Wizards Newsletter
August 30th, 2024
Our Wizards were able to experience their first full week of school and meet all of their specials teachers. Throughout the week, kindergarten- fifth grade students have classes in PE, music, library, counseling and art. You should be receiving a teacher newsletter with your student's specials schedule soon. Today we also welcomed our preschool students for their first day!
Here are the common area expectations that we teach our wizards with our PBIS system.
PBIS Tickets are given out and used to acknowledge positive behaviors throughout our school. Ask your child if anyone reinforced their behavior with a ticket and verbal praise this week!
Next week, we will begin reading and math assessments for kindergarten through 5th graders. Teachers will use these screeners to plan instruction based on the unique needs of the students in their classroom. This will also alert us to students who may need additional support in these areas.
Have a wonderful Labor Day and we will see you back at school on Tuesday!
Morning Drop Off:
Drop off begins at 7:40am - First Bell rings at 7:50am - Tardy Bell rings at 7:55am
- School staff will begin car line at 7:40am
- Pull forward, as directed by staff
- Stay in your vehicle
- For safety reasons, please do NOT park and walk your student to the building
- If dropping off snacks or other large items, please alert staff if your child needs help
- Please stay in your drop off lane and behind the car in front of you
- Exit the parking lot in the lane you entered (school lane turns right on Oakdale and median lane turns left on Oakdale)
After School Pick Up:
Pick-up begins at 2:55pm (M,T, W, F) at 1:55pm (Th)
- Please visibly write the last name(s) of the child/ren you pick up on the back of this paper with heavy black marker
- Post or hold this sign in the front window of your vehicle during pick up so that staff can see the name/s
- Staff will begin the pick up line once school busses are loaded and leaving the parking lot
- Once signaled by staff to begin, please pull as far forward as possible to wait for your child/ren
- When all of your children are secured in their seatbelts, exit the parking lot safely
September 2nd- No School/District Closed
September 6th- Black/Gold/Hawkeye Spirit Attire Day
September 18th-20th & 23rd-24th- 5th Grade School of the Wild Field Trip
Linked here is our 2024-2025 District Calendar!
If your student will not be at school please make sure to let the office know!
PLEASE use Infinite Campus to input your student's absence ahead of time or morning of.
- Emily & Susan
macleod.emily@iowacityschools.org / schepanski.susan@iowacityschools.org
How do you prefer to receive updates/info from the school?
Any parent/guardian with a child who attends Wickham Elementary is automatically a member of the PTO, there are no membership fees and no registration needed. The Executive Board (also made up of parent volunteers) will share event information, volunteer opportunities, and PTO meeting notifications via emails and our Wickham PTO Facebook Page.
If you would like to be added to our newsletter email list please sign up here. All members of the PTO are invited to our monthly PTO meetings which occur on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM. The Zoom link will be sent out via our emails the morning of the meeting.
Please reach out to wickhampto@gmail.com with any questions.
During the 2024-2025 school year students will have the opportunity to travel off school grounds for various field trips! Prior to field trips, teachers will reach out about the plan. This communication will include specific details regarding the field trip. If you feel you need to keep your child from attending any field trip please contact their homeroom teacher PRIOR to the date of the event and alternate arrangements will be made.
Please complete one form for EACH of your students who attend Wickham!
Linked here: https://forms.gle/ofZ6BDg6Uc6iMQHT6
Looking for information on Securly, our web filtering tool?
Find all the information here www.IowaCitySchools.org/Securly.
Non Discrimination Policy
It is the policy of the Iowa City Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status in its educational programs, activities, or employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. If you have questions or a grievance related to this policy, please contact Eric Howard, Director of Equity and Employee Relations, 1725 N. Dodge St., Iowa City, IA 52245, 319-688-1000, howard.eric@iowacityschools.org.