Schools you will no longer be able to pay fees online. To pay with a credit card please call the Cindy in the LVS Business Office at 785-330-4375.
Don't forget to alert LVS
It is important that your LVS teachers and staff have current contact information. If you have a new email or phone number please contact our office ( or 785-832-5620).
All Home/Mailing Address Changes will be made by completing the Address Change form. Home addresses changes require Proof of Residence (utility bill, lease agreement, or vehicle registration emailed to
Opportunities to Help Raise Funds for LVS
Dillons Community Rewards
You're only three easy steps away from earning rewards for LVS.
1. Create a digital account using your Dillon's Card. (must have a digital account to participate)
2. Go here to search for Lawrence Virtual School.
3. Select LVS and start shopping!
Every little bit helps.
For more information visit Dillons Community Rewards FAQs.
Box Tops for Education Earns $$$$ for LVS
Buy. Scan. Earn. (Yes, it's that easy!)
LVS earns cash when you purchase participating Box Top items and scan the receipt containing those items. Our goal is to earn $1,000 this year which we can use for student events.
Download the Box Tops App on your phone and start scanning those receipts.
Target is offering 40 Bonus Box Tops when you buy 4 select General Mills items. Click above for more information.
Meet Our Office Team
Zach Harwood: Principal
Sarah Mahoney: Dean of Student Engagement
Jeff Hamlin: High School Registrar
Daiceonna Henderson: Enrollment
Cindy Hills: Business Office