Board Briefs
August 20, 2024

Board Briefs - November 12, 2024
Superintendent's Report
- Dr. Hart introduced Mr. Timothy Charleston, Princpal of Readington Middle School. Mr. Charleston shared that it was recently announced that RMS was awarded the AMLE School of Distinction Award. Please click here to view the presentation.
Administrative Reports
- The October Enrollment - Drill Report was approved.
- The district bill list was approved.
- District travel was approved.
- A parental transportation contract was approved.
- The 2025-2026 Preschool Facilities Waiver was approved.
- An amendment to the 2024-2025 school year grant applications and acceptance of funds were approved.
- A Memorandum of Understanding Agreement for Reunification for the 2024-2025 school year was approved.
- The Uniform State Memorandum of Agreement between Education and Law Enforcement Officials for the 2024-2025 school year was approved.
- The sale of surplus property was approved.
- Fundraisers were approved for Whitehouse School, Holland Brook School and Readington Middle School for the 2024-2025 school year.
- Addditional HSA fundraisers were approved for the 2024-2025 school year.
- Additional field trips were approved for the 2024-2025 school year.
- The 2024-2025 Nursing Service Plan was approved.
- The 2025-2026 Three Year Preschool Program Plan and Annual Update was approved.
- The 2025-2026 Preschool Enrollment Projection was approved.
- The Sustainable Jersey for Schools Small Grant Application was approved.
- Out of District contract for a student to attend Midland School for the 2024-2025 school year was ratified and approved.
- Cross County Clinical & Educational Services, Inc. to provide services was approved.
- Rajeswari Muthuswamy, MD, Center for Behavioral Health MD PA to provide services was approved.
- First Children Services was ratified and approved to provide home instruction.
- Substitute teacher placements were approved.
- The following appointments were ratified and approved: Katazyna Pinto/WHS-Preschool Aide, John Ryniewicz/HBS-Cafeteria Aide, Aidan Harris/TBS-Preschool Bus Aide, Kimberly Pfauth/TBS-Preschool Bus Aide, Keri Morabito/WHS-Preschool Bus Aide, Fei Gao/GPA-Preschool Bus Aide, and Mei Liu/WHP-Preschool Bus Aide.
- The following appointments were approved: Miguelina Rodriguez/Transportation-Bus Driver, Robert Mikita/Transportation-Bus Driver, Maureen Carroll/WHP-Preschool Bus Aide, Krista Pachuta/RMS-LTS SE Teacher, and Christina Lilly/RMS-LTS LA Teacher.
- The termination of a bus driver was approved.
- The September 10, 2024 agenda motion 5.10 was amended as follows: Student Council Club Advisor from Jennifer Heller to Erica Applegate.
- The July 23, 2024 agenda motion 5.12 was amended as follows: Assistant Wrestling Coach from David deVelder to Adam Lillia.
- The following mentor was approved: Tiffany Barca for Alexander Bors.
- Colleen Ogden was approved as the Summer Enrichment Coordinator for the Summer of 2025.
- Helena Coelho was ratified and approved as an afternoon bus aide.
- Jennifer Rourke was ratified and approved to provide multi-sensory reading instruction for a student.
- Nancy Hill was ratified and approved as a chaperone for gaming club and art club.
- Jeanne Dombrowski was ratified and approved for a special skills stipend.
- Jessica Richter was approved as the RMS Spring Musical Audio Technician Club Advisor for the 2024-2025 school year.
- The following resignation was approved: Phoebe Stedman/RMS-LTS SE Teacher.
- Four policies for second reading and one policy for first reading were approved.
New Business
- The district will host a Referendum Community Forum on Tuesday, December 3, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. in the BOE Conference Room. To view the invite, please click here. For additional information, please click here to visit the district's referendum page.
Next Board Meeting
The next Board of Education meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 10, 2024, at 7:00 p.m., and will be held in person in the Board Conference Room in the Board of Education office wing of Holland Brook School. To join via YouTube, please click here. Please review the agenda that will be posted on December 6, 2024.
Contact Information
Doreen Harris / 908-534-2897
Doreen Harris
Confidential Secretary to the Superintendent