LMS Weekly Reminder
Monday 3rd is an A-Day
Thursday 6th & Friday 7th are Early Dismissal Days
LMS Weekly Showcase
Students of the Month
Ryan Chew, Alice Dunn, Faith Helms, Brayden Herod, Teresa Le, Jack Loewe, Elliot Orthner, Josephine Pavis, Arianna Rodriguez, Chloe Roycroft, Jude Stiles, Nathaniel Thomas, Kain Wyne
Reminder About Lost & Found
Please remind your student to check in the Lost & Found for any missing items. Unclaimed items will be given to charity at the end of the week.
Have you Turned in your 6th Grader's Tdap & MCV Record?
Please submit your 6th grader's record of Tdap and MCV vaccine to the school nurses before schools get out got the summer. Maryland students must have these records on file at the school before 7th-grade entry.
Book your appointments now to avoid the August rush. Call or email your school nurses with the complete records or if you have any questions.
Leonardtown Middle School Nurse Contact Information
Katherine Robeson, RN krrobeson@smcps.org
Kimberly Powell, LPN kapowell@smcps.org
301-475-0230, Option 1
Fax 301-475-0237
End of Year Checkout Procedures for Students
Laptops will not be collected this year unless students are moving out of county or state.
All other materials (library books, novels, etc.,) should have been returned last Friday, May 31st.
Anything not returned is considered LOST and a fine will be assessed on the last day of school.
For additional information regarding Resources and Tech Accountability, please view this Newsletter.
MTSS & PTA are Joining Forces
MTSS and PTA are joining forces to welcome Leonardtown Middle School's annual field day! Any students who receive more than one referral that leads to an in or out of school suspension will not be permitted to participate in field day! Please view the flyer below for a sneak peak of what fun the 2024 PAWS Field Day will hold.
HAC Report Card Display
Summer Classes
SMCPS students can sign up for the following summer courses for original credit: Health 2, Foundations of Computer Science, Geometry, Spanish 1, and Spanish 2. This FLYER includes all of the details on how to register and course dates and times. Any questions can be directed to Heather Wysokinski.
Upcoming Events:
- June 5th is Field Day. Please consider donating concessions!
- 8th Grade Graduation Sign Photo Op! – A Graduation Sign will be placed in the school’s front yard from June 5-8 for your 8th grade graduate’s photos!
Thank you!
The PTA would like to thank the teachers, parents, and volunteers who participated in another successful year in supporting LMS. We are looking forward to what next year will bring!! Stay tuned for announcements for the 24/25 school year!
- President: Anthony Lotierzo
- Vice President: Ashlee Marcum
- Secretary: Jennifer Frost
- Treasurer: TBD – If interested, please contact asklmspta@gmail.com
The treasurer shall:
a. reconcile the bank statement each month and get signed by President;
b. make disbursements as authorized by the LMS PTA in accordance with the budget;
c. maintain such books of account and records as to conform to the requirements of these bylaws;
d. prepare and file all necessary tax forms, submitting a copy to Free State PTA;
e. submit a proposed annual budget to the LMS PTA for approval;
We have 84 members and growing! Join the PTA and helping support our school! https://lmspta20.memberhub.com or scan the QR code. Be a part of the LMS School Improvement Plan!
https://www.facebook.com/LeonardtownMiddleSchoolPta Don’t forget to Like the Leonardtown Middle School PTA Facebook page!
Box Tops for Education Fundraising
https://www.boxtops4education.com/s/get-the-app - Scanning your receipts for BoxTops and help raise money for LMS!
Harris Teeter Together in Education Fundraising
https://tie.harristeeter.com/together-in-education - LMS #6498 - Link your HT VIC account to LMS, for easy fundraising!
LMS Beautification Committee
We are interested in improving the path to the school’s mailbox! Do you have ideas or equipment that could help and you are willing to donate your time or supplies? Want to be on or lead the committee? Please contact the LMS PTA at asklmspta@gmail.com. Thanks!
Student Resource Accountability
About Leonardtown Middle School
Website: https://schools.smcps.org/lms/
Location: 24015 Point Lookout Road, Leonardtown, MD 20650, USA
Phone: (301) 475-0230
Twitter: @lms_smcps