November Principal's Newsletter
November 3, 2024
A Note of Gratitude
During the month of November, Grandview Elementary and Morrisville Intermediate School staff and students will be reflecting on what we are grateful for in class. We would love to hear from our valued families about what and who you are grateful for at Grandview Elementary and Morrisville Intermediate School. Please take a brief moment to express your gratitude to our amazing staff by completing the survey linked below by Friday, November 22, 2024.
Your words of appreciation make a great impact on our school climate and culture. We will compile all responses and share them with the staff on November 27th.
Diwali began on November 1st. Sharing some resources on Diwali from our Diversity Committee linked below.
Celebrating our October Citizens of the Month
On November 1st, we honored and recognized our October Citizens of the Month. Students selected were recognized for setting goals and working towards those set goals. November is also Epilepsy Awareness Month. Students learned more about epilepsy from 5th grader Jack! Thank you to Chief Ciampa and Officer Halas for joining us!
Eli in Kindergarten was our winner of our monthly BARK Bone Gift Card drawing!
Learning more about Epilepsy from Jack!
Thank you Chief Ciampa and Officer Halas!
In the month of October Grandview students earned 902 BARK Bones and Morrisville Intermediate students earned 610 BARK Bones! A total of 1,512 BARK Bones for the month of October!
Congratulations to the following students who have been selected as a BARK Bone winner for the month of October.
Grandview Elementary
Carson - Kindergarten
Ana - 1st Grade
Gianni - 1st Grade
A'lijah- 1st Grade
Raine - 2nd Grade
John- 2nd Grade
Angelica - 2nd Grade
Kenzie (2time winner)- 2nd Grade
Morrisville Intermediate School
Inaya - 3rd Grade
Santi - 4th Grade
Victoria - 4th Grade
Keira - 4th Grade
Jayden - 4th Grade
Emily F. - 5th Grade
Mason- 5th Grade
Sameer - 5th Grade
Lucia - 5th Grade
In the month of October there were 79 behavior referrals with 34 majors and 45 minors.
The most common locations for unexpected behaviors were the playground, classroom, and cafeteria. The most reported behaviors were those that involved physical contact, defiance, and disrespect.
To respond to this data, we have added more structured activities to our recess time and will continue to reteach and positively reinforce our BARK expectations for areas of need.
An important positive sign for our school is that over 90% of students have 1 or fewer behavior referrals at this point of the year. This tells us that the majority of our students are making appropriate choices and following our BARK expectations at school.
Attendance Initiative
Punctuality and regular attendance are essential skills that children need to learn at an early age to prepare for lifelong career opportunities. Consistent attendance and punctuality are critical to each child’s maximum learning experience.
One of my Principal goals this year is to increase student attendance rates by 5% from last year. In an effort to do so, beginning this month, we will recognize those students who have perfect attendance for the month at our next Citizen of the Month Assembly.
If your child(ren) will be absent from school, please email with your child's name, grade, and reason for being absent.
There will be a PTO meeting on Thursday, November 14th at 6:00 p.m. at Grandview Elementary! We hope to see you there!
If you are interested in joining our PTO or helping with events throughout the school year, please email .
Parent - Teacher Conferences
Parent - Teacher Conferences will be held on Tuesday, November 26th and Wednesday, November 27th. We are offering parents/guardians with the option of either an in-person or virtual conference. Please see the attached letter below regarding more information about Parent-Teacher Conferences.
All Conference forms are due on Friday, November 8th.
This Month in Classroom Champions is all about Emotions
This month in Classroom Champions, we will focus on Emotions and how to manage our emotions. Self-regulation is a core skill that students need to learn in order to be successful in life. Students who can regulate their emotions are better able to engage in school, focus on the task at hand, and have healthier relationships.
Our Citizen of the Month trait for November will be focused one students who manage their emotions appropriately.
See what Rosie has to teach us about Emotions this month:
Parents Make a Difference Newsletter
Check out this month's Parents Make a Difference Newsletter linked below.
Important Dates this Month
- 11/1 - Citizen of the Month Assembly (Students and Staff Only);
- 11/4 - Picture Day
- 11/5 -School Closed - Election Day; Teacher Professional Development Day
- 11/6 - Student Government Meeting 8 a.m.; Pretzel Day - Pre-Orders Only; Chorus 3 p.m. - 4 p.m.
- 11/7 - End of 1st Quarter; Chorus 8:00 a.m.
- 11/8 - Early Dismissal 11:30 a.m.
- 11/10 - 11/15 - World Kindness Week; School Psychology Awareness Week
- 11/11 - District Closed - Veterans' Day
- 11/12 - Bells Practice 8:00 a.m.; 2nd Grade Snipes Nutrition Lessons
- 11/13 - Chorus 3 p.m. - 4 p.m.; School Board Agenda Meeting 7:00 p.m.
- 11/14 - Chorus 8:00 a.m.; PTO Open Meeting 6:00 p.m. at Grandview Elementary
- 11/18 - 11/22 - American Education Week
- 11/20 - Educational Support Professionals Day; Pretzel Day - Pre-Orders Only; Chorus 3 p.m. - 4 p.m.; School Board Meeting 7:30 p.m.
- 11/21 - Chorus 8:00 a.m.
- 11/22 - Substitute Education Day
- 11/26 - Bells Practice 8:00 a.m.; Early Dismissal - 11:30 am; Report Card Conferences
- 11/27 - No school for students; Report Card Conferences
- 11/28 & 29 - District Closed